[package] name = "non_std" version = "0.1.4" edition = "2021" authors = [ "Kostiantyn Wandalen ", "Volodymyr M. ", "Dmytro Kryvoruchko ", ] license = "MIT" readme = "Readme.md" documentation = "https://docs.rs/non_std" repository = "https://github.com/Wandalen/wTools/tree/master/module/alias/non_std" homepage = "https://github.com/Wandalen/wTools/tree/master/module/alias/non_std" description = """ Collection of general purpose tools for solving problems. Fundamentally extend the language without spoiling, so may be used solely or in conjunction with another module of such kind. """ categories = [ "algorithms", "development-tools" ] keywords = [ "fundamental", "general-purpose" ] [package.metadata.docs.rs] all-features = true include = [ "/rust/impl/non_std_lib.rs", "/Cargo.toml", "/Readme.md", "/License", ] [lib] name = "non_std" path = "rust/impl/non_std_lib.rs" [[test]] name = "non_std_test" path = "rust/test/non_std_tests.rs" [[test]] name = "non_std_smoke_test" path = "rust/test/_integration_test/smoke_test.rs" [features] # iter iter = [ "wtools/iter" ] iter_default = [ "iter", "wtools/iter_default", ] iter_full = [ "wtools/iter_full", "iter", "iter_use_std", ] iter_use_std = [ "wtools/iter_use_std" ] iter_use_alloc = [ "wtools/iter_use_alloc" ] # meta meta = [ "wtools/meta" ] meta_default = [ "meta", "meta_for_each", "meta_impls_index", "meta_mod_interface", "meta_former", "meta_options", "meta_collection_make", ] meta_full = [ "meta", "meta_for_each", "meta_impls_index", "meta_mod_interface", "meta_former", "meta_options", "meta_collection_make", ] meta_use_std = [ "wtools/meta_use_std" ] meta_use_alloc = [ "wtools/meta_use_alloc" ] meta_for_each = [ "meta", "wtools/meta_for_each" ] meta_impls_index = [ "meta", "wtools/meta_impls_index" ] meta_mod_interface = [ "meta", "wtools/meta_mod_interface" ] meta_collection_make = [ "meta", "wtools/meta_collection_make" ] meta_former = [ "meta", "wtools/meta_former" ] meta_options = [ "meta", "wtools/meta_options" ] # typing typing = [ "wtools/typing" ] typing_default = [ "typing", "typing_inspect_type", "typing_is_slice", "typing_implements", ] typing_full = [ "typing", "typing_inspect_type", "typing_is_slice", "typing_implements", ] typing_use_std = [ "wtools/typing_use_std" ] typing_use_alloc = [ "wtools/typing_use_alloc" ] typing_nightly = [ "typing", "nightly", "wtools/typing_nightly" ] typing_inspect_type = [ "typing", "wtools/typing_inspect_type" ] typing_is_slice = [ "typing", "wtools/typing_is_slice" ] typing_implements = [ "typing", "wtools/typing_implements" ] # time time = [ "wtools/time" ] time_default = [ "time", "time_now", ] time_full = [ "time", "time_now", ] time_use_std = [ "wtools/time_use_std" ] time_use_alloc = [ "wtools/time_use_alloc" ] time_now = [ "time", "wtools/time_now" ] # string string = [ "wtools/string" ] string_default = [ "string", "string_use_std", "string_indentation", "string_isolate", "string_parse_request", "string_parse_number", "string_split", ] string_full = [ "string", "string_use_std", "string_indentation", "string_isolate", "string_parse_request", "string_parse_number", "string_split", ] string_use_std = [ "string", "wtools/string_use_std" ] string_use_alloc = [ "string", "wtools/string_use_alloc" ] string_indentation = [ "string", "string_use_std", "wtools/string_indentation" ] string_isolate = [ "string", "string_use_std", "wtools/string_isolate" ] string_parse_request = [ "string", "string_use_std", "string_isolate", "wtools/string_parse_request" ] string_parse_number = [ "string", "string_use_std", "wtools/string_parse_number" ] string_split = [ "string", "string_use_std", "wtools/string_split" ] # error error = [ "wtools/error" ] error_default = [ "error", "error_handling_for_lib", "error_handling_for_app", "error_use_std", ] error_full = [ "error", "error_handling_for_lib", "error_handling_for_app", "error_use_std", ] error_use_std = [ "error", "wtools/error_use_std" ] error_use_alloc = [ "error", "wtools/error_use_alloc" ] error_handling_for_lib = [ "error", "wtools/error_handling_for_lib" ] error_handling_for_app = [ "error", "wtools/error_handling_for_app" ] # derive derive = [ "wtools/derive" ] derive_full = [ "derive", "derive_add_assign", "derive_add", "derive_as_mut", "derive_as_ref", "derive_constructor", "derive_deref", "derive_deref_mut", "derive_error", "derive_from", "derive_from_str", "derive_index", "derive_index_mut", "derive_into", "derive_into_iterator", "derive_iterator", "derive_mul_assign", "derive_mul", "derive_not", "derive_sum", "derive_try_into", "derive_is_variant", "derive_unwrap", "derive_convert_case", "derive_display", "derive_from_str", "derive_clone_dyn", "derive_clone_dyn_use_std", ] derive_default = [ "derive", "derive_add_assign", "derive_add", "derive_as_mut", "derive_as_ref", "derive_constructor", "derive_deref", "derive_deref_mut", "derive_error", "derive_from", "derive_from_str", "derive_index", "derive_index_mut", "derive_into", "derive_into_iterator", "derive_iterator", "derive_mul_assign", "derive_mul", "derive_not", "derive_sum", "derive_try_into", "derive_is_variant", "derive_unwrap", "derive_convert_case", "derive_display", "derive_from_str", "derive_clone_dyn", "derive_clone_dyn_use_std", ] derive_use_std = [ "wtools/derive_use_std" ] derive_use_alloc = [ "wtools/derive_use_alloc" ] derive_nightly = [ "derive", "nightly", "wtools/derive_nightly" ] derive_enable_track_caller = [ "derive", "wtools/derive_enable_track_caller" ] # derive_more = [ "derive", "wtools/derive_more" ] derive_add_assign = [ "derive", "wtools/derive_add_assign" ] derive_add = [ "derive", "wtools/derive_add" ] derive_as_mut = [ "derive", "wtools/derive_as_mut" ] derive_as_ref = [ "derive", "wtools/derive_as_ref" ] derive_constructor = [ "derive", "wtools/derive_constructor" ] derive_deref = [ "derive", "wtools/derive_deref" ] derive_deref_mut = [ "derive", "wtools/derive_deref_mut" ] derive_error = [ "derive", "wtools/derive_error" ] derive_from = [ "derive", "wtools/derive_from" ] derive_index = [ "derive", "wtools/derive_index" ] derive_index_mut = [ "derive", "wtools/derive_index_mut" ] derive_into = [ "derive", "wtools/derive_into" ] derive_into_iterator = [ "derive", "wtools/derive_into_iterator" ] derive_iterator = [ "derive", "wtools/derive_iterator" ] derive_mul_assign = [ "derive", "wtools/derive_mul_assign" ] derive_mul = [ "derive", "wtools/derive_mul" ] derive_not = [ "derive", "wtools/derive_not" ] derive_sum = [ "derive", "wtools/derive_sum" ] derive_try_into = [ "derive", "wtools/derive_try_into" ] derive_is_variant = [ "derive", "wtools/derive_is_variant" ] derive_unwrap = [ "derive", "wtools/derive_unwrap" ] derive_convert_case = [ "derive", "wtools/derive_convert_case" ] derive_display = [ "derive", "wtools/derive_display", "parse-display" ] derive_from_str = [ "derive", "wtools/derive_from_str", "parse-display" ] derive_clone_dyn = [ "derive", "wtools/derive_clone_dyn" ] derive_clone_dyn_use_std = [ "derive_clone_dyn", "wtools/derive_clone_dyn_use_std" ] derive_clone_dyn_use_alloc = [ "derive_clone_dyn", "wtools/derive_clone_dyn_use_alloc" ] # dt dt = [ "wtools/dt" ] dt_default = [ "dt", "dt_either", "dt_type_constructor", "dt_make", "dt_vectorized_from", "dt_interval", ] dt_full = [ "dt", "dt_either", "dt_type_constructor", "dt_make", "dt_vectorized_from", "dt_interval", ] dt_use_std = [ "wtools/dt_use_std" ] dt_use_alloc = [ "wtools/dt_use_alloc" ] dt_either = [ "dt", "wtools/dt_either" ] dt_type_constructor = [ "dt", "wtools/dt_type_constructor" ] dt_make = [ "dt", "wtools/dt_make" ] dt_vectorized_from = [ "dt", "wtools/dt_vectorized_from" ] dt_interval = [ "dt", "wtools/dt_interval" ] # diagnostics diagnostics = [ "wtools/diagnostics" ] diagnostics_full = [ "diagnostics", "diagnostics_runtime_assertions", "diagnostics_compiletime_assertions", ] diagnostics_default = [ "diagnostics", "diagnostics_runtime_assertions", "diagnostics_compiletime_assertions", ] diagnostics_use_std = [ "wtools/diagnostics_use_std" ] diagnostics_use_alloc = [ "wtools/diagnostics_use_alloc" ] diagnostics_runtime_assertions = [ "diagnostics", "wtools/diagnostics_runtime_assertions" ] diagnostics_compiletime_assertions = [ "diagnostics", "wtools/diagnostics_compiletime_assertions" ] # must be empty nightly = [] default = [ "iter_default", "meta_default", "typing_default", "time_default", "string_default", "error_default", "derive_default", "dt_default", "diagnostics_default", "use_std", ] full = [ "iter_full", "meta_full", "typing_full", "time_full", "string_full", "error_full", "derive_full", "dt_full", "diagnostics_full", "use_std", "use_alloc", ] use_std = [] use_alloc = [] # = dependencies [dependencies] wtools = { version = "~0.2", path = "../../rust/wtools" } impls_index = { version = "~0.1", path = "../../rust/impls_index" } # despite impls_index is imported by wtools it should also be imported immediatly parse-display = { version = "~0.5", optional = true, default-features = false } # have to be here because of problem with FromStr [dev-dependencies] test_tools = { version = "~0.1", path = "../../rust/test_tools" }