mod lib { #[cfg(feature = "std")] pub mod std { pub use std::string::ToString; pub use std::vec::Vec; } #[cfg(all(not(feature = "std"), feature = "alloc"))] pub mod std { pub use alloc::string::ToString; pub use alloc::vec::Vec; } } #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] use lib::std::*; use super::LocatedSpan; #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] use nom::ParseTo; use nom::{ error::ErrorKind, Compare, CompareResult, FindSubstring, FindToken, InputIter, InputTake, InputTakeAtPosition, Offset, Slice, }; type StrSpan<'a> = LocatedSpan<&'a str>; type BytesSpan<'a> = LocatedSpan<&'a [u8]>; type StrSpanEx<'a, 'b> = LocatedSpan<&'a str, &'b str>; type BytesSpanEx<'a, 'b> = LocatedSpan<&'a [u8], &'b str>; #[test] fn new_sould_be_the_same_as_new_extra() { let byteinput = &b"foobar"[..]; assert_eq!( BytesSpan::new(byteinput), LocatedSpan::new_extra(byteinput, ()) ); let strinput = "foobar"; assert_eq!(StrSpan::new(strinput), LocatedSpan::new_extra(strinput, ())); } #[test] fn it_should_call_new_for_u8_successfully() { let input = &b"foobar"[..]; let output = BytesSpan { offset: 0, line: 1, fragment: input, extra: (), }; assert_eq!(BytesSpan::new(input), output); } #[test] fn it_should_convert_from_u8_successfully() { let input = &b"foobar"[..]; assert_eq!(BytesSpan::new(input), input.into()); assert_eq!(BytesSpanEx::new_extra(input, "extra"), input.into()); } #[test] fn it_should_call_new_for_str_successfully() { let input = &"foobar"[..]; let output = StrSpan { offset: 0, line: 1, fragment: input, extra: (), }; assert_eq!(StrSpan::new(input), output); } #[test] fn it_should_convert_from_str_successfully() { let input = &"foobar"[..]; assert_eq!(StrSpan::new(input), input.into()); assert_eq!(StrSpanEx::new_extra(input, "extra"), input.into()); } #[test] fn it_should_ignore_extra_for_equality() { let input = &"foobar"[..]; assert_eq!( StrSpanEx::new_extra(input, "foo"), StrSpanEx::new_extra(input, "bar") ); } #[cfg(feature = "std")] #[test] fn it_should_ignore_extra_for_hash() { use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher; use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher}; fn calculate_hash(t: &T) -> u64 { let mut s = DefaultHasher::new(); t.hash(&mut s); s.finish() } let input = &"foobar"[..]; assert_eq!( calculate_hash(&StrSpanEx::new_extra(input, "foo")), calculate_hash(&StrSpanEx::new_extra(input, "bar")) ); } #[test] fn it_should_slice_for_str() { let str_slice = StrSpanEx::new_extra("foobar", "extra"); assert_eq!( str_slice.slice(1..), StrSpanEx { offset: 1, line: 1, fragment: "oobar", extra: "extra", } ); assert_eq!( str_slice.slice(1..3), StrSpanEx { offset: 1, line: 1, fragment: "oo", extra: "extra", } ); assert_eq!( str_slice.slice(..3), StrSpanEx { offset: 0, line: 1, fragment: "foo", extra: "extra", } ); assert_eq!(str_slice.slice(..), str_slice); } #[test] fn it_should_slice_for_u8() { let bytes_slice = BytesSpanEx::new_extra(b"foobar", "extra"); assert_eq!( bytes_slice.slice(1..), BytesSpanEx { offset: 1, line: 1, fragment: b"oobar", extra: "extra", } ); assert_eq!( bytes_slice.slice(1..3), BytesSpanEx { offset: 1, line: 1, fragment: b"oo", extra: "extra", } ); assert_eq!( bytes_slice.slice(..3), BytesSpanEx { offset: 0, line: 1, fragment: b"foo", extra: "extra", } ); assert_eq!(bytes_slice.slice(..), bytes_slice); } #[test] fn it_should_calculate_columns() { let input = StrSpan::new( "foo bar", ); let bar_idx = input.find_substring("bar").unwrap(); assert_eq!(input.slice(bar_idx..).get_column(), 9); } #[test] fn it_should_calculate_columns_accurately_with_non_ascii_chars() { let s = StrSpan::new("メカジキ"); assert_eq!(s.slice(6..).get_utf8_column(), 3); } #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "offset is too big")] fn it_should_panic_when_getting_column_if_offset_is_too_big() { let s = StrSpanEx { offset: usize::max_value(), fragment: "", line: 1, extra: "", }; s.get_column(); } #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] #[test] fn it_should_iterate_indices() { let str_slice = StrSpan::new("foobar"); assert_eq!( str_slice.iter_indices().collect::>(), vec![(0, 'f'), (1, 'o'), (2, 'o'), (3, 'b'), (4, 'a'), (5, 'r')] ); assert_eq!( StrSpan::new("") .iter_indices() .collect::>(), vec![] ); } #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] #[test] fn it_should_iterate_elements() { let str_slice = StrSpan::new("foobar"); assert_eq!( str_slice.iter_elements().collect::>(), vec!['f', 'o', 'o', 'b', 'a', 'r'] ); assert_eq!( StrSpan::new("").iter_elements().collect::>(), vec![] ); } #[test] fn it_should_position_char() { let str_slice = StrSpan::new("foobar"); assert_eq!(str_slice.position(|x| x == 'a'), Some(4)); assert_eq!(str_slice.position(|x| x == 'c'), None); } #[test] fn it_should_compare_elements() { assert_eq!(StrSpan::new("foobar").compare("foo"), CompareResult::Ok); assert_eq!(StrSpan::new("foobar").compare("bar"), CompareResult::Error); assert_eq!(StrSpan::new("foobar").compare("foobar"), CompareResult::Ok); assert_eq!( StrSpan::new("foobar").compare_no_case("fooBar"), CompareResult::Ok ); assert_eq!( StrSpan::new("foobar").compare("foobarbaz"), CompareResult::Incomplete ); assert_eq!( BytesSpan::new(b"foobar").compare(b"foo" as &[u8]), CompareResult::Ok ); } #[test] #[allow(unused_parens)] fn it_should_find_token() { assert!(StrSpan::new("foobar").find_token('a')); assert!(StrSpan::new("foobar").find_token(b'a')); assert!(StrSpan::new("foobar").find_token(&(b'a'))); assert!(!StrSpan::new("foobar").find_token('c')); assert!(!StrSpan::new("foobar").find_token(b'c')); assert!(!StrSpan::new("foobar").find_token((&b'c'))); assert!(BytesSpan::new(b"foobar").find_token(b'a')); assert!(BytesSpan::new(b"foobar").find_token(&(b'a'))); assert!(!BytesSpan::new(b"foobar").find_token(b'c')); assert!(!BytesSpan::new(b"foobar").find_token((&b'c'))); } #[test] fn it_should_find_substring() { assert_eq!(StrSpan::new("foobar").find_substring("bar"), Some(3)); assert_eq!(StrSpan::new("foobar").find_substring("baz"), None); assert_eq!(BytesSpan::new(b"foobar").find_substring("bar"), Some(3)); assert_eq!(BytesSpan::new(b"foobar").find_substring("baz"), None); assert_eq!( BytesSpan::new(b"foobar").find_substring(b"bar" as &[u8]), Some(3) ); assert_eq!( BytesSpan::new(b"foobar").find_substring(b"baz" as &[u8]), None ); } #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] #[test] fn it_should_parse_to_string() { assert_eq!( StrSpan::new("foobar").parse_to(), Some("foobar".to_string()) ); assert_eq!( BytesSpan::new(b"foobar").parse_to(), Some("foobar".to_string()) ); } // #[test] fn it_should_calculate_offset_for_u8() { let s = b"abcd123"; let a = &s[..]; let b = &a[2..]; let c = &a[..4]; let d = &a[3..5]; assert_eq!(a.offset(b), 2); assert_eq!(a.offset(c), 0); assert_eq!(a.offset(d), 3); } // #[test] fn it_should_calculate_offset_for_str() { let s = StrSpan::new("abcřèÂßÇd123"); let a = s.slice(..); let b = a.slice(7..); let c = a.slice(..5); let d = a.slice(5..9); assert_eq!(a.offset(&b), 7); assert_eq!(a.offset(&c), 0); assert_eq!(a.offset(&d), 5); } #[test] fn it_should_take_chars() { let s = StrSpanEx::new_extra("abcdefghij", "extra"); assert_eq!( s.take(5), StrSpanEx { offset: 0, line: 1, fragment: "abcde", extra: "extra", } ); } #[test] fn it_should_take_split_chars() { let s = StrSpanEx::new_extra("abcdefghij", "extra"); assert_eq!( s.take_split(5), ( StrSpanEx { offset: 5, line: 1, fragment: "fghij", extra: "extra", }, StrSpanEx { offset: 0, line: 1, fragment: "abcde", extra: "extra", } ) ); } type TestError<'a, 'b> = (LocatedSpan<&'a str, &'b str>, nom::error::ErrorKind); #[test] fn it_should_split_at_position() { let s = StrSpanEx::new_extra("abcdefghij", "extra"); assert_eq!( s.split_at_position::<_, TestError>(|c| { c == 'f' }), Ok(( StrSpanEx { offset: 5, line: 1, fragment: "fghij", extra: "extra", }, StrSpanEx { offset: 0, line: 1, fragment: "abcde", extra: "extra", } )) ); } // TODO also test split_at_position with an error #[test] fn it_should_split_at_position1() { let s = StrSpanEx::new_extra("abcdefghij", "extra"); assert_eq!( s.split_at_position1::<_, TestError>(|c| { c == 'f' }, ErrorKind::Alpha), s.split_at_position::<_, TestError>(|c| { c == 'f' }), ); } #[test] fn it_should_capture_position() { use super::position; use nom::bytes::complete::{tag, take_until}; use nom::IResult; fn parser<'a>(s: StrSpan<'a>) -> IResult, (StrSpan<'a>, &'a str)> { let (s, _) = take_until("def")(s)?; let (s, p) = position(s)?; let (s, t) = tag("def")(s)?; Ok((s, (p, t.fragment))) } let s = StrSpan::new("abc\ndefghij"); let (_, (s, t)) = parser(s).unwrap(); assert_eq!(s.offset, 4); assert_eq!(s.line, 2); assert_eq!(t, "def"); } #[test] fn it_should_deref_to_fragment() { let input = &"foobar"[..]; assert_eq!(*StrSpanEx::new_extra(input, "extra"), input); let input = &b"foobar"[..]; assert_eq!(*BytesSpanEx::new_extra(input, "extra"), input); } #[cfg(feature = "std")] #[test] fn it_should_display_hex() { use nom::HexDisplay; assert_eq!( StrSpan::new(&"abc"[..]).to_hex(4), "00000000\t61 62 63 \tabc\n".to_owned() ); assert_eq!( BytesSpanEx::new_extra(&b"abc"[..], "extra").to_hex(4), "00000000\t61 62 63 \tabc\n".to_owned() ); } #[test] fn line_of_empty_span_is_empty() { assert_eq!(StrSpan::new("").get_line_beginning(), "".as_bytes()); } #[test] fn line_of_single_line_start_is_whole() { assert_eq!( StrSpan::new("A single line").get_line_beginning(), "A single line".as_bytes(), ); } #[test] fn line_of_single_line_end_is_whole() { let data = "A single line"; assert_eq!( StrSpan::new(data).slice(data.len()..).get_line_beginning(), "A single line".as_bytes(), ); } #[test] fn line_of_start_is_first() { assert_eq!( StrSpan::new( "One line of text\ \nFollowed by a second\ \nand a third\n" ) .get_line_beginning(), "One line of text".as_bytes(), ); } #[test] fn line_of_nl_is_before() { let data = "One line of text\ \nFollowed by a second\ \nand a third\n"; assert_eq!( StrSpan::new(data) .slice(data.find('\n').unwrap()..) .get_line_beginning(), "One line of text".as_bytes(), ); } #[test] fn line_of_end_after_nl_is_empty() { let data = "One line of text\ \nFollowed by a second\ \nand a third\n"; assert_eq!( StrSpan::new(data).slice(data.len()..).get_line_beginning(), "".as_bytes(), ); } #[test] fn line_of_end_no_nl_is_last() { let data = "One line of text\ \nFollowed by a second\ \nand a third"; assert_eq!( StrSpan::new(data).slice(data.len()..).get_line_beginning(), "and a third".as_bytes(), ); } /// This test documents how `get_line_beginning()` differs from /// a hypotetical `get_line()` method. #[test] fn line_begining_may_ot_be_entire_len() { let data = "One line of text\ \nFollowed by a second\ \nand a third"; let by = "by"; let pos = data.find_substring(by).unwrap(); assert_eq!( StrSpan::new(data) .slice(pos..pos + by.len()) .get_line_beginning(), "Followed by".as_bytes(), ); } #[cfg(feature = "std")] #[test] fn line_for_non_ascii_chars() { let data = StrSpan::new( "Några rader text på Svenska.\ \nFörra raden var först, den här är i mitten\ \noch här är sista raden.\n", ); let s = data.slice(data.find_substring("först").unwrap()..); assert_eq!( format!( "{line_no:3}: {line_text}\n {0:>lpos$}^- The match\n", "", line_no = s.location_line(), line_text = core::str::from_utf8(s.get_line_beginning()).unwrap(), lpos = s.get_utf8_column(), ), " 2: Förra raden var först, den här är i mitten\ \n ^- The match\n", ); } #[test] fn it_should_implement_as_ref_for_the_underlying_type() { // LocatedSpan<&str> should implement AsRef. { fn function_accepting_str>(_s: S) {} let str_data = StrSpan::new("some data"); function_accepting_str(str_data); } // LocatedSpan<&[u8]> should implement AsRef<[u8]>. { fn function_accepting_u8_slice>(_data: B) {} let bytes_data = BytesSpan::new(b"some binary data"); function_accepting_u8_slice(bytes_data); } } #[cfg(feature = "std")] #[test] fn it_should_implement_as_ref_impls_for_the_underlying_type() { // Since str implements AsRef, it's useful to have LocatedSpan<&str> // implement AsRef as well. fn function_accepting_path>(_path: P) {} let str_data = StrSpan::new("some data"); function_accepting_path(str_data); }