# notion2html
get your notion pages and turn them into html!
this was made as a proof of concept for my blog (coming soon 👀)
## how do I use it?
- make sure you have [rust](https://rust-lang.org) and cargo installed
- install it! `cargo install notion2html`
- make a [notion integration](https://www.notion.so/profile/integrations) and get a secret
- find the page you want to convert, open the hamburger menu and under "Connect to" select your app
- get the page id from the url (eg. https://www.notion.so/enymc/Sailing-the-High-Seas-428f22ca736843a992aa699a67787288 should be 428f22ca736843a992aa699a67787288 as the id)
- run it! `NOTION_TOKEN= notion2html > out.html`
- your html will now be in `out.html`!
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