use nom::{error::ErrorKind, error_position, AsBytes, FindSubstring, IResult, InputLength, Slice}; use nom_locate::LocatedSpan; use std::cmp; use std::fmt::Debug; use std::ops::{Range, RangeFull}; #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] use nom::bytes::complete::escaped_transform; #[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))] use nom::{ bytes::complete::{tag, take_until}, character::complete::{char, multispace0}, combinator::eof, multi::many0, sequence::{delimited, preceded}, }; type StrSpan<'a> = LocatedSpan<&'a str>; type BytesSpan<'a> = LocatedSpan<&'a [u8]>; #[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))] fn simple_parser_str(i: StrSpan) -> IResult> { let (i, foo) = delimited(multispace0, tag("foo"), multispace0)(i)?; let (i, bar) = delimited(multispace0, tag("bar"), multispace0)(i)?; let (i, baz) = many0(delimited(multispace0, tag("baz"), multispace0))(i)?; let (i, eof) = eof(i)?; Ok({ let mut res = vec![foo, bar]; res.extend(baz); res.push(eof); (i, res) }) } #[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))] fn simple_parser_u8(i: BytesSpan) -> IResult> { let (i, foo) = delimited(multispace0, tag("foo"), multispace0)(i)?; let (i, bar) = delimited(multispace0, tag("bar"), multispace0)(i)?; let (i, baz) = many0(delimited(multispace0, tag("baz"), multispace0))(i)?; let (i, eof) = eof(i)?; Ok({ let mut res = vec![foo, bar]; res.extend(baz); res.push(eof); (i, res) }) } struct Position { line: u32, column: usize, offset: usize, fragment_len: usize, } fn test_str_fragments<'a, F, T>(parser: F, input: T, positions: Vec) where F: Fn(LocatedSpan) -> IResult, Vec>>, T: InputLength + Slice> + Slice + Debug + PartialEq + AsBytes, { let res = parser(LocatedSpan::new(input.slice(..))) .map_err(|err| { eprintln!( "for={:?} -- The parser should run successfully\n{:?}", input, err ); format!("The parser should run successfully") }) .unwrap(); // assert!(res.is_ok(), "the parser should run successfully"); let (remaining, output) = res; assert!( remaining.fragment().input_len() == 0, "no input should remain" ); assert_eq!(output.len(), positions.len()); for (output_item, pos) in output.iter().zip(positions.iter()) { assert_eq!(output_item.location_offset(), pos.offset); assert_eq!(output_item.location_line(), pos.line); assert_eq!( output_item.fragment(), &input.slice(pos.offset..cmp::min(pos.offset + pos.fragment_len, input.input_len())) ); assert_eq!( output_item.get_utf8_column(), pos.column, "columns should be equal" ); } } #[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))] #[test] fn it_locates_str_fragments() { test_str_fragments( simple_parser_str, "foobarbaz", vec![ Position { line: 1, column: 1, offset: 0, fragment_len: 3, }, Position { line: 1, column: 4, offset: 3, fragment_len: 3, }, Position { line: 1, column: 7, offset: 6, fragment_len: 3, }, Position { line: 1, column: 10, offset: 9, fragment_len: 3, }, ], ); test_str_fragments( simple_parser_str, " foo bar baz", vec![ Position { line: 1, column: 2, offset: 1, fragment_len: 3, }, Position { line: 2, column: 9, offset: 13, fragment_len: 3, }, Position { line: 3, column: 13, offset: 29, fragment_len: 3, }, Position { line: 3, column: 16, offset: 32, fragment_len: 3, }, ], ); } #[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))] #[test] fn it_locates_u8_fragments() { test_str_fragments( simple_parser_u8, b"foobarbaz", vec![ Position { line: 1, column: 1, offset: 0, fragment_len: 3, }, Position { line: 1, column: 4, offset: 3, fragment_len: 3, }, Position { line: 1, column: 7, offset: 6, fragment_len: 3, }, Position { line: 1, column: 10, offset: 9, fragment_len: 3, }, ], ); test_str_fragments( simple_parser_u8, b" foo bar baz", vec![ Position { line: 1, column: 2, offset: 1, fragment_len: 3, }, Position { line: 2, column: 9, offset: 13, fragment_len: 3, }, Position { line: 3, column: 13, offset: 29, fragment_len: 3, }, Position { line: 3, column: 16, offset: 32, fragment_len: 3, }, ], ); } fn find_substring<'a>( input: StrSpan<'a>, substr: &'static str, ) -> IResult, StrSpan<'a>> { let substr_len = substr.len(); match input.find_substring(substr) { None => Err(nom::Err::Error(error_position!(input, ErrorKind::Tag))), Some(pos) => Ok(( input.slice(pos + substr_len..), input.slice(pos..pos + substr_len), )), } } #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] #[test] fn test_escaped_string() { #[allow(unused)] use nom::Needed; // fn string(i: StrSpan) -> IResult { delimited( char('"'), escaped_transform( nom::character::complete::alpha1, '\\', nom::character::complete::anychar, ), char('"'), )(i) } let res = string(LocatedSpan::new("\"foo\\\"bar\"")); assert!(res.is_ok()); let (span, remaining) = res.unwrap(); assert_eq!(span.location_offset(), 10); assert_eq!(span.location_line(), 1); assert_eq!(span.fragment(), &""); assert_eq!(remaining, "foo\"bar".to_string()); } #[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))] fn plague(i: StrSpan) -> IResult> { let (i, ojczyzno) = find_substring(i, "Ojczyzno")?; let (i, jak) = many0(|i| find_substring(i, "jak "))(i)?; let (i, zielona) = find_substring(i, "Zielona")?; let (i, _) = preceded(take_until("."), tag("."))(i)?; Ok({ let mut res = vec![ojczyzno]; res.extend(jak); res.push(zielona); (i, res) }) } #[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))] #[test] fn it_locates_complex_fragments() { // Pan Tadeusz. let input = "Litwo! Ojczyzno moja! ty jestes jak zdrowie; Ile cie trzeba cenic, ten tylko sie dowie Kto cie stracil. Dzis pieknosc twa w calej ozdobie Widze i opisuje, bo tesknie po tobie. Panno swieta, co jasnej bronisz Czestochowy I w Ostrej swiecisz Bramie! Ty, co grod zamkowy Nowogrodzki ochraniasz z jego wiernym ludem! Jak mnie dziecko do zdrowia powrocilas cudem, (Gdy od placzacej matki, pod Twoje opieke Ofiarowany, martwa podnioslem powieke; I zaraz moglem pieszo, do Twych swiatyn progu Isc za wrocone zycie podziekowac Bogu;) Tak nas powrocisz cudem na Ojczyzny lono. Tymczasem przenos moje dusze uteskniona Do tych pagorkow lesnych, do tych lak zielonych, Szeroko nad blekitnym Niemnem rosciagnionych; Do tych pol malowanych zbozem rozmaitem, Wyzlacanych pszenica, posrebrzanych zytem; Gdzie bursztynowy swierzop, gryka jak snieg biala, Gdzie panienskim rumiencem dziecielina pala, A wszystko przepasane jakby wstega, miedza Zielona, na niej zrzadka ciche grusze siedza."; let expected = vec![ Position { line: 1, column: 8, offset: 7, fragment_len: 8, }, Position { line: 1, column: 33, offset: 32, fragment_len: 4, }, Position { line: 21, column: 35, offset: 823, fragment_len: 4, }, Position { line: 24, column: 1, offset: 928, fragment_len: 7, }, ]; test_str_fragments(plague, input, expected); } #[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))] #[test] fn test_take_until_str() { fn parser(i: StrSpan) -> IResult { let (i, _) = delimited(take_until("foo"), tag("foo"), multispace0)(i)?; let (i, _) = delimited(take_until("bar"), tag("bar"), multispace0)(i)?; let (i, _) = eof(i)?; Ok((i, ())) } let res = parser(LocatedSpan::new(" X foo Y bar ")); assert!(res.is_ok()); let (span, _) = res.unwrap(); assert_eq!(span.location_offset(), 13); assert_eq!(span.location_line(), 1); assert_eq!(*span.fragment(), ""); } #[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))] #[test] fn test_take_until_u8() { fn parser(i: BytesSpan) -> IResult { // Mix string and byte conditions. let (i, _) = delimited(take_until("foo"), tag("foo"), multispace0)(i)?; let (i, _) = delimited(take_until(&b"bar"[..]), tag(&b"bar"[..]), multispace0)(i)?; let (i, _) = eof(i)?; Ok((i, ())) } let res = parser(LocatedSpan::new(&b" X foo Y bar "[..])); assert!(res.is_ok()); let (span, _) = res.unwrap(); assert_eq!(span.location_offset(), 13); assert_eq!(span.location_line(), 1); assert_eq!(*span.fragment(), &b""[..]); }