set export current_dir := `pwd` RUST_LOG := "debug" RUST_BACKTRACE := "1" GIT_REMOTE := "origin" #RUSTFLAGS := "-D warnings" # print help for Just targets help: @just -l # Install dependencies deps: @echo @echo "Installing dependencies:" @echo cargo install --locked cargo-nextest cargo install --locked git-cliff cargo install --locked cargo-llvm-cov @echo @echo "All dependencies have been installed." @echo @echo 'Type `just run` to build and run the development binary, and specify any args after that.' @echo 'For example: `just run help`' @echo # Install binary dependencies (gh-actions) bin-deps: cargo binstall --no-confirm cargo-nextest cargo binstall --no-confirm git-cliff cargo binstall --no-confirm cargo-llvm-cov # Build and run binary + args [no-cd] run *args: cargo run --manifest-path "${current_dir}/Cargo.toml" -- --verbose --env-file dev.env {{args}} watch *args: cargo watch -s "cargo run --quiet --manifest-path \"${current_dir}/Cargo.toml\" -- --verbose --env-file dev.env {{args}} | tee ~/sshfs/router/nftables.nft | less" # Build + args build *args: cargo build {{args}} # Build continuously on file change build-watch *args: cargo watch -s "clear && cargo build {{args}}" # Run tests test *args: cargo nextest run {{args}} # Run tests continuously on file change test-watch *args: cargo watch -s "clear && cargo nextest run {{args}}" # Run tests with verbose logging test-verbose *args: RUST_TEST_THREADS=1 cargo nextest run --nocapture {{args}} # Run tests continuously with verbose logging test-watch-verbose *args: RUST_TEST_THREADS=1 cargo watch -s "clear && cargo nextest run --nocapture -- {{args}}" # Build coverage report test-coverage *args: clean cargo llvm-cov nextest {{args}} && \ cargo llvm-cov {{args}} report --html # Continuously build coverage report and serve HTTP report test-coverage-watch *args: cargo watch -s "clear && just test-coverage {{args}} && cd target/llvm-cov/html && python -m http.server" # Run Clippy to report and fix lints clippy *args: echo "Compiling ..." RUSTFLAGS="-D warnings" cargo clippy {{args}} --quiet --color=always 2>&1 --tests | less -R # Run Clippy continuously on file change clippy-watch *args: cargo watch -s "clear && just clippy {{args}}" # Bump release version and create PR branch bump-version: @if [ -n "$(git status --porcelain)" ]; then echo "## Git status is not clean. Commit your changes before bumping version."; exit 1; fi @if [ "$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)" != "master" ]; then echo "## You may only bump the version from the master branch."; exit 1; fi source ./; \ set -eo pipefail; \ CURRENT_VERSION=$(grep -Po '^version = \K.*' Cargo.toml | sed -e 's/"//g' | head -1); \ VERSION=$(git cliff --bumped-version | sed 's/^v//'); \ echo; \ (if git rev-parse v${VERSION} 2>/dev/null; then \ echo "New version tag already exists: v${VERSION}" && \ echo "If you need to re-do this release, delete the existing tag (git tag -d v${VERSION})" && \ exit 1; \ fi \ ); \ echo "## Current $(grep '^version =' Cargo.toml | head -1)"; \ confirm yes "New version would be \"v${VERSION}\"" " -- Proceed?"; \ git checkout -B release-v${VERSION}; \ cargo set-version ${VERSION}; \ sed -i "s/^VERSION=v.*$/VERSION=v${VERSION}/"; \ cargo update; \ git add Cargo.toml Cargo.lock; \ git commit -m "release: v${VERSION}"; \ echo "Bumped version: v${VERSION}"; \ echo "Created new branch: release-v${VERSION}"; \ echo "You should push this branch and create a PR for it." # Tag and release a new version from master branch release: @if [ -n "$(git status --porcelain)" ]; then echo "## Git status is not clean. Commit your changes before bumping version."; exit 1; fi @if [ "$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)" != "master" ]; then echo "## You may only release the master branch."; exit 1; fi git remote update; @if [[ "$(git status -uno)" != *"Your branch is up to date"* ]]; then echo "## Git branch is not in sync with git remote ${GIT_REMOTE}."; exit 1; fi; @set -eo pipefail; \ source ./; \ CURRENT_VERSION=$(grep -Po '^version = \K.*' Cargo.toml | sed -e 's/"//g' | head -1); \ if git rev-parse "v${CURRENT_VERSION}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Tag already exists: v${CURRENT_VERSION}"; exit 1; fi; \ if (git ls-remote --tags "${GIT_REMOTE}" | grep -q "refs/tags/v${CURRENT_VERSION}" >/dev/null 2>&1); then echo "Tag already exists on remote ${GIT_REMOTE}: v${CURRENT_VERSION}"; exit 1; fi; \ cargo audit | less; \ confirm yes "New tag will be \"v${CURRENT_VERSION}\"" " -- Proceed?"; \ git tag "v${CURRENT_VERSION}"; \ git push "${GIT_REMOTE}" tag "v${CURRENT_VERSION}"; # Clean all artifacts clean *args: clean-profile cargo clean {{args}} # Clean profile artifacts only clean-profile: rm -rf *.profraw *.profdata