use notan::draw::*; use notan::prelude::*; const WIDTH: u32 = 800; const HEIGHT: u32 = 580; const WALL_SIZE: f32 = 20.0; const PADDLE_WIDTH: f32 = 30.0; const PADDLE_HEIGHT: f32 = PADDLE_WIDTH * 4.0; const PADDLE_SPEED: f32 = 200.0; const BALL_SIZE: f32 = WALL_SIZE * 0.8; const BALL_SPEED: f32 = 240.0; const BALL_SPEED_THRESHOLD: f32 = 60.0; const FIRE_ANGLE_MAX: f32 = 120.0; const PI: f32 = std::f32::consts::PI; #[notan_main] fn main() -> Result<(), String> { let win_config = WindowConfig::new().set_size(WIDTH, HEIGHT).set_vsync(true); notan::init_with(State::new) .add_config(win_config) .add_config(DrawConfig) .update(update) .draw(draw) .build() } fn update(app: &mut App, state: &mut State) { //Init game with space if !state.already_started && app.keyboard.was_pressed(KeyCode::Space) { state.already_started = true; state.rng, true); } //Move paddle1 with W S if app.keyboard.is_down(KeyCode::W) { state.paddle_1.y = (state.paddle_1.y - PADDLE_SPEED * app.timer.delta_f32()).max(WALL_SIZE); } else if app.keyboard.is_down(KeyCode::S) { state.paddle_1.y = (state.paddle_1.y + PADDLE_SPEED * app.timer.delta_f32()) .min(HEIGHT as f32 - WALL_SIZE - PADDLE_HEIGHT); } //Move paddle2 with arrows UP DOWN if app.keyboard.is_down(KeyCode::Up) { state.paddle_2.y = (state.paddle_2.y - PADDLE_SPEED * app.timer.delta_f32()).max(WALL_SIZE); } else if app.keyboard.is_down(KeyCode::Down) { state.paddle_2.y = (state.paddle_2.y + PADDLE_SPEED * app.timer.delta_f32()) .min(HEIGHT as f32 - WALL_SIZE - PADDLE_HEIGHT); } //Move ball state.ball.x += state.ball.speed_x * app.timer.delta_f32(); state.ball.y += state.ball.speed_y * app.timer.delta_f32(); //Manage collision against walls let ball_bounds = state.ball.bounds(); if ball_bounds.min_y <= WALL_SIZE { state.ball.y = WALL_SIZE + 1.0; state.ball.speed_y *= -1.0 } else if ball_bounds.max_y >= HEIGHT as f32 - WALL_SIZE { state.ball.y = HEIGHT as f32 - WALL_SIZE - 1.0 - BALL_SIZE; state.ball.speed_y *= -1.0; } //Manage collisions against paddles if check_intersection(&ball_bounds, state) { if state.ball.x < WIDTH as f32 * 0.5 { //Left paddle let paddle_bounds = state.paddle_1.bounds(); state.ball.x = state.paddle_1.x + PADDLE_WIDTH + 1.0; let angle = ((ball_bounds.center_y - paddle_bounds.center_y) / PADDLE_HEIGHT + 0.5) * FIRE_ANGLE_MAX; state .ball .speed_from_angle(random_speed(&mut state.rng), angle, true); } else { //Right paddle let paddle_bounds = state.paddle_2.bounds(); state.ball.x = state.paddle_2.x - 1.0 - BALL_SIZE; let angle = ((ball_bounds.center_y - paddle_bounds.center_y) / PADDLE_HEIGHT + 0.5) * FIRE_ANGLE_MAX; state .ball .speed_from_angle(random_speed(&mut state.rng), angle, false); state.ball.speed_y *= -1.0; } } //Goals let ball_bounds = state.ball.bounds(); if ball_bounds.max_x <= 0.0 { state.scores.1 += 1; state.rng, false); } else if ball_bounds.min_x >= WIDTH as f32 { state.scores.0 += 1; state.rng, true); } } fn draw(gfx: &mut Graphics, state: &mut State) { let alpha = if state.already_started { 1.0 } else { 0.6 }; let width = WIDTH as f32; let height = HEIGHT as f32; let mut draw = gfx.create_draw(); draw.clear(Color::BLACK); draw.set_alpha(alpha); draw.rect((0.0, 0.0), (width, WALL_SIZE)); draw.rect((0.0, height - WALL_SIZE), (width, WALL_SIZE)); let points = HEIGHT / WALL_SIZE as u32; for i in (0..points).step_by(2) { draw.rect( (width * 0.5 - WALL_SIZE * 0.5, WALL_SIZE * i as f32), (WALL_SIZE, WALL_SIZE), ); } draw.rect(state.paddle_1.position(), (PADDLE_WIDTH, PADDLE_HEIGHT)); draw.rect(state.paddle_2.position(), (PADDLE_WIDTH, PADDLE_HEIGHT)); draw.rect(state.ball.position(), (BALL_SIZE, BALL_SIZE)); draw.text(&state.font, "Use W/S to move") .h_align_center() .v_align_middle() .position(width * 0.25, height - 100.0) .size(20.0); draw.text(&state.font, "Use Up/Down to move") .h_align_center() .v_align_middle() .position(width - width * 0.25, height - 100.0) .size(20.0); if !state.already_started { draw.set_alpha(1.0); draw.text(&state.font, "Press SPACE to start") .h_align_center() .v_align_middle() .position(width * 0.5, height * 0.5) .size(80.0); } gfx.render(&draw); } #[derive(AppState)] struct State { paddle_1: Paddle, paddle_2: Paddle, ball: Ball, scores: (i32, i32), rng: Random, already_started: bool, font: Font, } impl State { fn new(gfx: &mut Graphics) -> Self { let font = gfx .create_font(include_bytes!("assets/kenney_pixel-webfont.ttf")) .unwrap(); Self { paddle_1: Paddle::new(10.0, HEIGHT as f32 * 0.5 - PADDLE_HEIGHT * 0.5), paddle_2: Paddle::new( WIDTH as f32 - 10.0 - PADDLE_WIDTH, HEIGHT as f32 * 0.5 - PADDLE_HEIGHT * 0.5, ), ball: Ball::new( WIDTH as f32 * 0.5 - BALL_SIZE * 0.5, HEIGHT as f32 * 0.5 - BALL_SIZE * 0.5, ), scores: (0, 0), rng: Random::default(), already_started: false, font, } } } struct Paddle { x: f32, y: f32, } impl Paddle { fn new(x: f32, y: f32) -> Self { Paddle { x, y } } fn position(&self) -> (f32, f32) { (self.x, self.y) } } impl BoundCalc for Paddle { fn bounds(&self) -> Bounds { Bounds { min_x: self.x, min_y: self.y, max_x: self.x + PADDLE_WIDTH, max_y: self.y + PADDLE_HEIGHT, center_y: self.y + PADDLE_HEIGHT * 0.5, } } } fn random_speed(rng: &mut Random) -> f32 { rng.gen_range((BALL_SPEED - BALL_SPEED_THRESHOLD)..(BALL_SPEED + BALL_SPEED_THRESHOLD)) } struct Ball { x: f32, y: f32, speed_x: f32, speed_y: f32, } impl Ball { fn new(x: f32, y: f32) -> Self { Self { x, y, speed_x: 0.0, speed_y: 0.0, } } fn position(&self) -> (f32, f32) { (self.x, self.y) } fn fire(&mut self, rng: &mut Random, left: bool) { self.x = if left { 50.0 } else { WIDTH as f32 - 50.0 }; self.y = rng.gen_range(WALL_SIZE..(HEIGHT as f32 - WALL_SIZE)); let angle_to_fire: f32 = rng.gen_range(0.0..FIRE_ANGLE_MAX); self.speed_from_angle(random_speed(rng), angle_to_fire, left); } fn speed_from_angle(&mut self, speed: f32, angle_to_fire: f32, left: bool) { let angle = if left { angle_to_fire - FIRE_ANGLE_MAX * 0.5 } else { 180.0 - FIRE_ANGLE_MAX * 0.5 + angle_to_fire }; let rad = angle * PI / 180.0; self.speed_x = rad.cos() * speed; self.speed_y = rad.sin() * speed; } } impl BoundCalc for Ball { fn bounds(&self) -> Bounds { Bounds { min_x: self.x, min_y: self.y, max_x: self.x + BALL_SIZE, max_y: self.y + BALL_SIZE, center_y: self.y + BALL_SIZE * 0.5, } } } struct Bounds { min_x: f32, min_y: f32, max_x: f32, max_y: f32, center_y: f32, } trait BoundCalc { fn bounds(&self) -> Bounds; } #[inline] fn check_intersection(ball_bounds: &Bounds, state: &mut State) -> bool { intersect_between(ball_bounds, &state.paddle_1.bounds()) || intersect_between(ball_bounds, &state.paddle_2.bounds()) } #[inline] fn intersect_between(a: &Bounds, b: &Bounds) -> bool { a.min_x < b.max_x && a.max_x > b.min_x && a.min_y < b.max_y && a.max_y > b.min_y }