defns Jstlc :: '' ::= defn Psi |- t1 <: t2 :: :: subtyping :: Sub_ by a set_in Psi ------------- :: ReflVar Psi |- a <: a A set_in Psi ------------- :: ReflRowVar Psi |- A <: A ------------------------------------------------------------- :: ReflForall Psi |- forall a1 ... an . t_mono <: forall a1 ... an . t_mono ------------------------------------------------------------- :: ReflForallRow Psi |- forall A1 ... An . t_mono <: forall A1 ... An . t_mono Psi |- t3 <: t1 Psi |- t2 <: t4 --------------------------- :: Arrow Psi |- t1 -> t2 <: t3 -> t4 t is_not_var --------------- :: Dyn Psi |- t <: Dyn Psi |- t <: u ------------------------- :: Array Psi |- Array t <: Array u Psi |- t <: u ------------------------- :: DynRecord1 Psi |- {_ : t} <: {_ : u} Psi |- ti <: ui -------------------------------------------------------- :: Record Psi |- { l1 : t1, .., ln : tn} <: { l1 : u1, .., ln: un} Psi |- ti <: ui ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :: DynTail Psi |- { l1 : t1, .. , ln : tn, l'1 : t'1, .., l'm : t'm } <: { l1 : u1, .., ln: un | Dyn } Psi |- ti <: u --------------------------------------- :: DynRecord2 Psi |- { l1 : t1, .., ln : tn} <: {_ : u} %Psi |- u %Psi |- t1[u/a] <: t2 %------------------------- :: ForallLeft %Psi |- forall a. t1 <: t2 % %%Psi |- {rows}' %Psi |- t1[rows/A] <: t2 %------------------------- :: ForallRowLeft %Psi |- forall A. t1 <: t2 % %Psi, a |- t1 <: t2 %------------------------- :: ForallRight %Psi |- t1 <: forall a. t2 %Psi, A |- t1 <: t2 %------------------------- :: ForallRowRight %Psi |- t1 <: forall A. t2 defn G |- e has_type t :: :: type :: T_ {{ com Well-typed expressions }} by x : t set_in G ----------------- :: Var G |- x has_type t G, x : t1 |- e has_type t2 --------------------------- :: Abs G |- \x.e has_type t1 -> t2 %G |- e1 has_type t1 -> t2 %G |- e2 has_type t1 %------------------------- :: App %G |- e1 e2 has_type t2 G |- e1 has_type t1 G, x : t1 |- e2 has_type t2 --------------------------------- :: Let G |- let x = e1 in e2 has_type t2 G |- e has_type t_mono ----------------------------------------- :: Gen G |- e has_type forall a1 ... an . t_mono G |- e has_type t_mono ----------------------------------------- :: GenRow G |- e has_type forall A1 ... An . t_mono G |- e has_type forall a1 ... an . t_mono ----------------------------------------- :: Inst G |- e has_type t_mono[u'/a] G |- e has_type forall A1 ... An . t_mono ----------------------------------------- :: InstRow G |- e has_type t_mono[rows/A] G |- ei has_type ti ----------------------------------------------------------- :: RecordI G |- {l1 = e1, .., ln = en} has_type {l1 : t1, .., ln : tn} G |- ei has_type t ------------------------------------------- :: DynRecordI G |- {l1 = e1, .., ln = en} has_type {_: t} G |- e has_type {l1 : t1, .., ln : tn} -------------------------------------- :: Proj G |- has_type ti G |- e has_type {_ : t} -------------------------------------- :: DynProj G |- e.l has_type t G |- e has_type G |- ei has_type t ----------------------------------------------------------- :: Case G |- case e of {l1 <- e1, .., ln <- en} has_type t G |- ei has_type t --------------------------------- :: ArrayI G |- [e1, .., en] has_type Array t G |- e has_type Array t ---------------------- :: Head G |- head e has_type t G |- e has_type Array t --------------------------- :: Tail G |- tail e has_type Array t G |- e has_type t ----------------------- :: Annot G |- (e : t) has_type t ------------------- :: Dyn G |- e has_type Dyn % Should we put include the row weakening/embeding here, directly? Or use a % widening subtyping? I think we want to avoid widening, because it is really a % non-trivial phenomenon with respect to subtyping: without other subtyping % rules (beside standard arrow, covariance, etc.), it already makes the % subtyping relation non-trivial (!= identity). ----------------------- :: Enum G |- ` l has_type --------------------- :: Contract G |- e @ t has_type t defn G |- h infers_head t :: :: infers_head :: BidirInfHead_ by x : t set_in G -------------------- :: Var G |- x infers_head t G |- e infers {l1 : t1, .., ln : tn} -------------------------------------- :: Proj G |- infers_head ti G |- e infers {_: t} ---------------------- :: DynProj G |- e.l infers_head t %G |- e checks %G |- ei infers t %------------------------------------------------ :: Case %G |- case e of {l1 <- e1, .., ln <- en} infers t G |- e infers Array t ----------------------- :: Head G |- head e infers_head t G |- e infers Array t ------------------------------- :: Tail G |- tail e infers_head Array t G |- e checks t -------------------------- :: Annot G |- (h : t) infers_head t -------------------------- :: Contract G |- e @ t infers_head t G |- h infers t_mono ------------------------- :: Infer G |- h infers_head t_mono defn G |- e infers t :: :: infers :: BidirInf_ by G |- h e1 .. en inst_as t1, .., tn, t_mono G |- ei checks ti -------------------------------------------- :: App G |- h e1 .. en infers t_mono %G |- e1 inst_as t1 -> t2 %G |- e2 checks t1 %------------------ :: AppInst %G |- e1 e2 infers t2 %G |- e infers {l1 : t1, .., ln : tn} %------------------------------------ :: Proj %G |- infers ti %G |- e infers {_: t} %------------------------------------ :: DynProj %G |- e.l infers t G |- e checks G |- ei infers t_mono ----------------------------------------------------- :: Case G |- case e of {l1 <- e1, .., ln <- en} infers t_mono %G |- e infers Array t %--------------------- :: Head %G |- head e infers t % %G |- e infers Array t %-------------------------- :: Tail %G |- tail e infers Array t %G |- e checks t %--------------------- :: Annot %G |- (e : t) infers t %------------------- :: Contract %G |- e @ t infers t -------------------- :: Null G |- null infers Dyn defn G |- e checks t :: :: checks :: BidirCheck_ by G |- e checks t_mono -------------------------------------- :: Gen G |- e checks forall a1 ... an. t_mono G |- e checks t_mono -------------------------------------- :: GenRow G |- e checks forall A1 ... An. t_mono G, x : t1 |- e checks t2 ------------------------- :: Abs G |- \x.e checks t1 -> t2 G |- e1 infers t G, x : t |- e2 checks t_mono ----------------------------------- :: Let G |- let x = e1 in e2 checks t_mono G |- h e1 .. en inst_as t1, .., tn, t_mono G |- ei checks ti ------------------------------------------ :: App G |- h e1 .. en checks t_mono G |- e checks G |- ei checks t_mono ----------------------------------------------------- :: Case G |- case e of {l1 <- e1, .., ln <- en} checks t_mono G |- ei checks ti -------------------------------------------------------- :: Record G |- {l1 = e1, .., ln = en} checks {l1 : t1, .., ln : tn} G |- ei checks t ------------------------------------------- :: DynRecord G |- {l1 = e1, .., ln = en} checks {_: t} G |- ei checks t ------------------------------ :: Array G |- [e1, .., en] checks Array t G |- e infers t_mono1 Psi |- t_mono1 <: t_mono2 ------------------------- :: Sub G |- e checks t_mono2 defn G |- e inst_as t1, .., tn, t_mono :: :: inst_as :: BidirInst_ by defn Psi , Ccontext constr_solves Ccontext' :: :: constr_solves :: ConstrSolves_ by ----------------------------------------------------------- :: Refl Psi, Ccontext, t_unif <: t_unif constr_solves Ccontext -------------------------------------------------------- :: VarUnif Psi, Ccontext, d <: a constr_solves Ccontext, d = a -------------------------------------------------------- :: RowVarUnif Psi, Ccontext, d <: A constr_solves Ccontext, d = A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: ForallUnif Psi, Ccontext, d <: forall a1 .. an . t_unif_mono constr_solves Ccontext, d = forall a1 .. an . t_unif_mono ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: ForallRowUnif Psi, Ccontext, d <: forall a1 .. an . t_unif_mono constr_solves Ccontext, d = forall a1 .. an . t_unif_mono -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: ArrowUnif Psi, Ccontext , d <: t_unif1 -> t_unif2 constr_solves Ccontext , ( t_unif1 <: d1 , d2 <: t_unif2 , d = d1 -> d2 ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: ArrayUnif Psi, Ccontext, d <: Array t_unif constr_solves Ccontext, ( f <: t_unif, d = Array f ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: RecordUnif Psi, Ccontext , d <: {l1 : t1, .., li : ti} constr_solves Ccontext , (f1 <: t1, .. , fi <: ti , d = {l1 : f1, .., li : fi}) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: DynRecordUnif Psi, Ccontext, d <: {_: t_unif} constr_solves Ccontext, ( d1 <: t_unif, d = {_ : d1} ) ------------------------------------------------------------ :: Var Psi, Ccontext , t_unif <: t_unif constr_solves Ccontext t_unif is_not_var t_unif is_not_unif_var -------------------------------------------------------- :: Dyn Psi, Ccontext, t_unif <: Dyn constr_solves Ccontext -------------------------------------------------------- :: LowerDyn Psi, Ccontext, Dyn <: d constr_solves Ccontext, d = Dyn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :: Array Psi, Ccontext, Array t_unif <: Array u_unif constr_solves Ccontext, t_unif <: u_unif % Etc for all forms d <: T a1 .. an ------------------------------------------------------------------- :: DynRecord1 Psi, Ccontext, {_: t} <: {_: u} constr_solves Ccontext, t <: u ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: Record Psi, Ccontext , {l1 : t_unif1, .. , li : t_unifi} <: {l1 : u_unif1, .., li : u_unifi} constr_solves Ccontext , t_unif1 <: u_unif1, .. , t_unifi <: u_unifi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: DynRecord2 Psi, Ccontext , { l1 : t1, .., li : ti} <: {_ : u} constr_solves Ccontext , t1 <: u , .. , ti <: u % forall C in Ccontext, C solved and C != t <: c Ccontext is_solved t_unifi is_not_unif_var max t1 .. tj = u_unif d <: t_unif' not_in Ccontext t_unif' <: d not_in Ccontext ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: UpperBound Psi, Ccontext , ( t_unif1 <: d , .. , t_unifi <: d , d1 <: d , .. , dj <: d ) constr_solves Ccontext , ( d1 <: u_unif , .. , dj <: u_unif , d = u_unif ) defn max t_unif1 .. t_unifn = u_unif :: :: max :: Max_ by t_unif1 join .. join t_unifn = u_unif exists i. t_unifi = u_unif ------------------------------------- :: Max max t_unif1 .. t_unifn = u_unif %defn %e --> e' :: :: Jeval :: E_ % {{ com Small-step reduction }} %by % %e --> e' %-------------- :: App1 %e e2 --> e' e2 % %----------------------- :: AppAbs %(\x.e1) e2 --> e1[e2/x] % Don't need the max actually, we can just unify things.