A library for talking directly to the [Nix]( Daemon.
Client Usage
To connect to a local `nix-daemon`, use a `nix::DaemonStore` (which implements the
`Store` trait):
use nix_daemon::{Store, Progress, nix::DaemonStore};
let mut store = DaemonStore::builder()
let is_valid_path = store.is_valid_path("/nix/store/...").result().await?;
Server Usage
If you'd rather write your own `nix-daemon` compatible store, and expose it to existing
tools like `nix-build`, you can implement the `Store` trait yourself and use
use tokio::net::UnixListener;
use nix_daemon::nix::{DaemonStore, DaemonProtocolAdapter};
// Accept a connection.
let listener = UnixListener::bind("/tmp/mystore.sock")?;
let (conn, _addr) = listener.accept().await?;
// This will just use `DaemonStore` to proxy to the normal daemon, but you can
// pass your own `Store` implementation here instead.
let mut store = DaemonStore::builder()
// Run the adapter!
let (cr, cw) = conn.into_split();
let mut adapter = DaemonProtocolAdapter::builder(&mut store)
.adopt(cr, cw)
See [nix-supervisor](../nix-supervisor/) for a more complex example.
- Not all opcodes are implemented (yet). Part of this is because in order to test them, we need to find somewhere they're actually used.
- Only Nix 2.15+ and Lix is supported at the moment, but support for 2.3 is high on the todo list. (And fairly easy to add.)
Please see the [main README](..#contributing).
This project was funded through the NGI0 Entrust Fund, a fund established by NLnet with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet programme, under the aegis of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement NÂș 101069594.