TITLE Mod file for component: Component(id=passiveChan type=ionChannelPassive) COMMENT This NEURON file has been generated by org.neuroml.export (see https://github.com/NeuroML/org.neuroml.export) org.neuroml.export v1.7.2 org.neuroml.model v1.7.2 jLEMS v0.10.4 ENDCOMMENT NEURON { SUFFIX passiveChan NONSPECIFIC_CURRENT i RANGE e RANGE gion RANGE conductance : parameter RANGE g : exposure RANGE fopen : exposure } UNITS { (nA) = (nanoamp) (uA) = (microamp) (mA) = (milliamp) (A) = (amp) (mV) = (millivolt) (mS) = (millisiemens) (uS) = (microsiemens) (molar) = (1/liter) (kHz) = (kilohertz) (mM) = (millimolar) (um) = (micrometer) (umol) = (micromole) (S) = (siemens) } PARAMETER { e conductance = 0 (S/cm2) : Will be changed when ion channel mechanism placed on cell! } ASSIGNED { gion (S/cm2) : Transient conductance density of the channel? Standard Assigned variables with ionChannel v (mV) celsius (degC) temperature (K) fopen : derived variable g (uS) : derived variable } STATE { } INITIAL { temperature = celsius + 273.15 rates(v) rates(v) ? To ensure correct initialisation. } BREAKPOINT { rates(v) fopen = 1 ? evaluable g = conductance ? evaluable gion = conductance * fopen i = gion * (v - e) } PROCEDURE rates(v) { }