/// /// Trait HashMapLike adopter for HashMap-like containers. /// pub trait HashMapLike< K, E > where K : core::cmp::Eq + core::hash::Hash, { /// Inserts a key-value pair into the map. fn insert( &mut self, k : K, e : E ) -> Option< E >; } impl< K, E > HashMapLike< K, E > for std::collections::HashMap< K, E > where K : core::cmp::Eq + core::hash::Hash, { fn insert( &mut self, k : K, e : E ) -> Option< E > { std::collections::HashMap::insert( self, k, e ) } } /// /// Class for forming hashmap-like fields. /// #[derive( Debug, Default )] pub struct HashMapFormer< K, E, HashMap, Former, ContainerEnd > where K : core::cmp::Eq + core::hash::Hash, HashMap : HashMapLike< K, E > + std::default::Default, ContainerEnd : Fn( &mut Former, core::option::Option< HashMap > ), { container : Option< HashMap >, former : Former, on_end : ContainerEnd, _e_phantom : core::marker::PhantomData< E >, _k_phantom : core::marker::PhantomData< K >, } impl< K, E, HashMap, Former, ContainerEnd > HashMapFormer< K, E, HashMap, Former, ContainerEnd > where K : core::cmp::Eq + core::hash::Hash, HashMap : HashMapLike< K, E > + std::default::Default, ContainerEnd : Fn( &mut Former, core::option::Option< HashMap > ), { /// Make a new HashMapFormer. It should be called by a former generated for your structure. pub fn new( former : Former, container : core::option::Option< HashMap >, on_end : ContainerEnd ) -> Self { Self { former, container, on_end, _e_phantom : core::marker::PhantomData, _k_phantom : core::marker::PhantomData, } } /// Set the whole container instead of setting each element individually. pub fn replace( mut self, container : HashMap ) -> Self { debug_assert!( self.container.is_none() ); self.container = Some( container ); self } /// Return former of your struct moving container there. Should be called after configuring the container. pub fn end( mut self ) -> Former { let container = self.container.take(); ( self.on_end )( &mut self.former, container ); self.former } /// Inserts a key-value pair into the map. Make a new container if it was not made so far. pub fn insert< K2, E2 >( mut self, k : K2, e : E2 ) -> Self where K2 : core::convert::Into< K >, E2 : core::convert::Into< E >, { if self.container.is_none() { self.container = core::option::Option::Some( Default::default() ); } if let core::option::Option::Some( ref mut container ) = self.container { container.insert( k.into(), e.into() ); } self } } //