![235 - hockey results with a familiar feel](docs/nhl-235-banner.png) # nhl-235 NHL results on your command-line with a familiar feel. For decades, number 235 has been an important part of the morning routine of Finnish hockey fans. YLE's (Finnish Broadcasting Company) teletext page 235 displays on-going or latest results for NHL games. Its cultural importance is so big that I wanted to pay homage to it with this project. ## Status of the project I consider 235 as pretty much feature-complete at this point. I'll fix bugs if I run into them and at some point I'll take a look at learning how to build it for other platforms than just Mac. Other than that, the project is not dead or abandoned even though it won't receive updates – it's just, you know, working. ## Install ### Cargo You can either install via [Rust's Cargo](https://crates.io): ``` cargo install nhl-235 ``` I recommend adding a symlink to have a traditional `235` feeling: ``` ln -s ~/.cargo/bin/nhl-235 /usr/local/bin/235 ``` If you're storing your cargo packages in a different folder, replace `~/.cargo/bin/nhl-235` with your folder path. ### Download binaries or [download the latest binaries from GitHub](https://github.com/Hamatti/nhl-235/releases/latest). Store the file with filename `235` in a folder that is in the path. ## Usage ### Basic usage ``` 235 ``` ### Highlight favorite players 235 (from `1.2.0` onwards) supports configurable highlights of individual players. To do this, you first need to create a config file to your home directory called `.235.config` and then call the script with ``` 235 --highlight ``` ### Show player stats for favorite players From `1.3.0` onwards, you can see your favorite players' game stats (goals + assists) by defining those players in `$HOME/.235.config` (a list of last names, one per line) and running ``` 235 --stats ``` ### Current version ``` 235 --version ``` ## License This project is [licensed under the MIT License](LICENSE) ## Acknowledgements ### nhl-score-api This project uses [peruukki/nhl-score-api](https://github.com/peruukki/nhl-score-api) for the data. ### Futurice Spice Program Development of 235 has been a grateful recipient of the [Futurice Open Source sponsorship program](https://spiceprogram.org). ### YLE Tekstitv None of this would exist without the cultural importance of [YLE's teletext](https://yle.fi/aihe/tekstitv) and the page 235 has had in Finnish hockey fan culture.