Function( Function { head: Destructured( FunctionHeadDestructured { ellipsis: true, identifier: None, arguments: [ FunctionHeadDestructuredArgument { identifier: "config", default: None, }, FunctionHeadDestructuredArgument { identifier: "lib", default: None, }, FunctionHeadDestructuredArgument { identifier: "pkgs", default: None, }, FunctionHeadDestructuredArgument { identifier: "includeNameDefault", default: None, }, ], }, ), body: With( With { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "lib", span: Span { start: Position { line: 8, column: 6, }, end: Position { line: 8, column: 9, }, }, }, ), target: Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "enable", span: Span { start: Position { line: 11, column: 3, }, end: Position { line: 11, column: 9, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: Identifier( Identifier { id: "mkOption", span: Span { start: Position { line: 11, column: 12, }, end: Position { line: 11, column: 20, }, }, }, ), arguments: [ Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "default", span: Span { start: Position { line: 12, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 12, column: 12, }, }, }, ), ], to: Identifier( Identifier { id: "false", span: Span { start: Position { line: 12, column: 15, }, end: Position { line: 12, column: 20, }, }, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "example", span: Span { start: Position { line: 13, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 13, column: 12, }, }, }, ), ], to: Identifier( Identifier { id: "true", span: Span { start: Position { line: 13, column: 15, }, end: Position { line: 13, column: 19, }, }, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "description", span: Span { start: Position { line: 14, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 14, column: 16, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "lib", span: Span { start: Position { line: 14, column: 19, }, end: Position { line: 14, column: 22, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "mdDoc", span: Span { start: Position { line: 14, column: 23, }, end: Position { line: 14, column: 28, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), arguments: [ IndentedString( IndentedString { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "Whether to enable GitHub Actions runner.\n\nNote: GitHub recommends using self-hosted runners with private repositories only. Learn more here:\n[About self-hosted runners](\n", span: Span { start: Position { line: 15, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 19, column: 5, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 14, column: 29, }, end: Position { line: 19, column: 7, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "type", span: Span { start: Position { line: 20, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 20, column: 9, }, }, }, ), ], to: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "lib", span: Span { start: Position { line: 20, column: 12, }, end: Position { line: 20, column: 15, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "types", span: Span { start: Position { line: 20, column: 16, }, end: Position { line: 20, column: 21, }, }, }, ), Raw( PartRaw { content: "bool", span: Span { start: Position { line: 20, column: 22, }, end: Position { line: 20, column: 26, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 11, column: 21, }, end: Position { line: 21, column: 4, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "url", span: Span { start: Position { line: 23, column: 3, }, end: Position { line: 23, column: 6, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: Identifier( Identifier { id: "mkOption", span: Span { start: Position { line: 23, column: 9, }, end: Position { line: 23, column: 17, }, }, }, ), arguments: [ Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "type", span: Span { start: Position { line: 24, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 24, column: 9, }, }, }, ), ], to: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "types", span: Span { start: Position { line: 24, column: 12, }, end: Position { line: 24, column: 17, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "str", span: Span { start: Position { line: 24, column: 18, }, end: Position { line: 24, column: 21, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "description", span: Span { start: Position { line: 25, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 25, column: 16, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "lib", span: Span { start: Position { line: 25, column: 19, }, end: Position { line: 25, column: 22, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "mdDoc", span: Span { start: Position { line: 25, column: 23, }, end: Position { line: 25, column: 28, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), arguments: [ IndentedString( IndentedString { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "Repository to add the runner to.\n\nChanging this option triggers a new runner registration.\n\nIMPORTANT: If your token is org-wide (not per repository), you need to\nprovide a github org link, not a single repository, so do it like this\n``, not like this\n``.\nOtherwise, you are going to get a `404 NotFound`\nfrom `POST`\nin the configure script.\n", span: Span { start: Position { line: 26, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 37, column: 5, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 25, column: 29, }, end: Position { line: 37, column: 7, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "example", span: Span { start: Position { line: 38, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 38, column: 12, }, }, }, ), ], to: String( String_ { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "", span: Span { start: Position { line: 38, column: 16, }, end: Position { line: 38, column: 48, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 38, column: 15, }, end: Position { line: 38, column: 49, }, }, }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 23, column: 18, }, end: Position { line: 39, column: 4, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "tokenFile", span: Span { start: Position { line: 41, column: 3, }, end: Position { line: 41, column: 12, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: Identifier( Identifier { id: "mkOption", span: Span { start: Position { line: 41, column: 15, }, end: Position { line: 41, column: 23, }, }, }, ), arguments: [ Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "type", span: Span { start: Position { line: 42, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 42, column: 9, }, }, }, ), ], to: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "types", span: Span { start: Position { line: 42, column: 12, }, end: Position { line: 42, column: 17, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "path", span: Span { start: Position { line: 42, column: 18, }, end: Position { line: 42, column: 22, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "description", span: Span { start: Position { line: 43, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 43, column: 16, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "lib", span: Span { start: Position { line: 43, column: 19, }, end: Position { line: 43, column: 22, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "mdDoc", span: Span { start: Position { line: 43, column: 23, }, end: Position { line: 43, column: 28, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), arguments: [ IndentedString( IndentedString { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "The full path to a file which contains either a runner registration token or a\n(fine-grained) personal access token (PAT).\nThe file should contain exactly one line with the token without any newline.\nIf a registration token is given, it can be used to re-register a runner of the same\nname but is time-limited. If the file contains a PAT, the service creates a new\nregistration token on startup as needed. Make sure the PAT has a scope of\n`admin:org` for organization-wide registrations or a scope of\n`repo` for a single repository. Fine-grained PATs need read and write permission\nto the \"Adminstration\" resources.\n\nChanging this option or the file's content triggers a new runner registration.\n", span: Span { start: Position { line: 44, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 55, column: 5, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 43, column: 29, }, end: Position { line: 55, column: 7, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "example", span: Span { start: Position { line: 56, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 56, column: 12, }, }, }, ), ], to: String( String_ { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "/run/secrets/github-runner/nixos.token", span: Span { start: Position { line: 56, column: 16, }, end: Position { line: 56, column: 54, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 56, column: 15, }, end: Position { line: 56, column: 55, }, }, }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 41, column: 24, }, end: Position { line: 57, column: 4, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "name", span: Span { start: Position { line: 59, column: 3, }, end: Position { line: 59, column: 7, }, }, }, ), ], to: LetIn( LetIn { bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "baseType", span: Span { start: Position { line: 61, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 61, column: 13, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "types", span: Span { start: Position { line: 61, column: 16, }, end: Position { line: 61, column: 21, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "strMatching", span: Span { start: Position { line: 61, column: 22, }, end: Position { line: 61, column: 33, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), arguments: [ String( String_ { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "^$|^[[:alnum:]]([[:alnum:]_-]{0,61}[[:alnum:]])?$", span: Span { start: Position { line: 61, column: 35, }, end: Position { line: 61, column: 84, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 61, column: 34, }, end: Position { line: 61, column: 85, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), ], target: BinaryOperation( BinaryOperation { left: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: Identifier( Identifier { id: "mkOption", span: Span { start: Position { line: 62, column: 6, }, end: Position { line: 62, column: 14, }, }, }, ), arguments: [ Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "type", span: Span { start: Position { line: 63, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 63, column: 9, }, }, }, ), ], to: IfThenElse( IfThenElse { predicate: Identifier( Identifier { id: "includeNameDefault", span: Span { start: Position { line: 63, column: 15, }, end: Position { line: 63, column: 33, }, }, }, ), then: Identifier( Identifier { id: "baseType", span: Span { start: Position { line: 63, column: 39, }, end: Position { line: 63, column: 47, }, }, }, ), else_: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "types", span: Span { start: Position { line: 63, column: 53, }, end: Position { line: 63, column: 58, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "nullOr", span: Span { start: Position { line: 63, column: 59, }, end: Position { line: 63, column: 65, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), arguments: [ Identifier( Identifier { id: "baseType", span: Span { start: Position { line: 63, column: 66, }, end: Position { line: 63, column: 74, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), span: Span { start: Position { line: 63, column: 12, }, end: Position { line: 63, column: 74, }, }, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "description", span: Span { start: Position { line: 64, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 64, column: 16, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "lib", span: Span { start: Position { line: 64, column: 19, }, end: Position { line: 64, column: 22, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "mdDoc", span: Span { start: Position { line: 64, column: 23, }, end: Position { line: 64, column: 28, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), arguments: [ IndentedString( IndentedString { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "Name of the runner to configure. Defaults to the hostname.\n\nChanging this option triggers a new runner registration.\n", span: Span { start: Position { line: 65, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 68, column: 5, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 64, column: 29, }, end: Position { line: 68, column: 7, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "example", span: Span { start: Position { line: 69, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 69, column: 12, }, }, }, ), ], to: String( String_ { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "nixos", span: Span { start: Position { line: 69, column: 16, }, end: Position { line: 69, column: 21, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 69, column: 15, }, end: Position { line: 69, column: 22, }, }, }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 62, column: 15, }, end: Position { line: 70, column: 4, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), operator: Update, right: IfThenElse( IfThenElse { predicate: Identifier( Identifier { id: "includeNameDefault", span: Span { start: Position { line: 70, column: 12, }, end: Position { line: 70, column: 30, }, }, }, ), then: Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "default", span: Span { start: Position { line: 71, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 71, column: 12, }, }, }, ), ], to: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "config", span: Span { start: Position { line: 71, column: 15, }, end: Position { line: 71, column: 21, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "networking", span: Span { start: Position { line: 71, column: 22, }, end: Position { line: 71, column: 32, }, }, }, ), Raw( PartRaw { content: "hostName", span: Span { start: Position { line: 71, column: 33, }, end: Position { line: 71, column: 41, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "defaultText", span: Span { start: Position { line: 72, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 72, column: 16, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: Identifier( Identifier { id: "literalExpression", span: Span { start: Position { line: 72, column: 19, }, end: Position { line: 72, column: 36, }, }, }, ), arguments: [ String( String_ { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "config.networking.hostName", span: Span { start: Position { line: 72, column: 38, }, end: Position { line: 72, column: 64, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 72, column: 37, }, end: Position { line: 72, column: 65, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 70, column: 36, }, end: Position { line: 73, column: 4, }, }, }, ), else_: Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "default", span: Span { start: Position { line: 74, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 74, column: 12, }, }, }, ), ], to: Identifier( Identifier { id: "null", span: Span { start: Position { line: 74, column: 15, }, end: Position { line: 74, column: 19, }, }, }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 73, column: 10, }, end: Position { line: 75, column: 4, }, }, }, ), span: Span { start: Position { line: 70, column: 9, }, end: Position { line: 75, column: 4, }, }, }, ), }, ), span: Span { start: Position { line: 59, column: 10, }, end: Position { line: 75, column: 5, }, }, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "runnerGroup", span: Span { start: Position { line: 77, column: 3, }, end: Position { line: 77, column: 14, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: Identifier( Identifier { id: "mkOption", span: Span { start: Position { line: 77, column: 17, }, end: Position { line: 77, column: 25, }, }, }, ), arguments: [ Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "type", span: Span { start: Position { line: 78, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 78, column: 9, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "types", span: Span { start: Position { line: 78, column: 12, }, end: Position { line: 78, column: 17, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "nullOr", span: Span { start: Position { line: 78, column: 18, }, end: Position { line: 78, column: 24, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), arguments: [ PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "types", span: Span { start: Position { line: 78, column: 25, }, end: Position { line: 78, column: 30, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "str", span: Span { start: Position { line: 78, column: 31, }, end: Position { line: 78, column: 34, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "description", span: Span { start: Position { line: 79, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 79, column: 16, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "lib", span: Span { start: Position { line: 79, column: 19, }, end: Position { line: 79, column: 22, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "mdDoc", span: Span { start: Position { line: 79, column: 23, }, end: Position { line: 79, column: 28, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), arguments: [ IndentedString( IndentedString { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "Name of the runner group to add this runner to (defaults to the default runner group).\n\nChanging this option triggers a new runner registration.\n", span: Span { start: Position { line: 80, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 83, column: 5, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 79, column: 29, }, end: Position { line: 83, column: 7, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "default", span: Span { start: Position { line: 84, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 84, column: 12, }, }, }, ), ], to: Identifier( Identifier { id: "null", span: Span { start: Position { line: 84, column: 15, }, end: Position { line: 84, column: 19, }, }, }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 77, column: 26, }, end: Position { line: 85, column: 4, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "extraLabels", span: Span { start: Position { line: 87, column: 3, }, end: Position { line: 87, column: 14, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: Identifier( Identifier { id: "mkOption", span: Span { start: Position { line: 87, column: 17, }, end: Position { line: 87, column: 25, }, }, }, ), arguments: [ Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "type", span: Span { start: Position { line: 88, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 88, column: 9, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "types", span: Span { start: Position { line: 88, column: 12, }, end: Position { line: 88, column: 17, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "listOf", span: Span { start: Position { line: 88, column: 18, }, end: Position { line: 88, column: 24, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), arguments: [ PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "types", span: Span { start: Position { line: 88, column: 25, }, end: Position { line: 88, column: 30, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "str", span: Span { start: Position { line: 88, column: 31, }, end: Position { line: 88, column: 34, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "description", span: Span { start: Position { line: 89, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 89, column: 16, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "lib", span: Span { start: Position { line: 89, column: 19, }, end: Position { line: 89, column: 22, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "mdDoc", span: Span { start: Position { line: 89, column: 23, }, end: Position { line: 89, column: 28, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), arguments: [ IndentedString( IndentedString { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "Extra labels in addition to the default (`[\"self-hosted\", \"Linux\", \"X64\"]`).\n\nChanging this option triggers a new runner registration.\n", span: Span { start: Position { line: 90, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 93, column: 5, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 89, column: 29, }, end: Position { line: 93, column: 7, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "example", span: Span { start: Position { line: 94, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 94, column: 12, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: Identifier( Identifier { id: "literalExpression", span: Span { start: Position { line: 94, column: 15, }, end: Position { line: 94, column: 32, }, }, }, ), arguments: [ IndentedString( IndentedString { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "[ \"nixos\" ]", span: Span { start: Position { line: 94, column: 35, }, end: Position { line: 94, column: 46, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 94, column: 33, }, end: Position { line: 94, column: 48, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "default", span: Span { start: Position { line: 95, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 95, column: 12, }, }, }, ), ], to: List( List { elements: [], span: Span { start: Position { line: 95, column: 15, }, end: Position { line: 95, column: 18, }, }, }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 87, column: 26, }, end: Position { line: 96, column: 4, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "replace", span: Span { start: Position { line: 98, column: 3, }, end: Position { line: 98, column: 10, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: Identifier( Identifier { id: "mkOption", span: Span { start: Position { line: 98, column: 13, }, end: Position { line: 98, column: 21, }, }, }, ), arguments: [ Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "type", span: Span { start: Position { line: 99, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 99, column: 9, }, }, }, ), ], to: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "types", span: Span { start: Position { line: 99, column: 12, }, end: Position { line: 99, column: 17, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "bool", span: Span { start: Position { line: 99, column: 18, }, end: Position { line: 99, column: 22, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "description", span: Span { start: Position { line: 100, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 100, column: 16, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "lib", span: Span { start: Position { line: 100, column: 19, }, end: Position { line: 100, column: 22, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "mdDoc", span: Span { start: Position { line: 100, column: 23, }, end: Position { line: 100, column: 28, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), arguments: [ IndentedString( IndentedString { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "Replace any existing runner with the same name.\n\nWithout this flag, registering a new runner with the same name fails.\n", span: Span { start: Position { line: 101, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 104, column: 5, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 100, column: 29, }, end: Position { line: 104, column: 7, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "default", span: Span { start: Position { line: 105, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 105, column: 12, }, }, }, ), ], to: Identifier( Identifier { id: "false", span: Span { start: Position { line: 105, column: 15, }, end: Position { line: 105, column: 20, }, }, }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 98, column: 22, }, end: Position { line: 106, column: 4, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "extraPackages", span: Span { start: Position { line: 108, column: 3, }, end: Position { line: 108, column: 16, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: Identifier( Identifier { id: "mkOption", span: Span { start: Position { line: 108, column: 19, }, end: Position { line: 108, column: 27, }, }, }, ), arguments: [ Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "type", span: Span { start: Position { line: 109, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 109, column: 9, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "types", span: Span { start: Position { line: 109, column: 12, }, end: Position { line: 109, column: 17, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "listOf", span: Span { start: Position { line: 109, column: 18, }, end: Position { line: 109, column: 24, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), arguments: [ PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "types", span: Span { start: Position { line: 109, column: 25, }, end: Position { line: 109, column: 30, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "package", span: Span { start: Position { line: 109, column: 31, }, end: Position { line: 109, column: 38, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "description", span: Span { start: Position { line: 110, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 110, column: 16, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "lib", span: Span { start: Position { line: 110, column: 19, }, end: Position { line: 110, column: 22, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "mdDoc", span: Span { start: Position { line: 110, column: 23, }, end: Position { line: 110, column: 28, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), arguments: [ IndentedString( IndentedString { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "Extra packages to add to `PATH` of the service to make them available to workflows.\n", span: Span { start: Position { line: 111, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 112, column: 5, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 110, column: 29, }, end: Position { line: 112, column: 7, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "default", span: Span { start: Position { line: 113, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 113, column: 12, }, }, }, ), ], to: List( List { elements: [], span: Span { start: Position { line: 113, column: 15, }, end: Position { line: 113, column: 18, }, }, }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 108, column: 28, }, end: Position { line: 114, column: 4, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "extraEnvironment", span: Span { start: Position { line: 116, column: 3, }, end: Position { line: 116, column: 19, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: Identifier( Identifier { id: "mkOption", span: Span { start: Position { line: 116, column: 22, }, end: Position { line: 116, column: 30, }, }, }, ), arguments: [ Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "type", span: Span { start: Position { line: 117, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 117, column: 9, }, }, }, ), ], to: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "types", span: Span { start: Position { line: 117, column: 12, }, end: Position { line: 117, column: 17, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "attrs", span: Span { start: Position { line: 117, column: 18, }, end: Position { line: 117, column: 23, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "description", span: Span { start: Position { line: 118, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 118, column: 16, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "lib", span: Span { start: Position { line: 118, column: 19, }, end: Position { line: 118, column: 22, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "mdDoc", span: Span { start: Position { line: 118, column: 23, }, end: Position { line: 118, column: 28, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), arguments: [ IndentedString( IndentedString { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "Extra environment variables to set for the runner, as an attrset.\n", span: Span { start: Position { line: 119, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 120, column: 5, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 118, column: 29, }, end: Position { line: 120, column: 7, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "example", span: Span { start: Position { line: 121, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 121, column: 12, }, }, }, ), ], to: Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "GIT_CONFIG", span: Span { start: Position { line: 122, column: 7, }, end: Position { line: 122, column: 17, }, }, }, ), ], to: String( String_ { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "/path/to/git/config", span: Span { start: Position { line: 122, column: 21, }, end: Position { line: 122, column: 40, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 122, column: 20, }, end: Position { line: 122, column: 41, }, }, }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 121, column: 15, }, end: Position { line: 123, column: 6, }, }, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "default", span: Span { start: Position { line: 124, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 124, column: 12, }, }, }, ), ], to: Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [], span: Span { start: Position { line: 124, column: 15, }, end: Position { line: 124, column: 17, }, }, }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 116, column: 31, }, end: Position { line: 125, column: 4, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "serviceOverrides", span: Span { start: Position { line: 127, column: 3, }, end: Position { line: 127, column: 19, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: Identifier( Identifier { id: "mkOption", span: Span { start: Position { line: 127, column: 22, }, end: Position { line: 127, column: 30, }, }, }, ), arguments: [ Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "type", span: Span { start: Position { line: 128, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 128, column: 9, }, }, }, ), ], to: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "types", span: Span { start: Position { line: 128, column: 12, }, end: Position { line: 128, column: 17, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "attrs", span: Span { start: Position { line: 128, column: 18, }, end: Position { line: 128, column: 23, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "description", span: Span { start: Position { line: 129, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 129, column: 16, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "lib", span: Span { start: Position { line: 129, column: 19, }, end: Position { line: 129, column: 22, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "mdDoc", span: Span { start: Position { line: 129, column: 23, }, end: Position { line: 129, column: 28, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), arguments: [ IndentedString( IndentedString { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "Overrides for the systemd service. Can be used to adjust the sandboxing options.\n", span: Span { start: Position { line: 130, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 131, column: 5, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 129, column: 29, }, end: Position { line: 131, column: 7, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "example", span: Span { start: Position { line: 132, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 132, column: 12, }, }, }, ), ], to: Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "ProtectHome", span: Span { start: Position { line: 133, column: 7, }, end: Position { line: 133, column: 18, }, }, }, ), ], to: Identifier( Identifier { id: "false", span: Span { start: Position { line: 133, column: 21, }, end: Position { line: 133, column: 26, }, }, }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 132, column: 15, }, end: Position { line: 134, column: 6, }, }, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "default", span: Span { start: Position { line: 135, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 135, column: 12, }, }, }, ), ], to: Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [], span: Span { start: Position { line: 135, column: 15, }, end: Position { line: 135, column: 17, }, }, }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 127, column: 31, }, end: Position { line: 136, column: 4, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "package", span: Span { start: Position { line: 138, column: 3, }, end: Position { line: 138, column: 10, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: Identifier( Identifier { id: "mkOption", span: Span { start: Position { line: 138, column: 13, }, end: Position { line: 138, column: 21, }, }, }, ), arguments: [ Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "type", span: Span { start: Position { line: 139, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 139, column: 9, }, }, }, ), ], to: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "types", span: Span { start: Position { line: 139, column: 12, }, end: Position { line: 139, column: 17, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "package", span: Span { start: Position { line: 139, column: 18, }, end: Position { line: 139, column: 25, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "description", span: Span { start: Position { line: 140, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 140, column: 16, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "lib", span: Span { start: Position { line: 140, column: 19, }, end: Position { line: 140, column: 22, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "mdDoc", span: Span { start: Position { line: 140, column: 23, }, end: Position { line: 140, column: 28, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), arguments: [ IndentedString( IndentedString { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "Which github-runner derivation to use.\n", span: Span { start: Position { line: 141, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 142, column: 5, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 140, column: 29, }, end: Position { line: 142, column: 7, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "default", span: Span { start: Position { line: 143, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 143, column: 12, }, }, }, ), ], to: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "pkgs", span: Span { start: Position { line: 143, column: 15, }, end: Position { line: 143, column: 19, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "github-runner", span: Span { start: Position { line: 143, column: 20, }, end: Position { line: 143, column: 33, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "defaultText", span: Span { start: Position { line: 144, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 144, column: 16, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: Identifier( Identifier { id: "literalExpression", span: Span { start: Position { line: 144, column: 19, }, end: Position { line: 144, column: 36, }, }, }, ), arguments: [ String( String_ { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "pkgs.github-runner", span: Span { start: Position { line: 144, column: 38, }, end: Position { line: 144, column: 56, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 144, column: 37, }, end: Position { line: 144, column: 57, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 138, column: 22, }, end: Position { line: 145, column: 4, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "ephemeral", span: Span { start: Position { line: 147, column: 3, }, end: Position { line: 147, column: 12, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: Identifier( Identifier { id: "mkOption", span: Span { start: Position { line: 147, column: 15, }, end: Position { line: 147, column: 23, }, }, }, ), arguments: [ Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "type", span: Span { start: Position { line: 148, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 148, column: 9, }, }, }, ), ], to: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "types", span: Span { start: Position { line: 148, column: 12, }, end: Position { line: 148, column: 17, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "bool", span: Span { start: Position { line: 148, column: 18, }, end: Position { line: 148, column: 22, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "description", span: Span { start: Position { line: 149, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 149, column: 16, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "lib", span: Span { start: Position { line: 149, column: 19, }, end: Position { line: 149, column: 22, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "mdDoc", span: Span { start: Position { line: 149, column: 23, }, end: Position { line: 149, column: 28, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), arguments: [ IndentedString( IndentedString { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "If enabled, causes the following behavior:\n\n- Passes the `--ephemeral` flag to the runner configuration script\n- De-registers and stops the runner with GitHub after it has processed one job\n- On stop, systemd wipes the runtime directory (this always happens, even without using the ephemeral option)\n- Restarts the service after its successful exit\n- On start, wipes the state directory and configures a new runner\n\nYou should only enable this option if `tokenFile` points to a file which contains a\npersonal access token (PAT). If you're using the option with a registration token, restarting the\nservice will fail as soon as the registration token expired.\n", span: Span { start: Position { line: 150, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 161, column: 5, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 149, column: 29, }, end: Position { line: 161, column: 7, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "default", span: Span { start: Position { line: 162, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 162, column: 12, }, }, }, ), ], to: Identifier( Identifier { id: "false", span: Span { start: Position { line: 162, column: 15, }, end: Position { line: 162, column: 20, }, }, }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 147, column: 24, }, end: Position { line: 163, column: 4, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "user", span: Span { start: Position { line: 165, column: 3, }, end: Position { line: 165, column: 7, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: Identifier( Identifier { id: "mkOption", span: Span { start: Position { line: 165, column: 10, }, end: Position { line: 165, column: 18, }, }, }, ), arguments: [ Map( Map { recursive: false, bindings: [ KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "type", span: Span { start: Position { line: 166, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 166, column: 9, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "types", span: Span { start: Position { line: 166, column: 12, }, end: Position { line: 166, column: 17, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "nullOr", span: Span { start: Position { line: 166, column: 18, }, end: Position { line: 166, column: 24, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), arguments: [ PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "types", span: Span { start: Position { line: 166, column: 25, }, end: Position { line: 166, column: 30, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "str", span: Span { start: Position { line: 166, column: 31, }, end: Position { line: 166, column: 34, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "description", span: Span { start: Position { line: 167, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 167, column: 16, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: PropertyAccess( PropertyAccess { expression: Identifier( Identifier { id: "lib", span: Span { start: Position { line: 167, column: 19, }, end: Position { line: 167, column: 22, }, }, }, ), attribute_path: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "mdDoc", span: Span { start: Position { line: 167, column: 23, }, end: Position { line: 167, column: 28, }, }, }, ), ], default: None, }, ), arguments: [ IndentedString( IndentedString { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "User under which to run the service. If null, will use a systemd dynamic user.\n", span: Span { start: Position { line: 168, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 169, column: 5, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 167, column: 29, }, end: Position { line: 169, column: 7, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "default", span: Span { start: Position { line: 170, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 170, column: 12, }, }, }, ), ], to: Identifier( Identifier { id: "null", span: Span { start: Position { line: 170, column: 15, }, end: Position { line: 170, column: 19, }, }, }, ), }, ), KeyValue( BindingKeyValue { from: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "defaultText", span: Span { start: Position { line: 171, column: 5, }, end: Position { line: 171, column: 16, }, }, }, ), ], to: FunctionApplication( FunctionApplication { function: Identifier( Identifier { id: "literalExpression", span: Span { start: Position { line: 171, column: 19, }, end: Position { line: 171, column: 36, }, }, }, ), arguments: [ String( String_ { parts: [ Raw( PartRaw { content: "username", span: Span { start: Position { line: 171, column: 38, }, end: Position { line: 171, column: 46, }, }, }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 171, column: 37, }, end: Position { line: 171, column: 47, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 165, column: 19, }, end: Position { line: 172, column: 4, }, }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), ], span: Span { start: Position { line: 10, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 173, column: 2, }, }, }, ), span: Span { start: Position { line: 8, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 173, column: 2, }, }, }, ), span: Span { start: Position { line: 1, column: 1, }, end: Position { line: 173, column: 2, }, }, }, )