# 2022 ## 0.2.0 * Happy that 0.1.0 published to crates.io * Sad that docs.rs only works with libaries, not binaries * Debated making into a library as well * ... Realized this chagelog is supposted to be about the code * Figured out nested subcommands and wrote a post: https://dev.to/drazisil/nested-subcommands-in-rest-with-clap-4n5m * Bumped to vestion 0.2.0 since changing the commands from `nodepm inspect` to `nodepm package inspect` feels like a breaking change ## 0.1.0 * Initial release * Some docs * Zero coverage * Publish to crates.io * Fingers crossed this actually publishes ### Binary * Added commands * `init` - calls `create_project_manifest` * `inspect` - calls `query_package_reqistry` ### Functions * `create_project_manifest` - Create a _very_ empty "package.json" file with a `name` key set * `query_package_reqistry` - Query the NPM registry for a package and load the metadata into an `NPMPackageInfo` struct ### Structures * `NPMPackageInfo`