macro_rules! test { () => { // Crates --------------------------------------------------------------------- extern crate colored; extern crate hyper; // STD Dependencies ----------------------------------------------------------- use std::thread; use std::io::Read; use std::time::Duration; use std::net::ToSocketAddrs; // External Dependencies ------------------------------------------------------ use hyper::method::Method; use hyper::status::StatusCode; use hyper::header::{Accept, Connection, ContentType, Server, qitem}; use hyper::mime::{Mime, TopLevel, SubLevel, Attr, Value}; use hyper::server::{Request, Response}; use hyper::uri::RequestUri; // Noir Dependencies ---------------------------------------------------------- use noir::{HttpApi, HttpEndpoint}; // Test Server Api ------------------------------------------------------------ fn handle(mut req: Request, mut res: Response) { let body = if let RequestUri::AbsolutePath(path) = req.uri.clone() { match (req.method.clone(), path.as_str()) { (Method::Get, "/get/hello") => { res.headers_mut().set(Server("Servername".to_string())); res.headers_mut().set( ContentType(Mime(TopLevel::Text, SubLevel::Plain, vec![])) ); "Hello World".to_string() }, (m, "/echo/method") => { format!("{}", m) }, (Method::Get, "/timeout") => { thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(2000)); "".to_string() }, (Method::Get, "/status/404") => { *res.status_mut() = StatusCode::NotFound; "".to_string() }, (Method::Get, "/status/500") => { *res.status_mut() = StatusCode::InternalServerError; "".to_string() }, (Method::Get, "/headers/echo") => { *res.headers_mut() = req.headers.clone(); "".to_string() }, (Method::Post, "/body/echo") => { let mut body = String::new(); req.read_to_string(&mut body).unwrap(); body }, (Method::Post, "/echo") => { *res.headers_mut() = req.headers.clone(); res.headers_mut().set_raw("Date", vec![b"".to_vec()]); let mut body = Vec::new(); req.read_to_end(&mut body).unwrap(); res.send(&body[..]).unwrap(); return; }, (Method::Post, "/response/forward") => { let mut body = Vec::new(); req.read_to_end(&mut body).unwrap(); // Handle form-data requests if let Some(&mut ContentType(Mime(_, _, ref mut attrs))) = req.headers.get_mut::() { // Replace any form boundary value with a static string so we // can test it if let Some(&mut (Attr::Boundary, Value::Ext(ref mut b))) = attrs.get_mut(0) { // Ignore plain boundaries from some of the tests if b != "boundary" { // TODO IW: Replace boundary without string conversion let mut str_body = String::from_utf8(body).unwrap(); str_body = str_body.replace(b.as_str(), "boundary12345"); *b = "boundary12345".to_string(); body = str_body.into(); } } } let _ext = hyper_client!().post( format!("").as_str() ).headers(req.headers.clone()).body(&body[..]).send(); "".to_string() }, (Method::Get, "/response/upgrade") => { let _ext = hyper_client!().request( Method::Extension("UPGRADE".to_string()), format!("").as_str() ).send(); "".to_string() }, (Method::Get, "/responses/none") => { "".to_string() }, (Method::Get, "/responses/one") => { external_request(&mut res, "/one").to_string() }, (Method::Get, "/responses/query") => { external_request(&mut res, "/one?key=value&array%5B%5D=item1&array%5B%5D=item2&array%5B%5D=item3&foo=bar&single=item").to_string() }, (Method::Get, "/responses/two") => { external_request(&mut res, "/one"); external_request(&mut res, "/two"); "".to_string() }, (Method::Post, "/form") => { let mut body = String::new(); req.read_to_string(&mut body).unwrap(); let boundary = if let Some(&ContentType(ref mime)) = req.headers.get::() { if let &Mime(TopLevel::Application, SubLevel::FormData, ref attrs) = mime { Some(attrs[0].1.as_str().to_string()) } else { None } } else { None }; if let Some(boundary) = boundary { body = body.replace(boundary.as_str(), ""); } res.headers_mut().set( ContentType(Mime(TopLevel::Text, SubLevel::Plain, vec![])) ); body }, (m, p) => { res.headers_mut().set( ContentType(Mime(TopLevel::Text, SubLevel::Plain, vec![])) ); format!("Route not found: {} {}", m, p) } } } else { "".to_string() }; res.send(body.as_bytes()).unwrap(); } fn external_request(res: &mut Response, path: &'static str) -> String { let req = hyper_client!().get( format!("{}", path).as_str() ).header(Connection::close()).header(Accept(vec![ qitem(Mime(TopLevel::Application, SubLevel::Json, vec![])) ])).send(); match req { Ok(mut r) => { // TODO IW: Support binary responses let mut body = String::new(); r.read_to_string(&mut body).unwrap(); *res.status_mut() = r.status; // Handle form-data responses if let Some(&mut ContentType(Mime(_, _, ref mut attrs))) = r.headers.get_mut::() { // Replace any form boundary value with a static string so we // can test it if let Some(&mut (Attr::Boundary, Value::Ext(ref mut b))) = attrs.get_mut(0) { body = body.replace(b.as_str(), "boundary12345"); *b = "boundary12345".to_string(); } } *res.headers_mut() = r.headers.clone(); body }, Err(e) => { *res.status_mut() = StatusCode::InternalServerError; e.to_string() } } } fn test_server(addr: T) { let _listening = hyper::Server::http(addr).unwrap().handle(handle); } // Test Configuration --------------------------------------------------------- #[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)] pub struct API; impl HttpApi for API { fn hostname(&self) -> &'static str { "localhost" } fn port(&self) -> u16 { 4000 } fn start(&self) { test_server(; } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct EXAMPLE; impl HttpEndpoint for EXAMPLE { fn hostname(&self) -> &'static str { "" } fn port(&self) -> u16 { 443 } } // Test Output Helper --------------------------------------------------------- pub fn multiline(output: String) -> String { let multiline = output.split("\n").map(|s| { let mut raw_string = format!("{:?}", s); raw_string = raw_string.replace("\\u{1b}", ""); raw_string = raw_string.replace("[1;31m", "
"); raw_string = raw_string.replace("[1;32m", ""); raw_string = raw_string.replace("[33m", ""); raw_string = raw_string.replace("[1;34m", ""); raw_string = raw_string.replace("[1;35m", ""); raw_string = raw_string.replace("[36m", ""); raw_string = raw_string.replace("[1;36m", ""); raw_string = raw_string.replace("[0m", ""); raw_string = raw_string.replace("[1;42;37m", ""); raw_string = raw_string.replace("[1;41;37m", ""); (&raw_string[1..raw_string.len() - 1]).trim_right().to_string() }).collect::>().join("\n"); multiline } } } macro_rules! assert_pass { ($result:expr) => { if let Err(err) = $result { use colored::*; println!( "\n{} {}{}{}", "Test Output:".yellow(), ">>>".blue().bold(), multiline(err).red().bold(), "<<<".blue().bold() ); panic!("Noir test was expected to pass."); } } } macro_rules! assert_fail { ($expected:expr, $actual:expr) => { match $actual { Ok(()) => { panic!("Noir test was expected to fail."); }, Err(err) => { println!("{}", err); use colored::*; let result = multiline(err); if result != $expected { println!( "\n{} {}{}{}", "Expected Output:".yellow(), ">>>".blue().bold(), $, "<<<".blue().bold() ); println!( "\n{} {}{}{}", "Actual Output:".yellow(), ">>>".blue().bold(),, "<<<".blue().bold() ); panic!("Noir test output does not match."); } } } } }