use std::fs; use std::path::Path; use novax_abi_build::abi::parser::parse_abi_file; use novax_abi_build::generator::impl_abi_mod::generate_from_abi; const NON_GENERATED_CONTENT: [&str; 2] = [ "", "utils" ]; const NOVAX_PATH_ENV_NAME: &str = "NOVAX_PATH"; const NOVAX_RERUN_ENV_NAME: &str = "NOVAX_RERUN_BUILD_SCRIPT"; fn main() { let cargo_manifest_dir = std::env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap(); let out_dir_env = std::env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let out_dir = Path::new(&out_dir_env).to_path_buf(); let out_dir_content = fs::read_dir(&out_dir).unwrap(); for content in out_dir_content.filter_map(|e| e.ok()) { if NON_GENERATED_CONTENT.contains(&content.file_name().to_str().unwrap()) { continue } if let Ok(content_type) = content.file_type() { if content_type.is_dir() { let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(content.path()); } else if content_type.is_file() { let _ = fs::remove_file(content.path()); } } } let codegen_path_result = std::env::var(NOVAX_PATH_ENV_NAME); let is_docs_rs = std::env::var("DOCS_RS").unwrap_or("0".to_string()) == "1"; let mut lib_file_content = String::from(""); if let Ok(codegen_path) = &codegen_path_result { if !is_docs_rs { let abis_path = Path::new(&cargo_manifest_dir).join(codegen_path).join("abis"); let files_in_abis_path = fs::read_dir(&abis_path).unwrap(); for file_result in files_in_abis_path { let Ok(file) = file_result else { continue }; let Ok(file_type) = file.file_type() else { continue }; let Ok(file_name) = file.file_name().into_string() else { continue }; if file_type.is_file() && file_name.ends_with(".abi.json") { let abi_path = abis_path.join(file_name); let mut abi = parse_abi_file(&abi_path).unwrap(); // Backward compatibility. // // In a few versions of the Rust SDK, the upgrade function was an endpoint in the ABI. // It is now under the field upgradeConstructor. abi.endpoints.retain(|endpoint| != "upgrade"); let abi_generated_file = generate_from_abi(&abi).unwrap(); lib_file_content += &format!("#[allow(missing_docs)]\npub mod {};\n", abi_generated_file.mod_name); fs::write( out_dir.join(abi_generated_file.file_name), abi_generated_file.file_content ).unwrap(); } } } } let lib_path = out_dir.join(""); fs::write( lib_path, lib_file_content ).unwrap(); println!(""); if let Ok(codegen_path) = codegen_path_result { println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={codegen_path}"); } println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed={NOVAX_PATH_ENV_NAME}"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed={NOVAX_RERUN_ENV_NAME}"); }