use assert_matches::assert_matches; use codespan::Files; use nickel_lang::cache::resolvers::DummyResolver; use nickel_lang::error::TypecheckError; use nickel_lang::parser::{grammar, lexer, ErrorTolerantParser}; use nickel_lang::term::RichTerm; use nickel_lang::types::{TypeF, Types}; use nickel_lang::{typecheck, typecheck::Context}; use nickel_lang_utilities::test_program::typecheck_fixture; fn type_check(rt: &RichTerm) -> Result<(), TypecheckError> { typecheck::type_check(rt, Context::new(), &DummyResolver {}).map(|_| ()) } #[track_caller] fn type_check_expr(s: impl std::string::ToString) -> Result<(), TypecheckError> { let s = s.to_string(); let id = Files::new().add("", s.clone()); type_check( &grammar::TermParser::new() .parse_strict(id, lexer::Lexer::new(&s)) .unwrap(), ) } macro_rules! assert_typecheck_fails { ($term:expr) => {{ assert_matches!(type_check_expr($term), Err(..)) }}; } #[test] fn unbound_variable_always_throws() { assert_matches!( type_check_expr("x"), Err(TypecheckError::UnboundIdentifier(..)) ) } #[test] fn promise_simple_checks() { assert_typecheck_fails!("true : Number"); assert_typecheck_fails!("34.5 : Bool"); assert_typecheck_fails!("(34 | Bool) : Number"); assert_typecheck_fails!("\"hello\" : Number"); } #[test] fn promise_complicated() { // Inside Promises we typecheck strictly assert_typecheck_fails!("let f : Bool -> Number = fun x => if x then x + 1 else 34 in f false"); // not annotated, non trivial let bindings type to Dyn assert_typecheck_fails!("let id = fun x => x in (id 4 : Number)"); // no implicit polymorphism assert_typecheck_fails!("(fun id => (id 4 : Number) + (id true : Bool)) (fun x => x)"); // contract equality (to be fair, the current implementation is full of issues: to be reworked) assert_typecheck_fails!("(fun x => x) : (fun l t => t) -> (fun l t => t)"); } #[test] fn simple_forall() { assert_typecheck_fails!( "let f : forall a. (forall b. a -> b -> a) = fun x y => y in f" ); assert_typecheck_fails!( "((fun f => let g : forall b. b -> b = fun y => y in f g) : ((forall a. a -> a) -> Number) -> Number) (fun x => 3)" ); assert_typecheck_fails!( "let g : Number -> Number = fun x => x in let f : forall a. a -> a = fun x => g x in f" ); } #[test] fn enum_simple() { assert_typecheck_fails!("'foo : [| 'bar |]"); assert_typecheck_fails!("match { 'foo => 3} 'bar : Number"); assert_typecheck_fails!("match { 'foo => 3, 'bar => true} 'bar : Number"); } #[test] fn enum_complex() { assert_typecheck_fails!( "(match {'bla => 1, 'ble => 2, 'bli => 4}) : [| 'bla, 'ble |] -> Number" ); // TODO typecheck this, I'm not sure how to do it with row variables // LATER NOTE: this requires row subtyping, not easy assert_typecheck_fails!( "(fun x => (x |> match {'bla => 3, 'bli => 2}) + (x |> match {'bla => 6, 'blo => 20})) 'bla : Number" ); assert_typecheck_fails!( "let f : forall r. [| 'blo, 'ble ; r |] -> Number = match {'blo => 1, 'ble => 2, 'bli => 3} in f" ); assert_typecheck_fails!( "let f : forall r. (forall p. [| 'blo, 'ble ; r |] -> [| 'bla, 'bli ; p |]) = match {'blo => 'bla, 'ble => 'bli, _ => 'blo} in f 'bli" ); } #[test] fn static_record_simple() { assert_typecheck_fails!("{bla = true} : {bla : Number}"); assert_typecheck_fails!("{blo = 1} : {bla : Number}"); assert_typecheck_fails!("{blo = 1}.blo : Bool"); assert_typecheck_fails!( "let f : forall a. (forall r. {bla : Bool, blo : a, ble : a ; r} -> a) = fun r => if r.bla then r.blo else r.ble in (f {bla = true, blo = 1, ble = true, blip = 'blip} : Number)" ); assert_typecheck_fails!( "let f : forall a. (forall r. {bla : Bool, blo : a, ble : a ; r} -> a) = fun r => if r.bla then (r.blo + 1) else r.ble in (f {bla = true, blo = 1, ble = 2, blip = 'blip} : Number)" ); } #[test] fn dynamic_record_simple() { assert_typecheck_fails!( "({ \"%{if true then \"foo\" else \"bar\"}\" = 2, \"foo\" = true, }.\"bla\") : Number" ); } #[test] fn simple_array() { assert_typecheck_fails!("[1, 2, false] : Array Number"); assert_typecheck_fails!("[(1 : String), true, \"b\"] : Array Dyn"); assert_typecheck_fails!("[1, 2, \"3\"] : Array String"); } #[test] fn arrays_operations() { assert_typecheck_fails!("(fun l => %elem_at% l 0) : forall a b. (Array a -> b)"); assert_typecheck_fails!( "(fun f l => %elem_at% (%map% l f) 0) : forall a. (forall b. (a -> b) -> Array Dyn -> b)" ); } #[test] fn recursive_records() { assert_typecheck_fails!("{a : Number = true, b = a + 1} : {a : Number, b : Number}"); assert_typecheck_fails!("{a = 1, b : Bool = a} : {a : Number, b : Bool}"); } #[test] fn let_inference() { assert_typecheck_fails!("(let x = 1 + 2 in let f = fun x => x ++ \"a\" in f x) : Number"); // Fields in recursive records are treated in the type environment in the same way as let-bound expressions assert_typecheck_fails!( "{ f = fun x => if x == 0 then false else 1 + (f (x + (-1)))} : {f : Number -> Number}" ); } /// Regression test following [#144]( Check that /// polymorphic type variables appearing inside a row type are correctly constrained at /// instantiation. #[test] fn polymorphic_row_constraints() { // Assert that the result of evaluation is either directly a `RowConflict` error, or a // `RowConflict` wrapped in an `ArrowTypeMismatch`. fn assert_row_conflict(res: Result<(), TypecheckError>) { assert!(match res.unwrap_err() { TypecheckError::RowConflict(_, _, _, _, _) => true, TypecheckError::ArrowTypeMismatch(_, _, _, err_boxed, _) => { matches!( err_boxed.as_ref(), TypecheckError::RowConflict(_, _, _, _, _) ) } _ => true, }) } let mut res = type_check_expr( "let extend | forall c. { ; c} -> {a: String ; c} = null in (let bad = extend {a = 1} in 0) : Number", ); assert_row_conflict(res); res = type_check_expr( "let remove | forall c. {a: String ; c} -> { ; c} = nul in (let bad = remove (remove {a = \"a\"}) in 0) : Number", ); assert_row_conflict(res); } /// Regression test following [#841]( /// Checks that type mismatches occurring in the tail of a row type with /// unification variables don't cause a panic. #[test] fn row_type_unification_variable_mismatch() { use nickel_lang::error::Error; // We run the example multiple times as the order in which row types // are checked is not deterministic, and failures are handled differently // depending on whether they occur in the row head or tail. for _ in 0..10 { assert_matches!( typecheck_fixture("typecheck_fail/row_type_unification_variable_mismatch.ncl"), Err(Error::TypecheckError(TypecheckError::RowMismatch(..))) ) } } #[test] fn dynamic_row_tail() { // Currently, typechecking is conservative wrt the dynamic row type, meaning it can't // convert to a less precise type with a dynamic tail. assert_typecheck_fails!("{a = 1, b = 2} : {a: Number ; Dyn}"); assert_typecheck_fails!("{a = 1} : {a: Number ; Dyn}"); assert_typecheck_fails!("({a = 1} | {a: Number ; Dyn}) : {a: Number}"); assert_typecheck_fails!("{a = 1} : {a: Number ; Dyn}"); } #[test] fn shallow_type_inference() { assert_matches!( type_check_expr("let x = (1 + 1) in (x + 1 : Number)"), Err(TypecheckError::TypeMismatch(..)) ); } #[test] fn dynamic_record_field() { assert_matches!( type_check_expr("let x = \"foo\" in {\"%{x}\" = 1} : {foo: Number}"), Err(TypecheckError::TypeMismatch(..)) ); } #[test] fn piecewise_signature() { assert_matches!( type_check_expr("{foo : Number, foo = \"bar\"}"), Err(TypecheckError::TypeMismatch(..)) ); } #[test] fn recursive_let() { assert_matches!( type_check_expr("let rec f : Number -> Number = fun x => f \"hoi\" in null"), Err(TypecheckError::TypeMismatch(..)) ); } #[test] fn fails_only_with_wildcard() { // Without a wildcard annotation, this type checks assert_matches!( type_check_expr("let head = fun l => (%elem_at% l 0) in head 10"), Ok(_) ); // However, with one, we get a type error assert_matches!( type_check_expr("(let head = fun l => (%elem_at% l 0) in (head 10)) : _"), Err(TypecheckError::TypeMismatch(..)) ); // With an actual array, this passes assert_matches!( type_check_expr("(let head = fun l => (%elem_at% l 0) in (head [10])) : _"), Ok(_) ); } #[test] fn wildcards_apparent_type_is_dyn() { // Wildcard-inferred types don't leak outside of the strict block. // Therefore, even though the body of `g` could type check, `f` has type // `Dyn`, exactly as if there were no wildcards, and the type checker // rejects the expression. assert_matches!( type_check_expr( r#"let f : _ -> _ = fun x => x + 1 in let g : Number = f 0 in g"# ), Err(TypecheckError::TypeMismatch( Types { types: TypeF::Arrow(_, _), .. }, Types { types: TypeF::Dyn, .. }, _ )) ); } #[test] fn locally_different_flat_types() { assert_matches!( type_check_expr( "let lib = {Contract = fun label value => value} in let foo | lib.Contract = null in let lib = {Contract = fun label value => value} in foo : lib.Contract" ), Err(TypecheckError::TypeMismatch( Types { types: TypeF::Flat(..), .. }, Types { types: TypeF::Flat(..), .. }, _ )) ); }