use assert_matches::assert_matches; use codespan::Files; use nickel_lang::error::{Error, EvalError, IntoDiagnostics, TypecheckError}; use nickel_lang_utilities::test_program::{eval, program_from_expr}; macro_rules! assert_raise_blame { ($term:expr) => {{ assert_matches!( eval($term), Err(Error::EvalError(EvalError::BlameError {..})) ) }}; ($term:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => {{ assert_matches!( eval($term), Err(Error::EvalError(EvalError::BlameError {..})), $($arg)+ ) }} } macro_rules! assert_raise_tail_blame { ($term:expr) => {{ assert_matches!( eval($term), Err(Error::EvalError(EvalError::IllegalPolymorphicTailAccess { .. })) ) }}; ($term:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => {{ assert_matches!( eval($term), Err(Error::EvalError(EvalError::IllegalPolymorphicTailAccess{ .. })), $($arg)+ ) }} } #[test] fn flat_contract_fail() { assert_raise_blame!( "let AlwaysTrue = fun l t => let boolT | Bool = t in if boolT then boolT else %blame% l in (false | AlwaysTrue)" ); } #[test] fn id_fail() { assert_raise_blame!( "let id | forall a. a -> a = fun x => false in id false && false" ); } #[test] fn enum_simple() { assert_raise_blame!("'far | [|'foo, 'bar|]"); assert_raise_blame!("123 | [|'foo, 'bar|]"); assert_raise_blame!("'foo | [| |]"); } #[test] fn metavalue_contract_default_fail() { assert_raise_blame!("{val | default | Number = true}.val"); } #[test] fn merge_contract() { assert_raise_blame!("let r = {a=2} & {a | Bool} in r.a"); } #[test] fn merge_default_contract() { assert_raise_blame!("({a=2} & {b | Number} & {b | default = true}).b"); } #[test] fn merge_compose_contract() { let mk_composed = |arg| { format!( "let Even = fun l x => if x % 2 == 0 then x else %blame% l in let DivBy3 = fun l x => if x % 3 == 0 then x else %blame% l in let composed = {{a | Even}} & {{a | DivBy3}} in (({{a = {arg},}}) & composed).a" ) }; assert_raise_blame!(mk_composed("1")); assert_raise_blame!(mk_composed("14")); assert_raise_blame!(mk_composed("27")); assert_raise_blame!(mk_composed("10")); assert_raise_blame!(mk_composed("35")); } #[test] fn records_contracts_simple() { assert_raise_blame!("{a=1} | {}"); assert_raise_blame!("let x | {a: Number, s: String} = {a = 1, s = 2} in %deep_seq% x x"); assert_raise_blame!( "let x | {a: Number, s: String} = {a = \"a\", s = \"b\"} in %deep_seq% x x" ); assert_raise_blame!("let x | {a: Number, s: String} = {a = 1} in %deep_seq% x x"); assert_raise_blame!("let x | {a: Number, s: String} = {s = \"a\"} in %deep_seq% x x"); assert_raise_blame!( "let x | {a: Number, s: String} = {a = 1, s = \"a\", extra = 1} in %deep_seq% x x" ); assert_raise_blame!( "let x | {a: Number, s: {foo: Bool}} = {a = 1, s = {foo = 2}} in %deep_seq% x x" ); assert_raise_blame!( "let x | {a: Number, s: {foo: Bool}} = {a = 1, s = {foo = true, extra = 1}} in %deep_seq% x x" ); assert_raise_blame!("let x | {a: Number, s: {foo: Bool}} = {a = 1, s = {}} in %deep_seq% x x"); } #[test] fn records_contracts_poly() { for (name, input) in [ ( "record argument missing all required fields", r#" let f | forall a. { foo: Number; a } -> Number = fun r => in f { } "#, ), ( "record argument missing one required field", r#" let f | forall r. { x: Number, y: Number; r } -> { x: Number, y: Number; r } = fun r => r in f { x = 1 } "#, ), ( "function arg which does not satisfy higher-order contract", r#" let f | (forall r. { x: Number; r } -> { ; r }) -> { x: Number, y: Number } -> { y : Number } = fun g r => g r in f (fun r => r) { x = 1, y = 2 } "#, ), ( "invalid record argument to function arg", r#" let f | (forall r. { x: Number; r } -> { x: Number ; r }) -> { x: String, y: Number } -> { x: Number, y: Number } = fun g r => g r in # We need to evaluate x here to cause the error. (f (fun r => r) { x = "", y = 1 }).x "#, ), ( "return value without tail", r#" let f | forall r. { foo: Number; r } -> { foo: Number; r } = fun r => { foo = 1 } in f { foo = 1, other = 2 } "#, ), ( "return value with wrong tail", r#" let f | forall r r'. { a: Number; r } -> { a: Number; r' } -> { a: Number; r } = fun r r' => r' in f { a = 1, b = "yes" } { a = 1, b = "no" } "#, ), ] { assert_raise_blame!(input, "failed on case: {}", name); } // These cases raise a custom error to give the user more information // about what went wrong. for (name, input) in [ ( "mapping over a record violates parametricity", r#" let f | forall r. { a: Number; r } -> { a: String; r } = fun r => %record_map% r (fun x => %to_str% x) in f { a = 1, b = 2 } "#, ), ( "merging a record violates parametricity, lhs arg", r#" let f | forall r. { a : Number; r } -> { a: Number; r } = fun r => { a | force = 0 } & r in f { a | default = 100, b = 1 } "#, ), ( "merging a record violates parametricity, rhs arg", r#" let f | forall r. { a : Number; r } -> { a: Number; r } = fun r => r & { a | force = 0 } in f { a | default = 100, b = 1 } "#, ), ( "statically accessing a sealed field violates parametricity", r#" let f | forall a. { ; a } -> { ; a } = fun x => %seq% x.a x in f { a = 1 } "#, ), ( "dynamically accessing a sealed field violates parametricity", r#" let f | forall a. { ; a } -> { ; a } = fun x => %seq% x."a" x in f { a = 1 } "#, ), ( "removing a sealed field violates parametricity", r#" let remove_x | forall r. { ; r } -> { ; r } = fun r => %record_remove% "x" r in remove_x { x = 1 } "#, ), ] { assert_raise_tail_blame!(input, "failed on case: {}", name); } } #[test] fn lists_contracts() { use nickel_lang::label::ty_path::Elem; assert_matches!( eval("%force% ([1, \"a\"] | Array Number) 0"), Err(Error::EvalError(EvalError::BlameError { .. })) ); assert_matches!( eval("1 | Array Dyn"), Err(Error::EvalError(EvalError::BlameError { .. })) ); assert_matches!( eval("(fun x => x) | Array Dyn"), Err(Error::EvalError(EvalError::BlameError { .. })) ); let res = eval("%force% ([{a = [1]}] | Array {a: Array String}) false"); match &res { Err(Error::EvalError(EvalError::BlameError { evaluated_arg: _, ref label, call_stack: _, })) => { assert_matches!(label.path.as_slice(), [Elem::Array, Elem::Field(id), Elem::Array] if &id.to_string() == "a") } err => panic!("expected blame error, got {err:?}"), } // Check that reporting doesn't panic. Provide a dummy file database, as we won't report // the error message but just check that it can be built. let mut files = Files::new(); res.unwrap_err().into_diagnostics(&mut files, None); let res = eval( "(%elem_at% (({foo = [(fun x => \"a\")]} | {foo: Array (forall a. a -> Number)}).foo) 0) false", ); match &res { Err(Error::EvalError(EvalError::BlameError { evaluated_arg: _, ref label, call_stack: _, })) => { assert_matches!(label.path.as_slice(), [Elem::Field(id), Elem::Array, Elem::Codomain] if &id.to_string() == "foo") } err => panic!("expected blame error, got {err:?}"), } res.unwrap_err().into_diagnostics(&mut files, None); } #[test] fn records_contracts_closed() { assert_raise_blame!("{a=1} | {}"); assert_raise_blame!("{a=1, b=2} | {a | Number}"); assert_raise_blame!( "let Contract = {a | Number} & {b | Number} in ({a=1, b=2, c=3} | Contract)" ); } #[test] fn dictionary_contracts() { use nickel_lang::label::ty_path::Elem; // dictionary contracts propagate through merging, as opposed to contracts derived from // dictionary types assert_raise_blame!("%force% (({foo} | {_ | Number}) & {foo = \"string\"}) true"); let res = eval("%force% ({foo = 1} | {_ | String}) false"); match &res { Err(Error::EvalError(EvalError::BlameError { evaluated_arg: _, ref label, call_stack: _, })) => { assert_matches!(label.path.as_slice(), [Elem::Dict]) } err => panic!("expected blame error, got {err:#?}"), } } #[test] fn enum_complex() { eval( "let f : [| 'foo, 'bar |] -> Number = match { 'foo => 1, 'bar => 2, } in f 'boo", ) .unwrap_err(); } // Regression test for #[test] fn type_path_with_aliases() { #[track_caller] fn assert_blame_dont_panic(expr: &str) { let mut p = program_from_expr(expr); let result = p.eval(); assert_matches!(result, Err(Error::EvalError(EvalError::BlameError { .. }))); // Check that the diagnostic is correctly produced; } assert_blame_dont_panic("let Foo = Array Number in %force% ([\"a\"] | Foo)"); assert_blame_dont_panic("let Foo = Number -> Number in ((fun x => \"a\") | Foo) 0"); assert_blame_dont_panic("let Foo = Number -> Number in ((fun x => x) | Foo) \"a\""); assert_blame_dont_panic( "let Foo = {foo: Number} in %force% (((fun x => {foo = \"a\"}) | Dyn -> Foo) null)", ); } #[test] fn contracts_dont_capture_typevar() { assert_matches!( eval("forall a b. b -> Array b -> {_ | a}"), Err(Error::TypecheckError(TypecheckError::UnboundIdentifier(ident, _))) if ident.label() == "a" ); assert_matches!( eval("forall a b. b -> Array b -> {foo | a -> Num}"), Err(Error::TypecheckError(TypecheckError::UnboundIdentifier(ident, _))) if ident.label() == "a" ); }