# Seeds for failure cases proptest has generated in the past. It is # automatically read and these particular cases re-run before any # novel cases are generated. # # It is recommended to check this file in to source control so that # everyone who runs the test benefits from these saved cases. cc 65122f04fdf33fedfa1aad31d20fc6d154371ea51afbd21d11ab5e3b811ede56 # shrinks to dnn = DNN { layers: [Dense(Affine { basis: [[0.0, 0.0]], shape=[1, 2], strides=[2, 1], layout=CFcf (0xf), const ndim=2, shift: [0.0], shape=[1], strides=[1], layout=CFcf (0xf), const ndim=1 }), ReLU(1), Dense(Affine { basis: [[0.0], [0.0]], shape=[2, 1], strides=[1, 1], layout=CFcf (0xf), const ndim=2, shift: [0.0, 0.0], shape=[2], strides=[1], layout=CFcf (0xf), const ndim=1 }), ReLU(2)] }