use beserial::{Serialize, Deserialize, SerializingError}; use primitives::coin::{Coin, CoinParseError}; use std::str::FromStr; struct NonFailingTest { data: &'static str, coin: Coin } impl NonFailingTest { pub fn new(data: &'static str, value: u64) -> NonFailingTest { NonFailingTest { data, coin: Coin::from_u64(value).unwrap() } } } lazy_static! { static ref NON_FAILING_TESTS: Vec = vec![ NonFailingTest::new("0000000000000000", 0u64), NonFailingTest::new("0000000000000001", 1u64), NonFailingTest::new("0000000000000005", 5u64), NonFailingTest::new("0000000100000005", 4294967301), NonFailingTest::new("000000000001e240", 123456u64), NonFailingTest::new("0000001234561234", 78187467316u64), NonFailingTest::new("001fffffffffffff", Coin::MAX_SAFE_VALUE), ]; } #[test] fn test_non_failing() { for test_case in NON_FAILING_TESTS.iter() { let vec = hex::decode(; let coin: Coin = Deserialize::deserialize(&mut &vec[..]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(test_case.coin, coin); } } #[test] fn test_serialize_out_of_bounds() { let vec = hex::decode("0020000000000000").unwrap(); let res:Result = Deserialize::deserialize(&mut &vec[..]); match res { Ok(coin) => assert!(false, "Instead of failing, got {}", coin), Err(err) => { match err { SerializingError::IoError(_, _) => (), _ => assert!(false, "Expected to fail with IoError, but got {}", err) } } } } #[test] fn test_deserialize_out_of_bounds() { let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(8); let res = Serialize::serialize(&Coin::from_u64_unchecked(9007199254740992), &mut vec); match res { Ok(_) => assert!(false, "Didn't fail"), Err(err) => { match err { SerializingError::Overflow => (), _ => assert!(false, "Expected to fail with Overflow, but got {}", err) } } } } #[test] fn test_format() { let s = format!("{}", Coin::from_u64(123456789u64).unwrap()); assert_eq!("1234.56789", s); } #[test] fn test_format_int_zero() { let s = format!("{}", Coin::from_u64(56789u64).unwrap()); assert_eq!("0.56789", s); } #[test] fn test_format_frac_zero() { let s = format!("{}", Coin::from_u64(123400000u64).unwrap()); assert_eq!("1234", s); } #[test] fn test_format_zero() { let s = format!("{}", Coin::from_u64(0u64).unwrap()); assert_eq!("0", s); } #[test] fn test_parse_valid_one_part() { let coin = Coin::from_str("1234").unwrap(); assert_eq!(Coin::from_u64(123400000).unwrap(), coin); } #[test] fn test_parse_valid_two_parts() { let coin = Coin::from_str("1234.56789").unwrap(); assert_eq!(Coin::from_u64(123456789).unwrap(), coin); } #[test] fn test_parse_zero1() { let coin = Coin::from_str("0").unwrap(); assert_eq!(Coin::from_u64(0).unwrap(), coin); } #[test] fn test_parse_zero2() { let coin = Coin::from_str("0.0").unwrap(); assert_eq!(Coin::from_u64(0).unwrap(), coin); } #[test] fn test_parse_zero3() { let coin = Coin::from_str("0000.0000").unwrap(); assert_eq!(Coin::from_u64(0).unwrap(), coin); } #[test] fn test_parse_empty_string() { let coin = Coin::from_str(""); match coin { Ok(_) => assert!(false, "Expected error"), Err(e) => match e { CoinParseError::InvalidString => (), _ => assert!(false, "Expected CoinParseError::InvalidString") } } } #[test] fn test_parse_too_many_dots() { let coin = Coin::from_str("1234.456.789"); match coin { Ok(_) => assert!(false, "Expected error"), Err(e) => match e { CoinParseError::InvalidString => (), _ => assert!(false, "Expected CoinParseError::InvalidString") } } } #[test] fn test_parse_too_many_frac_digits() { let coin = Coin::from_str("123.456789"); match coin { Ok(_) => assert!(false, "Expected error"), Err(e) => match e { CoinParseError::TooManyFractionalDigits => (), _ => assert!(false, "Expected CoinParseError::TooManyFractionalDigits") } } } #[test] // NOTE: This is open for discussion, if `1234.56789000` is a value amount of NIM // I don't think so - Janosch fn test_parse_frac_more_zeros() { let coin = Coin::from_str("1234.56789000"); match &coin { Err(e) => { println!("{:#}", e); }, _ => () }; assert!(coin.is_err()); } #[test] fn test_u64_overflow() { let coin = Coin::from_u64(Coin::MAX_SAFE_VALUE); match coin { Ok(_) => (), Err(_) => assert!(false, "Did not expect an error here"), } let coin = Coin::from_u64(Coin::MAX_SAFE_VALUE + 1); match coin { Err(CoinParseError::Overflow) => (), _ => assert!(false, "Did not expect an error here"), } } #[test] fn test_int_part_overflow() { let coin = Coin::from_str("900719925474"); match coin { Ok(_) => assert!(false, "Expected error"), Err(e) => match e { CoinParseError::Overflow => (), _ => assert!(false, "Expected CoinParseError::Overflow") } } } // Max safe value in fractional format: 90071992547.40991 #[test] fn test_frac_part_overflow() { let coin = Coin::from_str("90071992547.40992"); match coin { Ok(_) => assert!(false, "Expected error"), Err(e) => { match e { CoinParseError::Overflow => (), _ => assert!(false, "Expected CoinParseError::Overflow") } } } } #[test] fn test_max_value() { let coin = Coin::from_str("90071992547.40991").unwrap(); assert_eq!(Coin::from_u64(9007199254740991u64).unwrap(), coin) } #[test] fn test_empty_int_part() { let coin = Coin::from_str(".56789"); match coin { Ok(_) => assert!(false, "Expected error"), Err(e) => match e { CoinParseError::InvalidString => (), _ => assert!(false, "Expected CoinParseError::InvalidString") } } } #[test] fn test_empty_frac_part() { let coin = Coin::from_str("1234."); match coin { Ok(_) => assert!(false, "Expected error"), Err(e) => match e { CoinParseError::InvalidString => (), _ => assert!(false, "Expected CoinParseError::InvalidString") } } } #[test] fn test_integrity_frac_digits_and_lunas_per_coin() { assert_eq!(10u64.pow(Coin::FRAC_DIGITS), Coin::LUNAS_PER_COIN); }