use notan::egui::{self, *}; use notan::prelude::*; #[notan_main] fn main() -> Result<(), String> { let win = WindowConfig::new() .set_vsync(true) .set_lazy_loop(true) .set_high_dpi(true); notan::init() .add_config(win) .add_config(EguiConfig) .draw(draw) .build() } fn draw(app: &mut App, gfx: &mut Graphics, plugins: &mut Plugins) { let mut output = plugins.egui(|ctx| { egui::SidePanel::left("side_panel").show(ctx, |ui| { ui.heading("Egui Plugin Example"); ui.separator(); if ui.button("Quit").clicked() { app.exit(); } ui.separator(); ui.label("Welcome to a basic example of how to use Egui with notan."); ui.separator(); ui.label("Check the source code to learn more about how it works"); }); }); output.clear_color(Color::BLACK); gfx.render(&output); }