Function( Function { head: Destructured( FunctionHeadDestructured { ellipsis: true, identifier: None, arguments: [ FunctionHeadDestructuredArgument { identifier: "config", default: None, }, FunctionHeadDestructuredArgument { identifier: "pkgs", default: None, }, FunctionHeadDestructuredArgument { identifier: "lib", default: None, }, ], }, ), body: With( With { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "lib", span: Span { start: Position { line: 3, column: 6, }, end: Position { line: 3, column: 9, }, }, }, ), target: LetIn( LetIn { bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "cfg", span: Span { start: Position { line: 6, column: 3, }, end: Position { line: 6, column: 6, }, }, }, ), ], to: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "config", span: Span { start: Position { line: 6, column: 9, }, end: Position { line: 6, column: 15, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "services", span: Span { start: Position { line: 6, column: 16, }, end: Position { line: 6, column: 24, }, }, }, ), Raw( PartRaw { content: "oxidized", span: Span { start: Position { line: 6, column: 25, }, end: Position { line: 6, column: 33, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), ], target: Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "options", span: Span { start: Position { line: 9, column: 3, }, end: Position { line: 9, column: 10, }, }, }, ), Raw( PartRaw { content: "services", span: Span { start: Position { line: 9, column: 11, }, end: Position { line: 9, column: 19, }, }, }, ), Raw( PartRaw { content: "oxidized", span: Span { start: Position { line: 9, column: 20, }, end: Position { line: 9, column: 28, }, }, }, ), ], to: Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "enable", span: Span { start: Position { line: 10, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 10, column: 11, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: Identifier( Identifier { id: "mkEnableOption", span: Span { start: Position { line: 10, column: 14, }, end: Position { line: 10, column: 28, }, }, }, ), arguments: [ FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "lib", span: Span { start: Position { line: 10, column: 30, }, end: Position { line: 10, column: 33, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "mdDoc", span: Span { start: Position { line: 10, column: 34, }, end: Position { line: 10, column: 39, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), arguments: [ String( String_ { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "the oxidized configuration backup service", span: Span { start: Position { line: 10, column: 41, }, end: Position { line: 10, column: 82, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 10, column: 40, }, end: Position { line: 10, column: 83, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "user", span: Span { start: Position { line: 12, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 12, column: 9, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: Identifier( Identifier { id: "mkOption", span: Span { start: Position { line: 12, column: 12, }, end: Position { line: 12, column: 20, }, }, }, ), arguments: [ Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "type", span: Span { start: Position { line: 13, column: 7, }, end: Position { line: 13, column: 11, }, }, }, ), ], to: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "types", span: Span { start: Position { line: 13, column: 14, }, end: Position { line: 13, column: 19, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "str", span: Span { start: Position { line: 13, column: 20, }, end: Position { line: 13, column: 23, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "default", span: Span { start: Position { line: 14, column: 7, }, end: Position { line: 14, column: 14, }, }, }, ), ], to: String( String_ { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "oxidized", span: Span { start: Position { line: 14, column: 18, }, end: Position { line: 14, column: 26, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 14, column: 17, }, end: Position { line: 14, column: 27, }, }, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "description", span: Span { start: Position { line: 15, column: 7, }, end: Position { line: 15, column: 18, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "lib", span: Span { start: Position { line: 15, column: 21, }, end: Position { line: 15, column: 24, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "mdDoc", span: Span { start: Position { line: 15, column: 25, }, end: Position { line: 15, column: 30, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), arguments: [ IndentedString( IndentedString { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "User under which the oxidized service runs.\n", span: Span { start: Position { line: 16, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 17, column: 7, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 15, column: 31, }, end: Position { line: 17, column: 9, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 12, column: 21, }, end: Position { line: 18, column: 6, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "group", span: Span { start: Position { line: 20, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 20, column: 10, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: Identifier( Identifier { id: "mkOption", span: Span { start: Position { line: 20, column: 13, }, end: Position { line: 20, column: 21, }, }, }, ), arguments: [ Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "type", span: Span { start: Position { line: 21, column: 7, }, end: Position { line: 21, column: 11, }, }, }, ), ], to: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "types", span: Span { start: Position { line: 21, column: 14, }, end: Position { line: 21, column: 19, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "str", span: Span { start: Position { line: 21, column: 20, }, end: Position { line: 21, column: 23, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "default", span: Span { start: Position { line: 22, column: 7, }, end: Position { line: 22, column: 14, }, }, }, ), ], to: String( String_ { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "oxidized", span: Span { start: Position { line: 22, column: 18, }, end: Position { line: 22, column: 26, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 22, column: 17, }, end: Position { line: 22, column: 27, }, }, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "description", span: Span { start: Position { line: 23, column: 7, }, end: Position { line: 23, column: 18, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "lib", span: Span { start: Position { line: 23, column: 21, }, end: Position { line: 23, column: 24, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "mdDoc", span: Span { start: Position { line: 23, column: 25, }, end: Position { line: 23, column: 30, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), arguments: [ IndentedString( IndentedString { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "Group under which the oxidized service runs.\n", span: Span { start: Position { line: 24, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 25, column: 7, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 23, column: 31, }, end: Position { line: 25, column: 9, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 20, column: 22, }, end: Position { line: 26, column: 6, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "dataDir", span: Span { start: Position { line: 28, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 28, column: 12, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: Identifier( Identifier { id: "mkOption", span: Span { start: Position { line: 28, column: 15, }, end: Position { line: 28, column: 23, }, }, }, ), arguments: [ Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "type", span: Span { start: Position { line: 29, column: 7, }, end: Position { line: 29, column: 11, }, }, }, ), ], to: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "types", span: Span { start: Position { line: 29, column: 14, }, end: Position { line: 29, column: 19, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "path", span: Span { start: Position { line: 29, column: 20, }, end: Position { line: 29, column: 24, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "default", span: Span { start: Position { line: 30, column: 7, }, end: Position { line: 30, column: 14, }, }, }, ), ], to: String( String_ { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "/var/lib/oxidized", span: Span { start: Position { line: 30, column: 18, }, end: Position { line: 30, column: 35, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 30, column: 17, }, end: Position { line: 30, column: 36, }, }, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "description", span: Span { start: Position { line: 31, column: 7, }, end: Position { line: 31, column: 18, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "lib", span: Span { start: Position { line: 31, column: 21, }, end: Position { line: 31, column: 24, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "mdDoc", span: Span { start: Position { line: 31, column: 25, }, end: Position { line: 31, column: 30, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), arguments: [ String( String_ { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "State directory for the oxidized service.", span: Span { start: Position { line: 31, column: 32, }, end: Position { line: 31, column: 73, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 31, column: 31, }, end: Position { line: 31, column: 74, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 28, column: 24, }, end: Position { line: 32, column: 6, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "configFile", span: Span { start: Position { line: 34, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 34, column: 15, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: Identifier( Identifier { id: "mkOption", span: Span { start: Position { line: 34, column: 18, }, end: Position { line: 34, column: 26, }, }, }, ), arguments: [ Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "type", span: Span { start: Position { line: 35, column: 7, }, end: Position { line: 35, column: 11, }, }, }, ), ], to: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "types", span: Span { start: Position { line: 35, column: 14, }, end: Position { line: 35, column: 19, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "path", span: Span { start: Position { line: 35, column: 20, }, end: Position { line: 35, column: 24, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "example", span: Span { start: Position { line: 36, column: 7, }, end: Position { line: 36, column: 14, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: Identifier( Identifier { id: "literalExpression", span: Span { start: Position { line: 36, column: 17, }, end: Position { line: 36, column: 34, }, }, }, ), arguments: [ IndentedString( IndentedString { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "pkgs.writeText \"oxidized-config.yml\" ", span: Span { start: Position { line: 37, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 37, column: 46, }, }, }, ), Raw( PartRaw { content: "''", span: Span { start: Position { line: 37, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 37, column: 49, }, }, }, ), Raw( PartRaw { content: "\n ---\n debug: true\n use_syslog: true\n input:\n default: ssh\n ssh:\n secure: true\n interval: 3600\n model_map:\n dell: powerconnect\n hp: procurve\n source:\n default: csv\n csv:\n delimiter: !ruby/regexp /:/\n file: \"/var/lib/oxidized/.config/oxidized/router.db\"\n map:\n name: 0\n model: 1\n username: 2\n password: 3\n pid: \"/var/lib/oxidized/.config/oxidized/pid\"\n rest:\n retries: 3\n # ... additional config\n", span: Span { start: Position { line: 37, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 63, column: 9, }, }, }, ), Raw( PartRaw { content: "''", span: Span { start: Position { line: 37, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 63, column: 12, }, }, }, ), Raw( PartRaw { content: ";\n", span: Span { start: Position { line: 37, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 64, column: 7, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 36, column: 35, }, end: Position { line: 64, column: 9, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "description", span: Span { start: Position { line: 65, column: 7, }, end: Position { line: 65, column: 18, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "lib", span: Span { start: Position { line: 65, column: 21, }, end: Position { line: 65, column: 24, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "mdDoc", span: Span { start: Position { line: 65, column: 25, }, end: Position { line: 65, column: 30, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), arguments: [ IndentedString( IndentedString { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "Path to the oxidized configuration file.\n", span: Span { start: Position { line: 66, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 67, column: 7, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 65, column: 31, }, end: Position { line: 67, column: 9, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 34, column: 27, }, end: Position { line: 68, column: 6, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "routerDB", span: Span { start: Position { line: 70, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 70, column: 13, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: Identifier( Identifier { id: "mkOption", span: Span { start: Position { line: 70, column: 16, }, end: Position { line: 70, column: 24, }, }, }, ), arguments: [ Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "type", span: Span { start: Position { line: 71, column: 7, }, end: Position { line: 71, column: 11, }, }, }, ), ], to: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "types", span: Span { start: Position { line: 71, column: 14, }, end: Position { line: 71, column: 19, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "path", span: Span { start: Position { line: 71, column: 20, }, end: Position { line: 71, column: 24, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "example", span: Span { start: Position { line: 72, column: 7, }, end: Position { line: 72, column: 14, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: Identifier( Identifier { id: "literalExpression", span: Span { start: Position { line: 72, column: 17, }, end: Position { line: 72, column: 34, }, }, }, ), arguments: [ IndentedString( IndentedString { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "pkgs.writeText \"oxidized-router.db\" ", span: Span { start: Position { line: 73, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 73, column: 45, }, }, }, ), Raw( PartRaw { content: "''", span: Span { start: Position { line: 73, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 73, column: 48, }, }, }, ), Raw( PartRaw { content: "\n hostname-sw1:powerconnect:username1:password2\n hostname-sw2:procurve:username2:password2\n # ... additional hosts\n", span: Span { start: Position { line: 73, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 77, column: 9, }, }, }, ), Raw( PartRaw { content: "''", span: Span { start: Position { line: 73, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 77, column: 12, }, }, }, ), Raw( PartRaw { content: "\n", span: Span { start: Position { line: 73, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 78, column: 7, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 72, column: 35, }, end: Position { line: 78, column: 9, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "description", span: Span { start: Position { line: 79, column: 7, }, end: Position { line: 79, column: 18, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "lib", span: Span { start: Position { line: 79, column: 21, }, end: Position { line: 79, column: 24, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "mdDoc", span: Span { start: Position { line: 79, column: 25, }, end: Position { line: 79, column: 30, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), arguments: [ IndentedString( IndentedString { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "Path to the file/database which contains the targets for oxidized.\n", span: Span { start: Position { line: 80, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 81, column: 7, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 79, column: 31, }, end: Position { line: 81, column: 9, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 70, column: 25, }, end: Position { line: 82, column: 6, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 9, column: 31, }, end: Position { line: 83, column: 4, }, }, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "config", span: Span { start: Position { line: 85, column: 3, }, end: Position { line: 85, column: 9, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: Identifier( Identifier { id: "mkIf", span: Span { start: Position { line: 85, column: 12, }, end: Position { line: 85, column: 16, }, }, }, ), arguments: [ PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "cfg", span: Span { start: Position { line: 85, column: 17, }, end: Position { line: 85, column: 20, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "enable", span: Span { start: Position { line: 85, column: 21, }, end: Position { line: 85, column: 27, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "users", span: Span { start: Position { line: 86, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 86, column: 10, }, }, }, ), Raw( PartRaw { content: "groups", span: Span { start: Position { line: 86, column: 11, }, end: Position { line: 86, column: 17, }, }, }, ), Interpolation( PartInterpolation { expression: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "cfg", span: Span { start: Position { line: 86, column: 20, }, end: Position { line: 86, column: 23, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "group", span: Span { start: Position { line: 86, column: 24, }, end: Position { line: 86, column: 29, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), ], to: Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [], span: Span { start: Position { line: 86, column: 33, }, end: Position { line: 86, column: 36, }, }, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "users", span: Span { start: Position { line: 87, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 87, column: 10, }, }, }, ), Raw( PartRaw { content: "users", span: Span { start: Position { line: 87, column: 11, }, end: Position { line: 87, column: 16, }, }, }, ), Interpolation( PartInterpolation { expression: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "cfg", span: Span { start: Position { line: 87, column: 19, }, end: Position { line: 87, column: 22, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "user", span: Span { start: Position { line: 87, column: 23, }, end: Position { line: 87, column: 27, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), ], to: Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "description", span: Span { start: Position { line: 88, column: 7, }, end: Position { line: 88, column: 18, }, }, }, ), ], to: String( String_ { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "Oxidized service user", span: Span { start: Position { line: 88, column: 22, }, end: Position { line: 88, column: 43, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 88, column: 21, }, end: Position { line: 88, column: 44, }, }, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "group", span: Span { start: Position { line: 89, column: 7, }, end: Position { line: 89, column: 12, }, }, }, ), ], to: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "cfg", span: Span { start: Position { line: 89, column: 15, }, end: Position { line: 89, column: 18, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "group", span: Span { start: Position { line: 89, column: 19, }, end: Position { line: 89, column: 24, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "home", span: Span { start: Position { line: 90, column: 7, }, end: Position { line: 90, column: 11, }, }, }, ), ], to: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "cfg", span: Span { start: Position { line: 90, column: 14, }, end: Position { line: 90, column: 17, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "dataDir", span: Span { start: Position { line: 90, column: 18, }, end: Position { line: 90, column: 25, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "createHome", span: Span { start: Position { line: 91, column: 7, }, end: Position { line: 91, column: 17, }, }, }, ), ], to: Identifier( Identifier { id: "true", span: Span { start: Position { line: 91, column: 20, }, end: Position { line: 91, column: 24, }, }, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "isSystemUser", span: Span { start: Position { line: 92, column: 7, }, end: Position { line: 92, column: 19, }, }, }, ), ], to: Identifier( Identifier { id: "true", span: Span { start: Position { line: 92, column: 22, }, end: Position { line: 92, column: 26, }, }, }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 87, column: 31, }, end: Position { line: 93, column: 6, }, }, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "systemd", span: Span { start: Position { line: 95, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 95, column: 12, }, }, }, ), Raw( PartRaw { content: "services", span: Span { start: Position { line: 95, column: 13, }, end: Position { line: 95, column: 21, }, }, }, ), Raw( PartRaw { content: "oxidized", span: Span { start: Position { line: 95, column: 22, }, end: Position { line: 95, column: 30, }, }, }, ), ], to: Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "wantedBy", span: Span { start: Position { line: 96, column: 7, }, end: Position { line: 96, column: 15, }, }, }, ), ], to: List( List { elements: [ String( String_ { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "", span: Span { start: Position { line: 96, column: 21, }, end: Position { line: 96, column: 38, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 96, column: 20, }, end: Position { line: 96, column: 39, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 96, column: 18, }, end: Position { line: 96, column: 41, }, }, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "after", span: Span { start: Position { line: 97, column: 7, }, end: Position { line: 97, column: 12, }, }, }, ), ], to: List( List { elements: [ String( String_ { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "", span: Span { start: Position { line: 97, column: 18, }, end: Position { line: 97, column: 32, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 97, column: 17, }, end: Position { line: 97, column: 33, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 97, column: 15, }, end: Position { line: 97, column: 35, }, }, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "preStart", span: Span { start: Position { line: 99, column: 7, }, end: Position { line: 99, column: 15, }, }, }, ), ], to: IndentedString( IndentedString { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "mkdir -p ", span: Span { start: Position { line: 100, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 100, column: 18, }, }, }, ), Interpolation( PartInterpolation { expression: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "cfg", span: Span { start: Position { line: 100, column: 20, }, end: Position { line: 100, column: 23, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "dataDir", span: Span { start: Position { line: 100, column: 24, }, end: Position { line: 100, column: 31, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), Raw( PartRaw { content: "/.config/oxidized\nln -f -s ", span: Span { start: Position { line: 100, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 101, column: 18, }, }, }, ), Interpolation( PartInterpolation { expression: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "cfg", span: Span { start: Position { line: 101, column: 20, }, end: Position { line: 101, column: 23, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "routerDB", span: Span { start: Position { line: 101, column: 24, }, end: Position { line: 101, column: 32, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), Raw( PartRaw { content: " ", span: Span { start: Position { line: 100, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 101, column: 34, }, }, }, ), Interpolation( PartInterpolation { expression: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "cfg", span: Span { start: Position { line: 101, column: 36, }, end: Position { line: 101, column: 39, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "dataDir", span: Span { start: Position { line: 101, column: 40, }, end: Position { line: 101, column: 47, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), Raw( PartRaw { content: "/.config/oxidized/router.db\nln -f -s ", span: Span { start: Position { line: 100, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 102, column: 18, }, }, }, ), Interpolation( PartInterpolation { expression: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "cfg", span: Span { start: Position { line: 102, column: 20, }, end: Position { line: 102, column: 23, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "configFile", span: Span { start: Position { line: 102, column: 24, }, end: Position { line: 102, column: 34, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), Raw( PartRaw { content: " ", span: Span { start: Position { line: 100, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 102, column: 36, }, }, }, ), Interpolation( PartInterpolation { expression: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "cfg", span: Span { start: Position { line: 102, column: 38, }, end: Position { line: 102, column: 41, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "dataDir", span: Span { start: Position { line: 102, column: 42, }, end: Position { line: 102, column: 49, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), Raw( PartRaw { content: "/.config/oxidized/config\n", span: Span { start: Position { line: 100, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 103, column: 7, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 99, column: 18, }, end: Position { line: 103, column: 9, }, }, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "serviceConfig", span: Span { start: Position { line: 105, column: 7, }, end: Position { line: 105, column: 20, }, }, }, ), ], to: Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "ExecStart", span: Span { start: Position { line: 106, column: 9, }, end: Position { line: 106, column: 18, }, }, }, ), ], to: String( String_ { parts: [ Interpolation( PartInterpolation { expression: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "pkgs", span: Span { start: Position { line: 106, column: 24, }, end: Position { line: 106, column: 28, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "oxidized", span: Span { start: Position { line: 106, column: 29, }, end: Position { line: 106, column: 37, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), Raw( PartRaw { content: "/bin/oxidized", span: Span { start: Position { line: 106, column: 22, }, end: Position { line: 106, column: 51, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 106, column: 21, }, end: Position { line: 106, column: 52, }, }, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "User", span: Span { start: Position { line: 107, column: 9, }, end: Position { line: 107, column: 13, }, }, }, ), ], to: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "cfg", span: Span { start: Position { line: 107, column: 16, }, end: Position { line: 107, column: 19, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "user", span: Span { start: Position { line: 107, column: 20, }, end: Position { line: 107, column: 24, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "Group", span: Span { start: Position { line: 108, column: 9, }, end: Position { line: 108, column: 14, }, }, }, ), ], to: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "cfg", span: Span { start: Position { line: 108, column: 17, }, end: Position { line: 108, column: 20, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "group", span: Span { start: Position { line: 108, column: 21, }, end: Position { line: 108, column: 26, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "UMask", span: Span { start: Position { line: 109, column: 9, }, end: Position { line: 109, column: 14, }, }, }, ), ], to: String( String_ { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "0077", span: Span { start: Position { line: 109, column: 18, }, end: Position { line: 109, column: 22, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 109, column: 17, }, end: Position { line: 109, column: 23, }, }, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "NoNewPrivileges", span: Span { start: Position { line: 110, column: 9, }, end: Position { line: 110, column: 24, }, }, }, ), ], to: Identifier( Identifier { id: "true", span: Span { start: Position { line: 110, column: 27, }, end: Position { line: 110, column: 31, }, }, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "Restart", span: Span { start: Position { line: 111, column: 9, }, end: Position { line: 111, column: 16, }, }, }, ), ], to: String( String_ { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "always", span: Span { start: Position { line: 111, column: 21, }, end: Position { line: 111, column: 27, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 111, column: 20, }, end: Position { line: 111, column: 28, }, }, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "WorkingDirectory", span: Span { start: Position { line: 112, column: 9, }, end: Position { line: 112, column: 25, }, }, }, ), ], to: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "cfg", span: Span { start: Position { line: 112, column: 28, }, end: Position { line: 112, column: 31, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "dataDir", span: Span { start: Position { line: 112, column: 32, }, end: Position { line: 112, column: 39, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "KillSignal", span: Span { start: Position { line: 113, column: 9, }, end: Position { line: 113, column: 19, }, }, }, ), ], to: String( String_ { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "SIGKILL", span: Span { start: Position { line: 113, column: 23, }, end: Position { line: 113, column: 30, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 113, column: 22, }, end: Position { line: 113, column: 31, }, }, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "PIDFile", span: Span { start: Position { line: 114, column: 9, }, end: Position { line: 114, column: 16, }, }, }, ), ], to: String( String_ { parts: [ Interpolation( PartInterpolation { expression: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "cfg", span: Span { start: Position { line: 114, column: 22, }, end: Position { line: 114, column: 25, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "dataDir", span: Span { start: Position { line: 114, column: 26, }, end: Position { line: 114, column: 33, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), Raw( PartRaw { content: "/.config/oxidized/pid", span: Span { start: Position { line: 114, column: 20, }, end: Position { line: 114, column: 55, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 114, column: 19, }, end: Position { line: 114, column: 56, }, }, }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 105, column: 23, }, end: Position { line: 115, column: 8, }, }, }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 95, column: 33, }, end: Position { line: 116, column: 6, }, }, }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 85, column: 28, }, end: Position { line: 117, column: 4, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 8, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 118, column: 2, }, }, }, ), span: Span { start: Position { line: 5, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 118, column: 2, }, }, }, ), span: Span { start: Position { line: 3, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 118, column: 2, }, }, }, ), span: Span { start: Position { line: 1, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 118, column: 2, }, }, }, )