### /input.ncl let p = 1 in { foo = { bar = 1 }, baz, } |> match { 'Bar payload => p, x => x.foo.ba, { foo = x } if x.ba == 1 => 3, # In this next one, the match isn't applied so there will be no completions for the `blah`, # but there should be a completion for `p`. y => match { payload => p.blah }, } ### [[request]] ### type = "Completion" ### textDocument.uri = "file:///input.ncl" ### position = { line = 5, character = 18 } ### ### [[request]] ### type = "Completion" ### textDocument.uri = "file:///input.ncl" ### position = { line = 6, character = 14 } ### ### [[request]] ### type = "Completion" ### textDocument.uri = "file:///input.ncl" ### position = { line = 7, character = 20 } ### ### [[request]] ### type = "Completion" ### textDocument.uri = "file:///input.ncl" ### position = { line = 10, character = 26 } ### ### [[request]] ### type = "Completion" ### textDocument.uri = "file:///input.ncl" ### position = { line = 10, character = 29 }