use notan::draw::*; use notan::prelude::*; use std::collections::VecDeque; const TILE_SIZE: i32 = 30; const COLS: i32 = 10; const ROWS: i32 = 18; const MOVE_DOWN_MS: f32 = 0.5; const MIN_MOVE_DOWN_MS: f32 = 0.1; const ACCELERATION_BY_LINE: f32 = 0.02; #[notan_main] fn main() -> Result<(), String> { let win_config = WindowConfig::new() .set_size(500, (TILE_SIZE * ROWS) as _) .set_vsync(true); notan::init_with(State::new) .add_config(win_config) .add_config(DrawConfig) .update(update) .draw(draw) .build() } fn update(app: &mut App, state: &mut State) { state.time += app.timer.delta_f32(); let down = app.keyboard.was_pressed(KeyCode::Down) || app.keyboard.was_pressed(KeyCode::S); let up = app.keyboard.was_pressed(KeyCode::Up) || app.keyboard.was_pressed(KeyCode::W); let left = app.keyboard.was_pressed(KeyCode::Left) || app.keyboard.was_pressed(KeyCode::A); let right = app.keyboard.was_pressed(KeyCode::Right) || app.keyboard.was_pressed(KeyCode::D); if down { state.move_to(MoveTo::Down); state.time = 0.0; } else if left { state.move_to(MoveTo::Left); } else if right { state.move_to(MoveTo::Right); } else if up { state.rotate_to(true); } if state.can_move() { state.time = 0.0; state.move_to(MoveTo::Down); } if !state.drop_lines.is_empty() { state.remove_lines_time -= app.timer.delta_f32(); if state.remove_lines_time <= 0.0 { state.remove_lines(); } } } fn draw(gfx: &mut Graphics, state: &mut State) { let tile_size = TILE_SIZE as f32; let mut draw = gfx.create_draw(); draw.clear(Color::new(0.176, 0.176, 0.176, 1.0)); // draw grid for i in 0..COLS * ROWS { let (x, y) = xy(i); let pos_x = (x * TILE_SIZE) as f32; let pos_y = (y * TILE_SIZE) as f32; draw.rect((pos_x, pos_y), (tile_size, tile_size)) .color(Color::WHITE.with_alpha(0.05)) .stroke(1.0); if let Some(tile) = state.grid.get(i as usize) { if let Some(s) = tile { draw.image(&state.texture) .position(pos_x, pos_y) .color(s.color()); } } } // draw the current piece let total_movement_time = movement_time(state.score_lines); let interpolated_y = ((state.time / total_movement_time) * tile_size) - tile_size; draw_piece(&mut draw, &state.texture, 0.0, interpolated_y, &state.piece); // draw the next piece let next_x = (COLS / 2 * TILE_SIZE + TILE_SIZE * 2) as f32; let next_y = (TILE_SIZE * 6) as f32; draw_piece(&mut draw, &state.texture, next_x, next_y, &; let text_x = (COLS * TILE_SIZE + TILE_SIZE) as f32; draw.text(&state.font, "NEXT") .position(text_x, 10.0) .size(30.0); draw.text(&state.font, &format!("Score: {}", state.score_lines)) .position(text_x, next_y + tile_size * 4.0) .size(40.0); if let Some(lines) = state.last_score { draw.text(&state.font, &format!("Last score: {lines}")) .position(text_x, next_y * 6.0) .size(20.0); } gfx.render(&draw); } fn draw_piece(draw: &mut Draw, img: &Texture, x: f32, y: f32, piece: &Piece) { let color = piece.shape.color().with_alpha(0.7); piece.points.iter().for_each(|(px, py)| { let pos_x = x + (px * TILE_SIZE) as f32; let pos_y = y + (py * TILE_SIZE) as f32; draw.image(img).position(pos_x, pos_y).color(color); }); } #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)] enum Shape { I, J, L, O, Z, T, S, } impl Shape { fn color(&self) -> Color { use Shape::*; match self { I => Color::RED, J | L => Color::ORANGE, O => Color::YELLOW, T => Color::PINK, Z | S => Color::GREEN, } } fn pos(&self, x: i32, y: i32) -> [(i32, i32); 4] { use Shape::*; match self { I => [(x, y - 2), (x, y - 1), (x, y), (x, y + 1)], J => [(x, y - 1), (x, y), (x, y + 1), (x - 1, y + 1)], L => [(x, y - 1), (x, y), (x, y + 1), (x + 1, y + 1)], O => [(x, y), (x + 1, y), (x, y + 1), (x + 1, y + 1)], Z => [(x + 1, y), (x, y), (x, y - 1), (x - 1, y - 1)], T => [(x - 1, y), (x, y), (x + 1, y), (x, y + 1)], S => [(x - 1, y), (x, y), (x, y - 1), (x + 1, y - 1)], } } fn rot(&self, rot: i8, points: &[(i32, i32); 4]) -> [(i32, i32); 4] { use Shape::*; match self { L | J => { let (x, y) = points[1]; match rot { 0 => { let j = if *self == J { -1 } else { 1 }; [(x, y - 1), (x, y), (x, y + 1), (x + j, y + 1)] } 1 => { let j = if *self == J { -1 } else { 1 }; [(x + 1, y), (x, y), (x - 1, y), (x - 1, y + j)] } 2 => { let j = if *self == J { 1 } else { -1 }; [(x, y + 1), (x, y), (x, y - 1), (x + j, y - 1)] } 3 => { let j = if *self == J { 1 } else { -1 }; [(x - 1, y), (x, y), (x + 1, y), (x + 1, y + j)] } _ => *points, } } S | Z => { let (x, y) = points[1]; let z = if *self == Z { 1 } else { -1 }; match rot { 0 => [(x + z, y), (x, y), (x, y - 1), (x + -z, y - 1)], 1 => [(x, y + z), (x, y), (x + 1, y), (x + 1, y + -z)], _ => *points, } } I => { let (x, y) = points[2]; match rot { 0 => [(x, y - 2), (x, y - 1), (x, y), (x, y + 1)], 1 => [(x + 2, y), (x + 1, y), (x, y), (x - 1, y)], _ => *points, } } T => { let (x, y) = points[1]; match rot { 0 => [(x - 1, y), (x, y), (x + 1, y), (x, y + 1)], 1 => [(x, y - 1), (x, y), (x, y + 1), (x - 1, y)], 2 => [(x + 1, y), (x, y), (x - 1, y), (x, y - 1)], 3 => [(x, y + 1), (x, y), (x, y - 1), (x + 1, y)], _ => *points, } } _ => *points, } } } struct Piece { shape: Shape, points: [(i32, i32); 4], rotation: i8, } impl Piece { fn new(shape: Shape) -> Self { let points = shape.pos(COLS / 2, -2); Self { shape, points, rotation: 0, } } fn move_points(&mut self, x: i32, y: i32) -> [(i32, i32); 4] { let mut new_points = self.points; new_points.iter_mut().for_each(|(px, py)| { *px += x; *py += y; }); new_points } fn left_points(&mut self) -> [(i32, i32); 4] { self.move_points(-1, 0) } fn right_points(&mut self) -> [(i32, i32); 4] { self.move_points(1, 0) } fn down_points(&mut self) -> [(i32, i32); 4] { self.move_points(0, 1) } fn rotate_points(&mut self, clockwise: bool) -> [(i32, i32); 4] { use Shape::*; let rot_value = if clockwise { 1 } else { -1 }; self.rotation = match self.shape { O => self.rotation, L | J | T => (self.rotation + rot_value) % 4, Z | S | I => (self.rotation + rot_value) % 2, }; self.shape.rot(self.rotation, &self.points) } } #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)] enum MoveTo { Down, Left, Right, } fn movement_time(lines: i32) -> f32 { (MOVE_DOWN_MS - lines as f32 * ACCELERATION_BY_LINE).max(MIN_MOVE_DOWN_MS) } #[derive(AppState)] struct State { piece: Piece, grid: VecDeque>, next: Piece, drop_lines: Vec, time: f32, score_lines: i32, last_score: Option, texture: Texture, remove_lines_time: f32, shape_bag: ShuffleBag, font: Font, } impl State { fn new(gfx: &mut Graphics) -> Self { use Shape::*; let shapes = [I, J, L, O, Z, T, S]; let mut shape_bag = ShuffleBag::new(7); shapes.iter().for_each(|s| shape_bag.add(*s, 1)); let piece = random_piece(&mut shape_bag); let next = random_piece(&mut shape_bag); let mut grid = VecDeque::with_capacity((COLS * ROWS) as usize); grid.resize(grid.capacity(), None); let font = gfx .create_font(include_bytes!("assets/Ubuntu-B.ttf")) .unwrap(); let texture = create_texture(gfx); Self { piece, grid, next, drop_lines: vec![], time: 0.0, score_lines: 0, last_score: None, texture, remove_lines_time: 0.0, shape_bag, font, } } fn reset(&mut self) { let mut grid = VecDeque::with_capacity((COLS * ROWS) as usize); grid.resize(grid.capacity(), None); self.grid = grid; self.add_shape(); self.drop_lines = vec![]; self.time = 0.0; self.last_score = Some(self.score_lines); self.score_lines = 0; } fn can_move(&self) -> bool { self.time >= movement_time(self.score_lines) } fn add_shape(&mut self) -> bool { let next = std::mem::replace(&mut, random_piece(&mut self.shape_bag)); self.piece = next; true } fn put_on_grid(&mut self) { for (x, y) in self.piece.points.iter() { if let Some(tile) = self.grid.get_mut(index(*x, *y)) { *tile = Some(self.piece.shape); } } self.add_shape(); self.check_lines(); if !self.drop_lines.is_empty() { self.remove_lines_time = movement_time(self.score_lines) * 0.9; } } fn remove_lines(&mut self) { if self.drop_lines.is_empty() { return; } let mut push_rows = 0; while let Some(row) = self.drop_lines.pop() { let y = row + push_rows; let start = index(0, y); let end = index(COLS, y); let _ = self.grid.drain(start..end); (0..COLS).for_each(|_| self.grid.push_front(None)); push_rows += 1; } self.score_lines += push_rows; } fn move_to(&mut self, dir: MoveTo) { let points = match dir { MoveTo::Down => self.piece.down_points(), MoveTo::Left => self.piece.left_points(), MoveTo::Right => self.piece.right_points(), }; if !self.set_points(points) && dir == MoveTo::Down { if self.is_out() { self.reset(); return; } self.put_on_grid(); } } fn set_points(&mut self, points: [(i32, i32); 4]) -> bool { if self.validate_points(&points) { self.piece.points = points; true } else { false } } fn rotate_to(&mut self, clockwise: bool) { let points = self.piece.rotate_points(clockwise); let _ = self.set_points(points); } fn validate_points(&self, points: &[(i32, i32); 4]) -> bool { for (x, y) in points.iter() { if *x < 0 || *x >= COLS || *y >= ROWS { return false; } if *y >= 0 { if let Some(opt_val) = self.grid.get(index(*x, *y)) { if opt_val.is_some() { return false; } } } } true } fn is_out(&self) -> bool { for (_, y) in self.piece.points.iter() { if *y >= 0 { return false; } } true } fn check_lines(&mut self) { for y in 0..ROWS { let mut drop_line = true; for x in 0..COLS { if let Some(tile) = self.grid.get(index(x, y)) { if tile.is_none() { drop_line = false; break; } } } if drop_line { self.drop_lines.push(y); } } } } fn random_piece(bag: &mut ShuffleBag) -> Piece { Piece::new(*bag.item().unwrap()) } fn xy(index: i32) -> (i32, i32) { (index % COLS, index / COLS) } fn index(x: i32, y: i32) -> usize { (y * COLS + x) as usize } fn create_texture(gfx: &mut Graphics) -> Texture { let rt = gfx .create_render_texture(TILE_SIZE as _, TILE_SIZE as _) .build() .unwrap(); let tile_size = TILE_SIZE as f32; let mut draw = gfx.create_draw(); draw.set_size(tile_size, tile_size); draw.clear(Color::TRANSPARENT); draw.rect((0.0, 0.0), (tile_size, tile_size)) .color(Color::WHITE); draw.rect((2.0, 2.0), (tile_size - 4.0, tile_size - 4.0)) .color(Color::BLACK) .stroke(4.0); let tp = tile_size * 0.3; let ts = tile_size * 0.4; draw.rect((tp, tp), (ts, ts)) .color(Color::from_hex(0xc0c0c0ff)); draw.rect((tp + 1.0, tp + 1.0), (ts - 2.0, ts - 2.0)) .color(Color::from_hex(0x5a5a5aff)) .stroke(2.0); gfx.render_to(&rt, &draw); rt.take_inner() }