use flate2::read::GzDecoder; use nobility::bin_encode::NbtWriter; use std::io::Read; #[test] fn test_hello() { // Uses NbtWriter to construct a document, then makes sure it's a // perfect byte match with the example document. let mut writer = NbtWriter::new(); let mut root = writer.root("hello world"); root.field("name").string("Bananrama"); root.finish(); let result = writer.finish(); let expected = include_bytes!("../files/hello_world.nbt"); assert_eq!(result, expected); } #[test] fn test_bigtest() { // Same deal, but for bigtest.nbt. Note that the order of fields in // the actual file is completely different from the example on // let mut writer = NbtWriter::new(); let mut root = writer.root("Level"); root.field("longTest").long(9223372036854775807); root.field("shortTest").short(32767); root.field("stringTest") .raw_string(b"HELLO WORLD THIS IS A TEST STRING \xc3\x85\xc3\x84\xc3\x96!"); root.field("floatTest").float(0.49823147058486938); root.field("intTest").int(2147483647); { let mut nested = root.compound_field("nested compound test"); { let mut nested_ham = nested.compound_field("ham"); nested_ham.field("name").string("Hampus"); nested_ham.field("value").float(0.75); nested_ham.finish(); } { let mut nested_egg = nested.compound_field("egg"); nested_egg.field("name").string("Eggbert"); nested_egg.field("value").float(0.5); nested_egg.finish(); } nested.finish(); } root.field("listTest (long)") .long_list(&[11, 12, 13, 14, 15]); { let mut compound_list = root.compound_list_field("listTest (compound)"); { let mut elt = compound_list.element(); elt.field("name").string("Compound tag #0"); elt.field("created-on").long(1264099775885); elt.finish(); } { let mut elt = compound_list.element(); elt.field("name").string("Compound tag #1"); elt.field("created-on").long(1264099775885); elt.finish(); } compound_list.finish(); } root.field("byteTest").byte(127); let mut byte_array_test = vec![]; byte_array_test.reserve(1000); for n in 0..1000 { byte_array_test.push(((n * n * 255 + n * 7) % 100) as u8); } root.field("byteArrayTest (the first 1000 values of (n*n*255+n*7)%100, starting with n=0 (0, 62, 34, 16, 8, ...))").byte_array(&byte_array_test); root.field("doubleTest").double(0.49312871321823148); root.finish(); let result = writer.finish(); let cursor = std::io::Cursor::new(include_bytes!("../files/bigtest.nbt")); let mut decoder = GzDecoder::new(cursor); let mut expected = vec![]; decoder.read_to_end(&mut expected).unwrap(); let mut max = 20; for (i, (left, right)) in result.iter().zip(expected.iter()).enumerate() { if max == 0 { println!("Skipping remaining mismatches"); break; } if left != right { println!("Mismatch at offset {}: {:x} != {:x}", i, left, right); max -= 1; } } // Uncomment for debugging // let mut file = File::create("result.bin").unwrap(); // file.write(&result); assert_eq!(result.len(), expected.len()); if max < 20 { panic!("Failed"); } }