use std::time::Instant; use itertools::Itertools; use noir_compute::prelude::*; #[global_allocator] static GLOBAL: mimalloc::MiMalloc = mimalloc::MiMalloc; fn main() { let (config, args) = RuntimeConfig::from_args(); if args.len() != 1 { panic!("Pass the dataset path as an argument"); } let path = &args[0]; config.spawn_remote_workers(); let env = StreamContext::new(config); let source = CsvSource::<(u32, u32)>::new(path).has_headers(false); let mut edges = env .stream(source) // make sure v1 is less than v2 .map(|(v1, v2)| (v1.min(v2), v1.max(v2))) .split(2); let triangles = edges .pop() .unwrap() .group_by(|(v1, _)| *v1) // generate all the triangles incrementally .rich_flat_map({ let mut old_vertices = Vec::new(); move |(_, (_, y))| { let new_triangles = old_vertices .iter() .map(|&x: &u32| (x.min(y), x.max(y))) .collect_vec(); old_vertices.push(y); new_triangles } }) .unkey() .map(|(v1, (v2, v3))| (v1, v2, v3)) // keep only valid triangles .join( edges.pop().unwrap(), |(_v1, v2, v3)| (*v2, *v3), |(v1, v2)| (*v1, *v2), ) .unkey() // count the triangles .fold_assoc(0_u64, |x, _| *x += 1, |x, y| *x += y); let result = triangles.collect_vec(); let start = Instant::now(); env.execute_blocking(); let elapsed = start.elapsed(); if let Some(res) = result.get() { assert!(res.len() <= 1); let triangles = if let Some(x) = res.first() { *x } else { 0 }; eprintln!("Output: {triangles:?}"); } eprintln!("Elapsed: {elapsed:?}"); }