# Nib CLI `nib-cli` is a command line utility to a yet another static site generator Nib. ## Usage ### Installation ```zsh % cargo install nib-cli ``` ### Configuration ```zsh # e.g. % cat config.toml [website] title = "An awesome blog" description = """ """ lang = "en" # language_code url = "" # the top most directory (e.g. blog) will be omitted in url include = [ "blog/**/*.rst" ] license = "CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0" # this or [[website.metadata.authors]] either is required # authors = [ # "Yasuhiro Яша Asaka ", # ] [build] target-dir = "dst" [[website.metadata.authors]] name = "Yasuhiro Яша Asaka" nick = "grauwoelfchen" bio = """ A Programmer. I'm hacking on Gentoo/Funtoo Linux. I love greens and vegetables. """ email = "yasuhiro.asaka@grauwoelfchen.net" avatar = "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/...?s=40" ``` ### Writing article ```zsh % cat blog/post/article.rst .. title:: Nice foo .. lang:: en # optional .. date:: 2018-01-31 12:04:00 UTC .. description:: This is an article about nice foo. # optional .. slug:: foo.html # optional (default filename as is) Foo is nice! # above blank line before content is required ``` ### Generate Put your articles under a directory which is contained in `include` section in config file. ```zsh # e.g. blog % tree blog blog ├── post │   └── article.rst └── hello-word.rst ``` And then generate HTML files into a directory specified with `target-dir`. ```zsh % nib ``` The output result looks like this: ```zsh % tree dst dst ├── css │   └── index.css ├── hello-world.html ├── img ├── index.html ├── js └── post    └── foo.html ``` ## Development See `nib-server`. ## License `Apache-2.0` See [LICENSE](https://gitlab.com/grauwoelfchen/nib/-/blob/master/LICENSE)