# Rust API client for synology/xpenology nas With some reverse-engineered Api methods ## Features - Browse items (photo and video) - Browse albums - Create albums If you need to extend features, you [can](#extend) ## Example ```rust,no_run use nology_api::*; use chrono::{Utc, Duration}; async fn integration_test() -> SynoResult<()> { let account = env::var("SYNO_USER").unwrap(); let passwd = env::var("SYNO_PASS").unwrap(); //Create service by login let service = SynoService::login( Default::default(), "", LoginRequest { account, passwd } ).await?; //retrieve last photos (or videos) for 100 days (limit 1000) let photos = service.request(browse::ListRequest{ offset: 0, limit: 1000, start_time: Utc::now() - Duration::days(100), end_time: Utc::now(), }).await?; //take 3 last items let items = photos.list.into_iter().map(|bi|bi.id).take(3).collect(); //and create album with it let new_album = service.request(album::CreateRequest { name: format!("test-album-{}", Utc::now().timestamp()), items, }).await.unwrap(); log::info!("album: {new_album:?}"); Ok(()) } ``` ## Extend You can make your own Request/Response structs, and use it in `SynoService::request` by impementing trait `Request`