[private] default: @just --list --no-aliases # generate and open the documentation. @doc: cargo doc --open # build the library. @build: cargo build --release @bacon: bacon --all-features # clean up everything @clean: cargo clean # reformat the code. @fmt: cargo +nightly fmt --all # runs all checks check: just check-fmt just clippy just deny just test just udeps # check if the code is formatted correctly. @check-fmt: echo "Checking code format..." cargo +nightly fmt --all -- --check # run clippy. @clippy: echo "Running clippy..." cargo clippy --all-targets --all-features --tests -- -D warnings # check dependencies licenses. @deny: echo "Checking dependencies licenses..." cargo deny check # check for unused dependencies. @udeps: echo "Checking unused dependencies..." cargo +nightly udeps --all-targets # run the unit tests. @test: echo "Running tests..." cargo nextest run --all --all-features cargo nextest run --no-default-features cargo nextest run -F trace cargo nextest run -F trace-context cargo nextest run -F trace,trace-context cargo nextest run --examples --all-features