Param ( [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'version tag ie. "v0.20.0"')] [string]$version = 'latest' ) # stop on first error $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" function identify_arch() { switch ($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE) { "AMD64" { "x86_64" } # NOTE: not currently supported # "ARM64" { # "aarch64" # } default { $env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE } } } function prepend_to_path() { Param ( [string]$new_path ) $pathString = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", "User") $pathArray = $pathString.Split(';') # new path not in existing path if ($pathArray -cnotcontains $new_path) { [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable( "Path", $new_path + [IO.Path]::PathSeparator + $pathString, "User" ) } } function hide_item() { Param ( [string]$path ) $item = Get-Item $path -Force if (!($item.Attributes -band "Hidden")) { $item.Attributes = $item.Attributes -bor "Hidden" } } Write-Output '==> identifying os/arch' $os = 'windows' $arch = identify_arch Write-Output '==> download nk' # paths $nk_dir = "${HOME}\.nk" $bin_directory = "${nk_dir}\bin" $nk_path = "${bin_directory}\nk.exe" # create bin directory [void](New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $bin_directory) # hide nk dir hide_item $nk_dir # determine nk url $nk_url = if ($version -ceq 'latest') { "${os}-${arch}.exe" } else { "${version}/nk-${os}-${arch}.exe" } # download nk binary (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).Downloadfile($nk_url, $nk_path) Write-Output '==> prepend to path' # prepend to path prepend_to_path -new_path $bin_directory # TODO: not sure if there's a standard path for this stuff on windows? might just need to tell the user to add it to their powershell profile... # Write-Output '==> create powershell completions' # # create completions # Write-Output '==> create completions' # & $nk_path completion install