# Supported platforms - linux systems (Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Solaris, Redox, and so on) - Windows - Android - iPhone # cannot support platform yet - wasi https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-libc/issues/196 - wasm # function ## Android - get ## iPhone - get ## Windows, Linux, macOS - get - set ! macOS is not stable because not using native api yet # Rust target https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/rustc/platform-support.html # build look README.md on example https://github.com/nziq53/nickname/tree/main/examples/common # next ## macOS use native api be able to `miri` ## Android be able to `miri` ## iPhone be able to `miri` ## linux be able to `miri` on set func # extension function ## Android - finish call finishAndRemoveTask() - get_device_api_level get api_level call VERSION.SDK_INT - check_permission_old check permission - check_permission_new check permission # github actions test on mobile ## android - api-level 24: `error: "API level 25 or higher is required"` - api-level 30: `Android SDK built for x86_64` - api-level 33: `sdk_gphone_x86_64` # miri support - windows - linux(only get)