Version 1.0 =========== This is the 1.0 release! The syntax and the semantics of the core language have been stabilized and shouldn't evolve as much in the future. - The core semantics of the language have been reworked and stabilized, in particular (but not limited to) merging, types and contracts with the implementation of RFC005 - The stdlib has been augmented with many new functions - Parts of the syntax and some builtin symobls (types, stdlib functions, and so on) have been improved and made consistent - New features for the LSP, and in particular code completion Breaking changes ---------------- - Various functions from the stdlib have been renamed for better discoverability, and the stdlib got a lot of new additions. Please refer to the documentation of the stdlib. - String functions are now unicode-aware, and operate on the Unicode grapheme cluster abstraction instead of the character abstraction (`string.length`, `string.is_match`, etc.) - The `switch` keyword has been replaced by `match`, and can now be used as a standalone function (doesn't need to be applied right away) - The `Num` and `Str` builtin types have been renamed to `Number` and `String` by @yannham in - The `num` and `str` stdlib modules have been renamed to `number` and `string` - The `builtin.typeof` function now returns `'Number`, `'String`, `'Function` instead of respectively `'Num`, `'Str`, and `'Fun` - The `builtin.is_num`, `builtin.is_str` and `builtin.to_str` functions have been renamed to `is_number`, `is_string` and `to_string` - The `string.to_num` and `string.from_num` functions have been renamed to `to_number` and `from_number` - All the stdlib modules `array`, `string`, `record`, etc. have been put under a `std` namespace. They must now be accessed as `std.array`, `std.string` and so on. - RFC005 was implemented, which changes the semantics of contract annotations and merging. See [the RFC content]( for more details. Most notably, metadata annotation (default values, `optional`, documentation, etc.) can only appear next to a record field. Contract and type annotations can still appear anywhere. Documentation can still appear on let-bindings. - Use static dictionary types for `record.fields` and `record.values` by @matthew-healy in - Make type annotations to not propagate through merging by @yannham in - Change to dictionary contracts and introduction of a separate dictionary contract (in addition to dictionary type): - Fix dictionary contract semantics by @vkleen in - Introduce dictionary contracts by @yannham in - Stdlib `string.Stringingable` -> `string.Stringable` by @vkleen in - Fix the type of `array.elem` by @yannham in - Change the enum tag start delimiter from backtick to single-quote by @vkleen in - `import` is now a statement, `import "foo.ncl" arg1 arg2` requires parenthesis now: `(import "foo.ncl") arg1 arg2`, see Language features ----------------- - Symbolic strings by @matthew-healy in - [RFC005] Lazy propagation by @yannham in - Non-exported record fields by @vkleen in - Enrich label custom reporting data by @yannham in - Use type annotations in record patterns during typechecking by @matthew-healy in - Use arbitrary precision rationals as the underlying representation of numbers by @yannham in - Allow equal arrays to be merged in order to make merge idempotent by @yannham in - Use deterministic hashtables, making runtime errors and typechecking error deterministic by @yannham in Stdlib ------ - Add a %trace% primop (and `std.trace` function) by @vkleen in - Add `std.contract.Equal` contract to the stdlib by @yannham in Tooling ------- - Display meta information when providing completion in - LSP completion for import terms by @ebresafegaga in - Fix LSP server not giving completion when a non-contract meta-information is present in a declaration by @ebresafegaga in - Fix LSP not giving completion when an identifier is prefixed by a delimiting character by @ebresafegaga in - Improve the "goto definition" feature of the LSP by making it work across multiple files by @ebresafegaga in - Add --color option to the CLI by @matthew-healy in - Make the "find references" feature of the LSP work across multiple files by @ebresafegaga in - Add support for LSP completion using the surrounding context by @ebresafegaga (context completion) in - Support completion for field names inside recursive records. by @ebresafegaga in - Improve contract violation error reporting by @ebresafegaga in - Add a JSON documentation export option by @vkleen in - Add support for formatting capabilities to the LSP by @ebresafegaga in Fixes ----- - Do not panic on type path mismatch by @yannham in - Fix multiline string interpolation when preceded by a `"` character by @matthew-healy in - Improve the performance of `std.array.fold_left` and `std.array.fold_right` by @vkleen in - Correctly type identifiers introduced in destructuring patterns by @matthew-healy in - Always include fields with a value in `record.fields` by @vkleen in - Make partially applied boolean operators work by @vkleen in Version 0.3.1 (2022-12-15) ========================== Fixes ----- - Fix blame error when calling `string.find` by @euank in Version 0.3 (2022-12-07) ========================= Fixes ----- - Fix polymorphic contracts unduly changing semantics by @ebresafegaga in - Fix typechecking and unification in presence of flat types (aka opaque types, aka contracts) by @yannham in - Fix polarity for polymorphic contract failure by @ebresafegaga in - Fix panic when a row mismatch occurs while unifying row tails by @matthew-healy in - Fix type to term conversion causing unbound type variables errors by @francois-caddet in - Fix bad lexing of enum tags by @matthew-healy in - Fix multiple recursive overriding by @yannham in Language features ----------------- - Optional fields by @yannham in - Numeral merge priorities by @yannham in - Recursive merge priorities (or push-priorities, or leafy priorities) by @yannham in - Change `switch` to `match` and make it a proper function by @yannham in Stdlib ------ - Statically type `string.join` by @matthew-healy in Tooling ------- - Add record completion in the LSP by @ebresafegaga in - - - - - Add completion for Nickel's stdlib in the LSP by @ebresafegaga in Performances ------------ - Lazy array contracts by @fuzzypixelz in - Array slices by @fuzzypixelz in - String interning for identifiers by @Acaccia in Version 0.2 (2022-07-29) ========================= Breaking changes ---------------- - Using a contract as part of a static type annotation will in most cases fail with an appropriate error message. This is a temporary limitation in order to fix previously unsound behavior in the typechecker. This restriction will likely be lifted in the upcoming 0.3.x release. For more details, see issues [#701]( and [#724]( Fixes ----- - Fix unnecessarily restricted record contract for `record.update` - Fix wrong interpretation of long interpolation-like sequences `%..%{` in strings - Fix panic when evaluating a `switch` in specific cases - Fix fields without definition being assigned to `null`, instead of just being marked as undefined Language features ----------------- - Merging null values together gives null, and merging empty lists together gives an empty list, instead of failing with `error: non mergeable terms` - Add recursive let-bindings (`let rec`) - Add type wildcards. Use `_` in place of a type to let the typechecker fill the gap. Example: `let foo : _ = array.all ((==) 2) [1,2,3]` - Add `builtin.to_str` and `string.from` to convert generic values to a string - Re-introduce an official syntax for enum types Tooling ------- - Add the `nickel pprint-ast` command to pretty print a parsed program (mostly debugging purpose) - Add the `nickel doc` command to produce markdown documentation from the in-code `doc` metadata Documentation ------------- - Fix various typos and remove use of deprecated syntax in the user manual Version 0.1 (2022-03-10) ========================= First release! The main focus has been the design of the Nickel language itself. Language features ----------------- - Gradual type system with row types, polymorphism and type inference - Contract system for data validation - Merge system for recursive records that supports one level of overriding - Metadata annotations (default values, documentation, etc.) - Unified syntax for terms, types and contracts (RFC002) - Record destructuring Tooling ------- - The main binary supports the following subcommands: - `nickel query` to show metadata and documentation of library functions, the field of a configuration, etc. - `nickel export` to serialize to JSON, YAML, or TOML - `nickel repl` to launch an REPL - `nickel typecheck` to do typechecking without evaluating - An LSP-server is included Documentation ------------- - User manual sections on syntax, correctness (types and contracts), and merging - The standard library has been documented in-code (use `nickel query`/`:query` to retrieve it) Known limitations ----------------- - The roadmap for overriding and the merge system (RFC001) has not been implemented fully yet. - Performance has not been prioritized. - Due to the use of reference counting as a memory management strategy, mutually recursive record fields are currently leaking memory. This shouldn't be an issue in a standard workflow. - Standard library APIs and language features are subject to change. There is no backward compatibility guarantees for this version. In general, this release is meant for experimenting and getting user feedback, but isn't intended to be used in production.