use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Ok, Result}; use log::debug; use std::{ env::{self, VarError}, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; use crate::{ consts::{CONVERT_UNIX_PATH_ERR, ENV_NAME, NOT_UNICODE_ERR}, shells::Shell, utils::is_git_bash, }; use crate::utils::to_unix_like_path; #[cfg(test)] #[path = "./tests/"] mod tests; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum GenerateStatus { EmptyVarHasModules, EmptyVarNoModules, AlreadyAdded, KeepVar, ResetPath, ConcatDirs, UseOldDirsOnly, UseNewDirOnly, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct EnvironmentSettings { pub bin: String, pub path: String, } impl EnvironmentSettings { fn new(bin: String, path: String) -> Self { Self { bin, path } } } fn strip_bin_path(v: &str) -> Result<&str> { // Note: Only ParsePathError will be returned Path::new(v) .ancestors() .nth(2) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Error while parsing path"))? .to_str() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!(NOT_UNICODE_ERR)) } fn gen_env_settings_by( shell: &dyn Shell, envs: (String, String, PathBuf), ) -> Result<(Option, GenerateStatus)> { let (bin, path, mut cwd) = envs; if cfg!(test) { debug!("Bin: {}", bin); debug!("PATH: {}", path); } let env_separator = shell.env_separator(); let env_separator_str = shell.env_separator_str(); let shell_name =; let is_git_bash = is_git_bash(shell); let mut has_node_modules = false; let bin_dir_buf = { debug!("Cwd: {:?}", cwd); cwd.push("node_modules"); if cwd.as_path().is_dir() { has_node_modules = true; } cwd.push(".bin"); cwd }; let new_bin_dir = if is_git_bash { debug!("Convert path to unix-like path"); to_unix_like_path(bin_dir_buf).context(CONVERT_UNIX_PATH_ERR)? } else { bin_dir_buf .to_str() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!(NOT_UNICODE_ERR)) .context("Failed to generate bin dir")? .to_string() }; debug!("New bin dir: {}", new_bin_dir); let split_paths = env::split_paths(&path).collect::>(); let converted_split_paths; let split_paths = if is_git_bash { converted_split_paths = split_paths .iter() .map(to_unix_like_path) .collect::>>() .context(CONVERT_UNIX_PATH_ERR)?; converted_split_paths .iter() .map(|e| e.as_str()) .collect::>() } else { split_paths .iter() .map(|e| e.to_str().unwrap()) .collect::>() }; if bin.is_empty() { debug!("_NPX_BIN is empty"); if has_node_modules { debug!("has node_modules, return command which including unstriped path directly"); let result = EnvironmentSettings::new(new_bin_dir, split_paths.join(env_separator_str)); return Ok((Some(result), GenerateStatus::EmptyVarHasModules)); } else { debug!("No node_modules, do nothing"); return Ok((None, GenerateStatus::EmptyVarNoModules)); } } debug!("_NPX_BIN is not empty"); let split_bin_dirs; let converted_bin_dirs; // It seems that when reading a new variable set by fish (set -gx), the separator is a space (' ') instead of ':' let bin_dirs: Vec<&str> = if shell_name == "fish" { bin.split(env_separator).collect() } else { split_bin_dirs = env::split_paths(&bin).collect::>(); split_bin_dirs.iter().map(|e| e.to_str().unwrap()).collect() }; let bin_dirs: Vec<&str> = if is_git_bash { converted_bin_dirs = bin_dirs .into_iter() .map(to_unix_like_path) .collect::>>() .context(CONVERT_UNIX_PATH_ERR)?; converted_bin_dirs.iter().map(|e| e.as_str()).collect() } else { bin_dirs }; let first_bin_dir = *bin_dirs.first().unwrap(); // Do nothing if bin dir has already added if first_bin_dir == new_bin_dir { debug!("Already added, do nothing"); return Ok((None, GenerateStatus::AlreadyAdded)); } debug!("Raw bin_dirs: {:?}", bin_dirs); let striped_path = split_paths .into_iter() .filter(|e| !bin_dirs.contains(e)) .collect::>() .join(env_separator_str); debug!("Striped PATH env: {}", striped_path); if !has_node_modules { let striped_bin_path = strip_bin_path(first_bin_dir).context("Failed to strip bin path")?; // Keep the environment vars if new bin dir is subdir of the first bin dir if new_bin_dir.starts_with(striped_bin_path) { debug!("New bin dir is subdir, do nothing"); return Ok((None, GenerateStatus::KeepVar)); } // Reset PATH if current directory does not contain node_modules else { debug!("No node_modules found, reset PATH"); return Ok(( Some(EnvironmentSettings::new(String::new(), striped_path)), GenerateStatus::ResetPath, )); } } let mut bin_dirs_iter = bin_dirs.into_iter().peekable(); let mut use_bin_dirs_only = false; while let Some(&next) = bin_dirs_iter.peek() { debug!("Peek result: {:?}", next); let striped_bin_path = strip_bin_path(next).context("Failed to strip bin path")?; debug!("Striped path: {}", striped_bin_path); // Use "truncated" bin dirs directly if it's already in there if new_bin_dir == next { debug!("Use truncated bin dirs directly"); use_bin_dirs_only = true; break; } else if new_bin_dir.starts_with(striped_bin_path) { debug!("Preserve parent dir(s)"); break; }; } let bin_dirs = bin_dirs_iter.collect::>().join(env_separator_str); debug!("Filtered bin_dirs: {}", bin_dirs); let result = if !bin_dirs.is_empty() { debug!("Reuse bin dirs"); if use_bin_dirs_only { ( Some(EnvironmentSettings::new(bin_dirs, striped_path)), GenerateStatus::UseOldDirsOnly, ) } else { ( Some(EnvironmentSettings::new( format!( "{bin}{sep}{old}", bin = new_bin_dir, sep = env_separator, old = bin_dirs ), striped_path, )), GenerateStatus::ConcatDirs, ) } } else { debug!("Use new bin dir only"); ( Some(EnvironmentSettings::new(new_bin_dir, striped_path)), GenerateStatus::UseNewDirOnly, ) }; Ok(result) } pub fn gen_env_settings(shell: &dyn Shell) -> Result> { let env_npx_bin = { let result = env::var(ENV_NAME); if let Err(VarError::NotUnicode(_)) = result { return Err(anyhow!(NOT_UNICODE_ERR)) .context("Cannot get environment variable _NPX_BIN"); }; // Return an empty string if env var does not exist result.unwrap_or_default() }; debug!("_NPX_BIN: {}", env_npx_bin); let env_path = env::var("PATH").context("Cannot get environment variable PATH")?; debug!("PATH: {}", env_path); let cwd = env::current_dir().context("Cannot get current directory")?; let res = gen_env_settings_by(shell, (env_npx_bin, env_path, cwd))?; debug!("Generated settings: {:?}", res); Ok(res.0) }