use super::*; mod trait_def; mod trait_impl; mod trait_use; pub(in super) fn gat ( attrs: TokenStream2, input: TokenStream2, ) -> Result { match parse2(input)? { | Item::Trait(item_trait) => { let _: parse::Nothing = parse2(attrs)?; trait_def::handle(item_trait) }, | Item::Impl(item_impl) => { let _: parse::Nothing = parse2(attrs)?; trait_impl::handle(item_impl) }, | Item::Use(item_use) => { let assoc_types = Punctuated::::parse_terminated.parse2(attrs)?; trait_use::handle(item_use, &assoc_types) } | _ => bail!("expected a `trait` or an `impl… Trait for`"), } .map(utils::mb_file_expanded) } //. A lifetime-generic associated type. struct LGat { attrs: Vec, ident: Ident, bounds: Punctuated, generic_lifetimes: Vec, super_types: Vec<(Lifetime, Option)>, /// The actual type fed in an impl trait, value: Option, } impl LGat { fn parse_generics ( generics: Generics, ) -> Result<( /* generic_lifetimes: */ Vec, /* super_types: */ Vec<(Lifetime, Option)>, )> { let mut generic_lifetimes = vec![]; let mut super_types = vec![]; for generic in generics.params { match generic { | GenericParam::Lifetime(LifetimeDef { attrs, lifetime, colon_token: _, bounds, }) => { if let Some(attr) = attrs.first() { bail! { "unsupported" => attr, } } if let Some(bound) = bounds.first() { bail! { "unsupported" => bound, } } generic_lifetimes.push(lifetime); }, | _ => bail! { "non-lifetime GATs are not supported" => generic, }, } } for predicate in generics.where_clause.into_iter().flat_map(|w| w.predicates) { match predicate { | WherePredicate::Type(PredicateType { lifetimes, bounded_ty, colon_token: _, bounds, }) => { if let Some(for_) = lifetimes.into_iter().flat_map(|l| l.lifetimes).next() { bail! { "higher-order lifetimes are not supported" => for_ } } for bound in bounds { let super_lt = match bound { | TypeParamBound::Lifetime(lt) => lt, | _ => bail! { "unsupported" => bound, }, }; let super_lt_str = &super_lt.ident.to_string(); if generic_lifetimes .iter() .any(|lt| lt.ident == super_lt_str) { // Handle the special `Self :` case. super_types.push(( super_lt, match bounded_ty { // | Type::Path(ref p) // if p.path.is_ident("Self") // => { // None // }, | _ => { Some(bounded_ty.clone()) }, }, )); } else { bail! { "expected a GAT-generic lifetime" => super_lt, } } } }, | _ => bail!("unsupported `where predicate`" => predicate), } } Ok(( generic_lifetimes, super_types, )) } } struct ReplaceSelfAssocLtWithSelfAsTraitAssocLt /* = */ ( Path, ); impl visit_mut::VisitMut for ReplaceSelfAssocLtWithSelfAsTraitAssocLt { fn visit_item_mut ( self: &'_ mut Self, _: &'_ mut Item, ) { /* do not subrecurse */ } fn visit_type_path_mut ( self: &'_ mut Self, type_path: &'_ mut TypePath, ) { // 1. subrecurse visit_mut::visit_type_path_mut(self, type_path); // 2. Handle the `Self::` case. if type_path.path.segments.first().unwrap().ident == "Self" && matches!( type_path.path.segments.last().unwrap().arguments, PathArguments::AngleBracketed { .. } ) { let Self_; // `Self::assoc<'_>` becomes `Trait::assoc<'_>` { let mut segments = mem::replace( &mut type_path.path.segments, self.0.segments.clone(), ) .into_pairs() ; Self_ =; type_path.path.segments.push_punct(<_>::default()); type_path.path.segments.extend(segments); } type_path.qself = Some(QSelf { lt_token: <_>::default(), ty: parse_quote!( #Self_ ), as_token: parse_quote!( as ), // This makes `Trait::assoc<'_>` become `Trait>::assoc<'_>` position: self.0.segments.len(), gt_token: <_>::default(), }); } } }