use fixtures::{NotmuchCommand, MailBox}; // #[test] // // fn test_config_pathname_default(){ // // monkeypatch.delenv('NOTMUCH_CONFIG', raising=False) // // user = pathlib.Path('~/.notmuch-config').expanduser() // // assert dbmod._config_pathname() == user // // } mod database { use super::*; #[test] fn test_create(){ let mailbox = MailBox::new(); let db = notmuch::Database::create(&mailbox.path()); assert!(db.is_ok()); assert!(mailbox.path().join(".notmuch/xapian").exists()); } #[test] fn test_create_already_open(){ let mailbox = MailBox::new(); let db1 = notmuch::Database::create(&mailbox.path()); assert!(db1.is_ok()); let db2 = notmuch::Database::create(&mailbox.path()); assert!(db2.is_err()); } #[test] fn test_create_existing(){ let mailbox = MailBox::new(); notmuch::Database::create(&mailbox.path()).unwrap(); let db2 = notmuch::Database::create(&mailbox.path()); assert!(db2.is_err()); } #[test] fn test_close(){ let mailbox = MailBox::new(); let db = notmuch::Database::create(&mailbox.path()).unwrap(); assert!(db.close().is_ok()); } #[test] fn test_drop_noclose(){ let mailbox = MailBox::new(); let db = notmuch::Database::create(&mailbox.path()).unwrap(); drop(db); } #[test] fn test_close_drop(){ let mailbox = MailBox::new(); let db = notmuch::Database::create(&mailbox.path()).unwrap(); db.close().unwrap(); drop(db); } #[test] fn test_path(){ let mailbox = MailBox::new(); let db = notmuch::Database::create(&mailbox.path()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(db.path(), mailbox.path()); } #[test] fn test_version(){ let mailbox = MailBox::new(); let db = notmuch::Database::create(&mailbox.path()).unwrap(); assert!(db.version() > 0); } } mod atomic { // use super::*; // TODO: how do I test this?? } #[cfg(feature = "v0_21")] mod revision { use super::*; #[test] fn test_single_rev(){ let mailbox = MailBox::new(); let db = notmuch::Database::create(&mailbox.path()).unwrap(); let rev0 = db.revision(); let rev1 = db.revision(); assert!(rev0 == rev1); assert!(rev0 <= rev1); assert!(rev0 >= rev1); assert!(!(rev0 < rev1)); assert!(!(rev0 > rev1)); } #[test] fn test_diff_db(){ let mailbox0 = MailBox::new(); let db0 = notmuch::Database::create(&mailbox0.path()).unwrap(); let rev0 = db0.revision(); let mailbox1 = MailBox::new(); let db1 = notmuch::Database::create(&mailbox1.path()).unwrap(); let rev1 = db1.revision(); assert_ne!(rev0, rev1); assert_ne!(rev0.uuid, rev1.uuid); } #[test] fn test_cmp(){ let mailbox = MailBox::new(); let db = notmuch::Database::create(&mailbox.path()).unwrap(); let rev0 = db.revision(); let (_, filename) = mailbox.deliver(None, None, None, None, vec![], true, None, false, false, false).unwrap(); db.index_file(&filename, None).unwrap(); let rev1 = db.revision(); assert!(rev0 < rev1); assert!(rev0 <= rev1); assert!(!(rev0 > rev1)); assert!(!(rev0 >= rev1)); assert!(!(rev0 == rev1)); assert!(rev0 != rev1); } // TODO: add tests for revisions comparisons } mod messages { use super::*; #[test] fn test_add_message() { let mailbox = MailBox::new(); let db = notmuch::Database::create(&mailbox.path()).unwrap(); let (msgid, filename) = mailbox.deliver(None, None, None, None, vec![], true, None, false, false, false).unwrap(); let msg = db.index_file(&filename, None).unwrap(); assert_eq!(msg.filename(), filename); assert_eq!(, msgid); } #[test] fn test_remove_message() { let mailbox = MailBox::new(); let db = notmuch::Database::create(&mailbox.path()).unwrap(); let (msgid, filename) = mailbox.deliver(None, None, None, None, vec![], true, None, false, false, false).unwrap(); db.index_file(&filename, None).unwrap(); assert!(db.find_message(&msgid).unwrap().is_some()); db.remove_message(&filename).unwrap(); assert!(db.find_message(&msgid).unwrap().is_none()); } #[test] fn test_find_message() { let mailbox = MailBox::new(); let db = notmuch::Database::create(&mailbox.path()).unwrap(); let (msgid, filename) = mailbox.deliver(None, None, None, None, vec![], true, None, false, false, false).unwrap(); let msg0 = db.index_file(&filename, None).unwrap(); let msg1 = db.find_message(&msgid).unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(, msgid); assert_eq!(,; assert_eq!(msg0.filename(), filename); assert_eq!(msg0.filename(), msg1.filename()); } #[test] fn test_find_message_notfound() { let mailbox = MailBox::new(); let db = notmuch::Database::create(&mailbox.path()).unwrap(); assert!(db.find_message(&"foo").unwrap().is_none()); } } mod tags { use super::*; #[test] fn test_none() { let mailbox = MailBox::new(); let db = notmuch::Database::create(&mailbox.path()).unwrap(); let tags = db.all_tags().unwrap(); assert_eq!(tags.count(), 0); } #[test] fn test_some() { let mailbox = MailBox::new(); let db = notmuch::Database::create(&mailbox.path()).unwrap(); let (_, filename) = mailbox.deliver(None, None, None, None, vec![], true, None, false, false, false).unwrap(); let msg = db.index_file(&filename, None).unwrap(); msg.add_tag(&"hello").unwrap(); let tags: Vec = db.all_tags().unwrap().collect(); assert_eq!(tags.len(), 1); assert!(tags.iter().any(|x| x == "hello")); } #[test] fn test_iters() { let mailbox = MailBox::new(); let db = notmuch::Database::create(&mailbox.path()).unwrap(); let t1: Vec = db.all_tags().unwrap().collect(); let t2: Vec = db.all_tags().unwrap().collect(); assert_eq!(t1, t2); } } struct DatabaseFixture { // Return a read-write Database. // The database will have 3 messages, 2 threads. pub mailbox: MailBox, pub database: notmuch::Database, } impl DatabaseFixture { pub fn new() -> Self{ let mailbox = MailBox::new(); let (msgid, _) = mailbox.deliver(None, Some("foo".to_string()), None, None, vec![], true, None, false, false, false).unwrap(); mailbox.deliver(None, Some("bar".to_string()), None, None, vec![], true, None, false, false, false).unwrap(); mailbox.deliver(None, Some("baz".to_string()), None, None, vec![("In-Reply-To".to_string(), format!("<{}>", msgid))], true, None, false, false, false).unwrap(); let cmd = NotmuchCommand::new(&mailbox.path());!["new"]).unwrap(); let database = notmuch::Database::open(&mailbox.path(), notmuch::DatabaseMode::ReadWrite).unwrap(); Self { mailbox, database } } } mod query { use super::*; #[test] fn test_count_messages() { let db = DatabaseFixture::new(); let query = db.database.create_query("*").unwrap(); assert_eq!(query.count_messages().unwrap(), 3); } #[test] fn test_message_no_results() { let db = DatabaseFixture::new(); let query = db.database.create_query("not_a_matching_query").unwrap(); let mut messages = query.search_messages().unwrap(); let msg =; assert!(msg.is_none()); } #[test] fn test_message_match() { let db = DatabaseFixture::new(); let query = db.database.create_query("*").unwrap(); let mut messages = query.search_messages().unwrap(); let msg =; assert!(msg.is_some()); } #[test] fn test_count_threads() { let db = DatabaseFixture::new(); let query = db.database.create_query("*").unwrap(); assert_eq!(query.count_threads().unwrap(), 2); } #[test] fn test_threads_no_results() { let db = DatabaseFixture::new(); let query = db.database.create_query("not_a_matching_query").unwrap(); let mut threads = query.search_threads().unwrap(); let thrd =; assert!(thrd.is_none()); } #[test] fn test_threads_match() { let db = DatabaseFixture::new(); let query = db.database.create_query("*").unwrap(); let mut threads = query.search_threads().unwrap(); let thrd =; assert!(thrd.is_some()); } }