mod integration_tests { extern crate notes; use uuid::Uuid; use notes::console_output::ConsoleOutput; use notes::default_error::DefaultError; use notes::parse_and_apply_command; use notes::test_env::new_sample_repo; // TODO: improve tests #[test] fn bad_command() { let config = new_sample_repo(); let args = fake_args(vec![]); let res: Result = parse_and_apply_command(args, &config); assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().message, "Bad command, try: $ notes help"); } #[test] fn help() { let config = new_sample_repo(); let args = fake_args(vec!["help"]); let res = parse_and_apply_command(args, &config).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.stderr, ""); assert!(res.stdout.contains("Clean all the brains !")); assert!(res.stdout.contains("Usage:")); } #[test] fn help_shortcut() { let config = new_sample_repo(); let args = fake_args(vec!["h"]); let res = parse_and_apply_command(args, &config).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.stderr, ""); assert!(res.stdout.contains("Clean all the brains !")); assert!(res.stdout.contains("Usage:")); } #[test] fn search() { let config = new_sample_repo(); let args = fake_args(vec!["search", "ab"]); let res = parse_and_apply_command(args, &config).unwrap(); assert!(res.stdout.contains("2 results found")); assert!(res.stderr.is_empty()); } #[test] fn new_note() { let config = new_sample_repo(); let note_path = format!("test/note-{}.md", Uuid::new_v4().to_string()); let args = fake_args(vec!["new", note_path.as_str()]); let res = parse_and_apply_command(args, &config).unwrap(); assert!(res.stdout.contains(&format!("{}' created", note_path))); assert!(res.stderr.is_empty()); } #[test] fn new_already_exists() { let config = new_sample_repo(); let args = fake_args(vec!["new", ""]); let res = parse_and_apply_command(args, &config).unwrap_err(); assert!(res.message.contains("Already exists:")); } #[test] fn list() { let config = new_sample_repo(); let args = fake_args(vec!["list"]); let res = parse_and_apply_command(args, &config); assert!(res.is_ok()); } #[test] fn edit() { let config = new_sample_repo(); let args = fake_args(vec!["edit", "2"]); let res = parse_and_apply_command(args, &config); assert!(res.is_ok()); } #[test] fn edit_non_existing_note() { let config = new_sample_repo(); let args = fake_args(vec!["edit", "999"]); let res = parse_and_apply_command(args, &config); assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().message, "Note with id 999 not found."); } #[test] fn delete() { let config = new_sample_repo(); let args = fake_args(vec!["delete", "2"]); let res = parse_and_apply_command(args, &config).unwrap(); assert!(res.stdout.contains("sample-repo/' deleted")); assert!(res.stderr.is_empty()); } #[test] fn delete_non_existing_note() { let config = new_sample_repo(); let args = fake_args(vec!["delete", "999"]); let res = parse_and_apply_command(args, &config); assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().message, "Note with id 999 not found."); } fn fake_args(args: Vec<&str>) -> Vec { let mut res = vec!["/intergation-test/note".to_string()]; args.iter().for_each(|a| res.push(String::from(*a))); res } }