3.4.0 / 2017-05-21 =================== * adds image support (feature gated, because of extra dependencies) * refactored error handling 3.3.0 / 2017-03-30 ================== * builds on macOS, no full feature set though * added an extra type for timeout * deprecated .actions * examples compile on macOS * a little more macOS documentation * Merge branch 'feature/macos_notifications' 3.2.0 / 2016-08-07 ================== * documentation: more examples * added fn auto_icon() * added on_close(F) method to NotificationHandle * `.show(&mut self)` -> `.show(&self)` * added use of id when sending * pubbed NotificaionHint const strings and added hint_from_key_val * more examples * cleanups 3.1.0 / 2016-03-01 ================== * added custom int NotificationHint this enables things like [volume bars](examples/show_volume.rs) on notify-osd * made clippy happy * removed redundant example * info example print a valid yaml * updated examples * added examples for custom_int and reuse of notifications * Merge pull request #15 from illegalprime/master * updated examples to current api 3.0.0 / 2015-10-01 ================== * new: better error handling: `show()` now returns a result instead of panicking * added: server deserializes notifications * fixed: hint types other than just strings * added: convenience from::() for Urgency * added: Urgency::from(&str) for convenience * renamed urgencies: Low, Normal and Critical (as in both standards) * Tidying up * more documentation * added: internal `stop_server()` * fixed: urgency in example * tiny things, better looking Rust 2.1.0 / 2015-09-27 ================== * fixed: Hint Types are not only strings 2.0.0 / 2015-08-04 ================== * fixed: example code to match new api * added: Implemented update, close, etc. for NotificationHandle * removed: old API * update: examples and tests * Set transient hint in `wait_for_closing` example 1.1.0 / 2015-08-03 ================== * added: `NotificationHandle` to keep dbus connections alive * added: notify-cli as child project * added: GetCapabilities() and `GetServerinformation()` to server * added: a few possible panic messages * small refactoring 1.0.1 / 2015-07-19 ================== * fixed: actions and hints were not passed along 1.0.0 / 2015-07-01 ================== * added: hints to `show_debug()` * added: urgency to `show_debug()` * changed: building agains dbus v0.1.1 * improved: documentation 0.9.0 / 2015-07-01 ================== * added: updating notifications ( see examples/update.rs ) 0.0.8 / 2015-06-19 ================== * added: can listen for ActionInvoked signals with `show_and_wait_for_action(Fn(actionname:&str))` * added: `"__closed"` action that is 'invoked' when the Notification closes 0.0.7 / 2015-06-13 ================== * added: `close_notification()` * added: `get_server_information()` * changed: Urgency is now an enum * changed: pack methods return actual empty arrays now (builds with 1.0.0) * changed: moved to dbus-rs 0.1.0 * changed: moved examples into tests * changed: made `get_capabilities()` global * changed: made `exe_name()` private * elaborated documentation 0.0.6 / 2015-06-08 ================== * added: my own gh-pages branch as submodule as branch as submodule * added: note about Notification::hint() * added: link to doc to README * added: `Notification.action(identifer, label)` for your convenience * added: Hints and Categories API frontend * removed `send()` * published documentation under https://hoodie.github.io/notify-rust 0.0.5 / 2015-04-04 ================== * deprecated: `send()` and `send_debug()`, these methods are now called `show()` and `show_debug()` * changed: `show()` returns Notification ID * changed: set default timeout to -1 * changed: renamed into notify-rust * added: further examples * added: documentation * moved: tests out of ./src * added: `NotificationServer` (for testing only) * added: `Notification::actions()` * added: `Notification::get_capabilities()` 0.0.4 / 2015-05-30 ================== * added: `Notification::send_debug()` * added: `Notification::appname()` 0.0.3 / 2015-05-24 ================== * dropped macro, using builder pattern from now on