#[ cfg( feature = "compiletime_assertions" ) ] pub( crate ) mod private { /// /// Compile-time assertion that two types have the same size. /// // #[ cfg( feature = "compiletime_assertions" ) ] #[ macro_export ] macro_rules! cta_type_same_size { ( $Type1:ty, $Type2:ty $(,)? ) => {{ const _ : fn() = || { let _ : [ () ; core::mem::size_of::< $Type1 >() ] = [ () ; core::mem::size_of::< $Type2 >() ]; }; // let _ = core::mem::transmute::< $Type1, $Type2 >; true }} } /// /// Compile-time assertion of having the same align. /// // #[ cfg( feature = "compiletime_assertions" ) ] #[ macro_export ] macro_rules! cta_type_same_align { ( $Type1:ty, $Type2:ty $(,)? ) => {{ const _ : fn() = || { let _ : [ () ; core::mem::align_of::< $Type1 >() ] = [ () ; core::mem::align_of::< $Type2 >() ]; }; true }}; } /// /// Compile-time assertion that memory behind two references have the same size. /// // #[ cfg( feature = "compiletime_assertions" ) ] #[ macro_export ] macro_rules! cta_ptr_same_size { ( $Ins1:expr, $Ins2:expr $(,)? ) => {{ #[ allow( unsafe_code, unknown_lints, forget_copy, useless_transmute ) ] let _ = || unsafe { let mut ins1 = core::ptr::read( $Ins1 ); core::ptr::write( &mut ins1, core::mem::transmute( core::ptr::read( $Ins2 ) ) ); core::mem::forget( ins1 ); }; true }} } /// /// Compile-time assertion that two values have the same size. /// /// Does not consume values. /// // #[ cfg( feature = "compiletime_assertions" ) ] #[ macro_export ] macro_rules! cta_mem_same_size { ( $Ins1:expr, $Ins2:expr $(,)? ) => {{ $crate::cta_ptr_same_size!( &$Ins1, &$Ins2 ) }} } pub use cta_type_same_size; pub use cta_type_same_align; pub use cta_ptr_same_size; pub use cta_mem_same_size; } /// Protected namespace of the module. pub mod protected { pub use super::orphan::*; } #[ doc( inline ) ] pub use protected::*; /// Orphan namespace of the module. pub mod orphan { pub use super::exposed::*; } /// Exposed namespace of the module. pub mod exposed { pub use super::prelude::*; } /// Prelude to use essentials: `use my_module::prelude::*`. pub mod prelude { #[ cfg( feature = "compiletime_assertions" ) ] pub use super::private:: { cta_type_same_size, cta_type_same_align, cta_ptr_same_size, cta_mem_same_size, }; }