use super::BlankIdBuf; use decoded_char::DecodedChar; use iref::IriBuf; use langtag::LangTagBuf; use locspan::{ErrAt, Meta, Span}; use std::{fmt, iter::Peekable}; /// Fallible tokens iterator with lookahead. pub trait Tokens { type Error; #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] fn peek(&mut self) -> Result, Span>, Meta>; #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] fn next(&mut self) -> Result, Span>, Meta>; /// Begin a new span. /// /// Skips white spaces and return an empty span at the cursor position. fn begin(&mut self) -> Result>; /// Returns the span of the last parsed token. fn last(&self) -> Span; } /// Lexing error. #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Error { InvalidLangTag, InvalidCodepoint(u32), InvalidIriRef(String), Unexpected(Option), Stream(E), } impl fmt::Display for Error { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::InvalidLangTag => write!(f, "invalid language tag"), Self::InvalidCodepoint(c) => write!(f, "invalid character code point {c:x}"), Self::InvalidIriRef(iri_ref) => { write!(f, "invalid IRI reference <{iri_ref}>") } Self::Unexpected(None) => write!(f, "unexpected end of file"), Self::Unexpected(Some(c)) => write!(f, "unexpected character `{c}`"), Self::Stream(e) => e.fmt(f), } } } impl std::error::Error for Error { fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> { match self { Self::Stream(e) => Some(e), _ => None, } } } /// Token. #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Token { LangTag(LangTagBuf), Iri(IriBuf), StringLiteral(String), BlankNodeLabel(BlankIdBuf), Dot, Carets, } impl fmt::Display for Token { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::LangTag(tag) => write!(f, "language tag `{tag}`"), Self::Iri(iri) => write!(f, "IRI <{iri}>"), Self::StringLiteral(string) => { write!(f, "string literal \"{}\"", DisplayStringLiteral(string)) } Self::BlankNodeLabel(label) => write!(f, "blank node label `{label}`"), Self::Dot => write!(f, "dot `.`"), Self::Carets => write!(f, "carets `^^`"), } } } /// Wrapper to display string literals. pub struct DisplayStringLiteral<'a>(pub &'a str); impl<'a> fmt::Display for DisplayStringLiteral<'a> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { for c in self.0.chars() { match c { '"' => write!(f, "\\u0022"), '\\' => write!(f, "\\u005c"), '\n' => write!(f, "\\n"), '\r' => write!(f, "\\r"), '\t' => write!(f, "\\t"), '\u{08}' => write!(f, "\\b"), '\u{0c}' => write!(f, "\\f"), c => c.fmt(f), }? } Ok(()) } } /// Characters iterator. struct Chars(Peekable); impl>> Chars { fn peek(&mut self) -> Result, Error> { match self.0.peek() { None => Ok(None), Some(Ok(c)) => Ok(Some(*c)), Some(Err(_)) =>, } } fn next(&mut self) -> Result, Error> { } } /// Lexer position. #[derive(Default)] struct Position { span: Span, last_span: Span, } impl Position { fn current(&self) -> Span { self.span } fn end(&self) -> Span { self.span.end().into() } fn last(&self) -> Span { self.last_span } } /// Lexer. /// /// Changes a character iterator into a `Token` iterator. pub struct Lexer>, E> { chars: Chars, pos: Position, lookahead: Option>, } impl>, E> Lexer { pub fn new(chars: C) -> Self { Self { chars: Chars(chars.peekable()), pos: Position::default(), lookahead: None, } } } impl>> Lexer { fn peek_decoded_char(&mut self) -> Result, Meta, Span>> { self.chars.peek().err_at(|| self.pos.end()) } fn peek_char(&mut self) -> Result, Meta, Span>> { self.peek_decoded_char() .map(|c| } fn next_char(&mut self) -> Result, Meta, Span>> { match|| self.pos.end())? { Some(c) => { self.pos.span.push(c.len()); self.pos.last_span.clear(); self.pos.last_span.push(c.len()); Ok(Some(*c)) } None => Ok(None), } } fn expect_char(&mut self) -> Result, Span>> { self.next_char()? .ok_or_else(|| Meta(Error::Unexpected(None), self.pos.end())) } fn skip_whitespaces(&mut self) -> Result<(), Meta, Span>> { while let Some(c) = self.peek_char()? { if c.is_whitespace() { self.next_char()?; } else if c == '#' { self.next_comment()?; } else { break; } } self.pos.span.clear(); Ok(()) } /// Parses the rest of a comment, after the first `#` character. /// /// Comments in N-Quads take the form of `#`, /// outside an IRIREF or STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE, /// and continue to the end of line (EOL) or end of file /// if there is no end of line after the comment marker. fn next_comment(&mut self) -> Result<(), Meta, Span>> { loop { if matches!(self.next_char()?, None | Some('\n')) { break Ok(()); } } } /// Parses the rest of a lang tag, after the first `@` character. fn next_langtag(&mut self) -> Result, Meta, Span>> { let mut tag = String::new(); loop { match self.peek_char()? { None => { if tag.is_empty() { return Err(Meta(Error::InvalidLangTag, self.pos.current())); } else { break; } } Some(c) => { if c.is_ascii_alphabetic() { tag.push(self.expect_char()?); } else if c.is_whitespace() || c == '-' { if tag.is_empty() { return Err(Meta(Error::InvalidLangTag, self.pos.current())); } else { break; } } else { self.next_char()?; return Err(Meta(Error::Unexpected(Some(c)), self.pos.last())); } } } } let mut empty_subtag = true; if let Some('-') = self.peek_char()? { tag.push(self.expect_char()?); loop { match self.peek_char()? { Some('-') if !empty_subtag => tag.push(self.expect_char()?), Some(c) if c.is_ascii_alphanumeric() => { empty_subtag = false; tag.push(self.expect_char()?) } Some(c) => { if c.is_whitespace() { if empty_subtag { return Err(Meta(Error::InvalidLangTag, self.pos.current())); } else { break; } } else { self.next_char()?; return Err(Meta(Error::Unexpected(Some(c)), self.pos.last())); } } None => { if empty_subtag { return Err(Meta(Error::InvalidLangTag, self.pos.current())); } else { break; } } } } } match LangTagBuf::new(tag) { Ok(tag) => Ok(Meta(tag, self.pos.current())), Err(_) => Err(Meta(Error::InvalidLangTag, self.pos.current())), } } /// Parses an IRI, starting after the first `<` until the closing `>`. fn next_iri(&mut self) -> Result, Meta, Span>> { let mut iri = String::new(); loop { match self.next_char()? { Some('>') => break, Some('\\') => { let span = self.pos.last(); let c = match self.next_char()? { Some('u') => self.next_uchar(span, 4)?, Some('U') => self.next_uchar(span, 8)?, unexpected => { return Err(Meta(Error::Unexpected(unexpected), self.pos.last())) } }; iri.push(c) } Some(c) => { if matches!( c, '\u{00}'..='\u{20}' | '<' | '>' | '"' | '{' | '}' | '|' | '^' | '`' | '\\' ) { return Err(Meta(Error::Unexpected(Some(c)), self.pos.last())); } iri.push(c) } None => return Err(Meta(Error::Unexpected(None), self.pos.end())), } } match IriBuf::new(iri) { Ok(iri) => Ok(Meta(iri, self.pos.current())), Err(e) => Err(Meta(Error::InvalidIriRef(e.0), self.pos.current())), } } fn next_uchar(&mut self, mut span: Span, len: u8) -> Result, Span>> { let mut codepoint = 0; for _ in 0..len { let c = self.expect_char()?; match c.to_digit(16) { Some(d) => codepoint = codepoint << 4 | d, None => return Err(Meta(Error::Unexpected(Some(c)), self.pos.last())), } } span.set_end(self.pos.current().end()); match char::try_from(codepoint) { Ok(c) => Ok(c), Err(_) => Err(Meta(Error::InvalidCodepoint(codepoint), span)), } } /// Parses a string literal, starting after the first `"` until the closing `"`. fn next_string_literal(&mut self) -> Result, Meta, Span>> { let mut string = String::new(); loop { match self.next_char()? { Some('"') => break, Some('\\') => { let span = self.pos.last(); let c = match self.next_char()? { Some('u') => self.next_uchar(span, 4)?, Some('U') => self.next_uchar(span, 8)?, Some('t') => '\t', Some('b') => '\u{08}', Some('n') => '\n', Some('r') => '\r', Some('f') => '\u{0c}', Some('\'') => '\'', Some('"') => '"', Some('\\') => '\\', unexpected => { return Err(Meta(Error::Unexpected(unexpected), self.pos.last())) } }; string.push(c) } Some(c) => { if matches!(c, '\n' | '\r') { return Err(Meta(Error::Unexpected(Some(c)), self.pos.last())); } string.push(c) } None => return Err(Meta(Error::Unexpected(None), self.pos.end())), } } Ok(Meta(string, self.pos.current())) } /// Parses a blank node label, starting after the first `_`. fn next_blank_node_label(&mut self) -> Result, Meta, Span>> { match self.next_char()? { Some(':') => { let mut label = String::new(); label.push('_'); label.push(':'); match self.next_char()? { Some(c) if c.is_ascii_digit() || is_pn_chars_u(c) => { label.push(c); let mut last_is_pn_chars = true; loop { match self.peek_char()? { Some(c) if is_pn_chars(c) => { label.push(self.expect_char()?); last_is_pn_chars = true } Some('.') => { label.push(self.expect_char()?); last_is_pn_chars = false; } _ if last_is_pn_chars => break, unexpected => { return Err(Meta( Error::Unexpected(unexpected), self.pos.last(), )) } } } Ok(Meta( unsafe { BlankIdBuf::new_unchecked(label) }, self.pos.current(), )) } unexpected => Err(Meta(Error::Unexpected(unexpected), self.pos.last())), } } unexpected => Err(Meta(Error::Unexpected(unexpected), self.pos.last())), } } pub fn consume(&mut self) -> Result, Span>, Meta, Span>> { self.skip_whitespaces()?; match self.next_char()? { Some('@') => Ok(self.next_langtag()?.map(|t| Some(Token::LangTag(t)))), Some('<') => Ok(self.next_iri()?.map(|t| Some(Token::Iri(t)))), Some('"') => Ok(self .next_string_literal()? .map(|t| Some(Token::StringLiteral(t)))), Some('_') => Ok(self .next_blank_node_label()? .map(|t| Some(Token::BlankNodeLabel(t)))), Some('.') => Ok(Meta(Some(Token::Dot), self.pos.current())), Some('^') => match self.next_char()? { Some('^') => Ok(Meta(Some(Token::Carets), self.pos.current())), unexpected => Err(Meta(Error::Unexpected(unexpected), self.pos.last())), }, None => Ok(Meta(None, self.pos.end())), unexpected => Err(Meta(Error::Unexpected(unexpected), self.pos.last())), } } #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] pub fn peek(&mut self) -> Result, Span>, Meta, Span>> { if self.lookahead.is_none() { if let Meta(Some(token), span) = self.consume()? { self.lookahead = Some(Meta::new(token, span)); } } match &self.lookahead { Some(Meta(token, span)) => Ok(Meta::new(Some(token), *span)), None => Ok(Meta::new(None, self.pos.end())), } } #[allow(clippy::type_complexity, clippy::should_implement_trait)] pub fn next(&mut self) -> Result, Span>, Meta, Span>> { match self.lookahead.take() { Some(Meta(token, span)) => Ok(Meta::new(Some(token), span)), None => self.consume(), } } } impl>> Tokens for Lexer { type Error = Error; fn peek(&mut self) -> Result, Span>, Meta, Span>> { self.peek() } fn next(&mut self) -> Result, Span>, Meta, Span>> { } fn begin(&mut self) -> Result, Span>> { self.skip_whitespaces()?; Ok(self.pos.current()) } fn last(&self) -> Span { self.pos.last_span } } impl>> Iterator for Lexer { type Item = Result, Meta, Span>>; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { match { Ok(Meta(Some(token), loc)) => Some(Ok(Meta::new(token, loc))), Ok(Meta(None, _)) => None, Err(e) => Some(Err(e)), } } } fn is_pn_chars_base(c: char) -> bool { matches!(c, 'A'..='Z' | 'a'..='z' | '\u{00c0}'..='\u{00d6}' | '\u{00d8}'..='\u{00f6}' | '\u{00f8}'..='\u{02ff}' | '\u{0370}'..='\u{037d}' | '\u{037f}'..='\u{1fff}' | '\u{200c}'..='\u{200d}' | '\u{2070}'..='\u{218f}' | '\u{2c00}'..='\u{2fef}' | '\u{3001}'..='\u{d7ff}' | '\u{f900}'..='\u{fdcf}' | '\u{fdf0}'..='\u{fffd}' | '\u{10000}'..='\u{effff}') } fn is_pn_chars_u(c: char) -> bool { is_pn_chars_base(c) || matches!(c, '_' | ':') } fn is_pn_chars(c: char) -> bool { is_pn_chars_u(c) || matches!(c, '-' | '0'..='9' | '\u{00b7}' | '\u{0300}'..='\u{036f}' | '\u{203f}'..='\u{2040}') }