# Scored Pool Module The module maintains a scored membership pool. Each entity in the pool can be attributed a `Score`. From this pool a set `Members` is constructed. This set contains the `MemberCount` highest scoring entities. Unscored entities are never part of `Members`. If an entity wants to be part of the pool a deposit is required. The deposit is returned when the entity withdraws or when it is removed by an entity with the appropriate authority. Every `Period` blocks the set of `Members` is refreshed from the highest scoring members in the pool and, no matter if changes occurred, `T::MembershipChanged::set_members_sorted` is invoked. On first load `T::MembershipInitialized::initialize_members` is invoked with the initial `Members` set. It is possible to withdraw candidacy/resign your membership at any time. If an entity is currently a member, this results in removal from the `Pool` and `Members`; the entity is immediately replaced by the next highest scoring candidate in the pool, if available. - [`scored_pool::Trait`](https://docs.rs/noble-scored-pool/latest/noble_scored_pool/trait.Trait.html) - [`Call`](https://docs.rs/noble-scored-pool/latest/noble_scored_pool/enum.Call.html) - [`Module`](https://docs.rs/noble-scored-pool/latest/noble_scored_pool/struct.Module.html) ## Interface ### Public Functions - `submit_candidacy` - Submit candidacy to become a member. Requires a deposit. - `withdraw_candidacy` - Withdraw candidacy. Deposit is returned. - `score` - Attribute a quantitative score to an entity. - `kick` - Remove an entity from the pool and members. Deposit is returned. - `change_member_count` - Changes the amount of candidates taken into `Members`. ## Usage ```rust use fabric_support::{decl_module, dispatch}; use fabric_system::ensure_signed; use noble_scored_pool::{self as scored_pool}; pub trait Config: scored_pool::Config {} decl_module! { pub struct Module for enum Call where origin: T::Origin { #[weight = 0] pub fn candidate(origin) -> dispatch::DispatchResult { let who = ensure_signed(origin)?; let _ = >::submit_candidacy( T::Origin::from(Some(who.clone()).into()) ); Ok(()) } } } ``` ## Dependencies This module depends on the [System module](https://docs.rs/fabric-system/latest/fabric_system/). License: Apache-2.0