# protobuf-codegen This crate contains protobuf code generator and a `protoc-gen-rust` `protoc` plugin. ## protoc-gen-rust `protoc-gen-rust` implements standard protobuf `protoc` plugin conventions. Probably you do not want to use it directly in Rust environment, there are easier to use alternatives: * [protoc-rust crate](https://github.com/stepancheg/rust-protobuf/tree/master/protoc-rust) which can be invoked programmatically from `build.rs` of your project which requires only `protoc` in `$PATH` but not `protoc-gen-rust`. * [protobuf-codegen-pure crate](https://github.com/stepancheg/rust-protobuf/tree/master/protobuf-codegen-pure) which behaves like protoc-rust, but does not depend on `protoc` binary ## But if you really want to use that plugin, here's the instruction (Note `protoc` can be invoked programmatically with [protoc crate](https://github.com/stepancheg/rust-protobuf/tree/master/protoc/)) 0) Install protobuf for `protoc` binary. On OS X [Homebrew](https://github.com/Homebrew/brew) can be used: ``` brew install protobuf ``` On Ubuntu, `protobuf-compiler` package can be installed: ``` apt-get install protobuf-compiler ``` Protobuf is needed only for code generation, `rust-protobuf` runtime does not use `protobuf` library. 1) Install `protoc-gen-rust` program (which is `protoc` plugin) It can be installed either from source or with `cargo install protobuf` command. 2) Add `protoc-gen-rust` to $PATH If you installed it with cargo, it should be ``` PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH" ``` 3) Generate .rs files: ``` protoc --rust_out . foo.proto ``` This will generate .rs files in current directory.