(module (import "seal0" "seal_transfer" (func $seal_transfer (param i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32))) (import "seal0" "seal_set_storage" (func $seal_set_storage (param i32 i32 i32))) (import "seal0" "seal_clear_storage" (func $seal_clear_storage (param i32))) (import "seal0" "seal_set_rent_allowance" (func $seal_set_rent_allowance (param i32 i32))) (import "seal0" "seal_input" (func $seal_input (param i32 i32))) (import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1)) ;; insert a value of 4 bytes into storage (func $call_0 (call $seal_set_storage (i32.const 1) (i32.const 0) (i32.const 4) ) ) ;; remove the value inserted by call_1 (func $call_1 (call $seal_clear_storage (i32.const 1) ) ) ;; transfer 50 to CHARLIE (func $call_2 (call $assert (i32.eq (call $seal_transfer (i32.const 136) (i32.const 32) (i32.const 100) (i32.const 8)) (i32.const 0) ) ) ) ;; do nothing (func $call_else) (func $assert (param i32) (block $ok (br_if $ok (get_local 0) ) (unreachable) ) ) ;; Dispatch the call according to input size (func (export "call") (local $input_size i32) ;; 4 byte i32 for br_table followed by 32 byte destination for transfer (i32.store (i32.const 128) (i32.const 36)) (call $seal_input (i32.const 132) (i32.const 128)) (set_local $input_size (i32.load (i32.const 132)) ) (block $IF_ELSE (block $IF_2 (block $IF_1 (block $IF_0 (br_table $IF_0 $IF_1 $IF_2 $IF_ELSE (get_local $input_size) ) (unreachable) ) (call $call_0) return ) (call $call_1) return ) (call $call_2) return ) (call $call_else) ) ;; Set into storage a 4 bytes value ;; Set call set_rent_allowance with input (func (export "deploy") (call $seal_set_storage (i32.const 0) (i32.const 0) (i32.const 4) ) (i32.store (i32.const 128) (i32.const 64)) (call $seal_input (i32.const 132) (i32.const 128) ) (call $seal_set_rent_allowance (i32.const 132) (i32.load (i32.const 128)) ) ) ;; Encoding of 10 in balance (data (i32.const 0) "\28") ;; encoding of 50 balance (data (i32.const 100) "\32") ;; [128, 132) size of seal input buffer ;; [132, inf) output buffer for seal input )