use nswrap; use nswrap::*; use rustix::fd::{FromRawFd, OwnedFd}; const _TMP_DIR: &str = "/tmp/nswrap.test/"; const _TMP_DIR1: &str = "/tmp/nswrap.test/test-1"; const _TMP_DIR2: &str = "/tmp/nswrap.test/test-2"; #[test] fn command_return_code() { let mut wrap = nswrap::Wrap::new_program("/bin/sh"); wrap.arg("-c"); wrap.arg("exit 25"); let status = wrap.status().unwrap(); assert_eq!(status.code().unwrap(),25); } #[test] fn command_return_code_2() { let mut wrap = nswrap::Wrap::new_program("/bin/sh"); wrap.args(vec!["-c","exit 25"]); let status = wrap.status().unwrap(); assert_eq!(status.code().unwrap(),25); } fn make_test_dir() { use std::fs; fs::remove_dir_all(_TMP_DIR); fs::create_dir_all(_TMP_DIR1).unwrap(); fs::create_dir_all(_TMP_DIR2).unwrap(); } #[test] // Create a bind mount and write files into it. // just to make sure mount namespace works correctly. fn bind_mount() { use std::fs::File; use std::io::prelude::*; make_test_dir(); let cb = || { use std::fs::File; util::unshare(util::CloneFlags::NEWNS).unwrap(); rustix::fs::mount(_TMP_DIR1, _TMP_DIR2, "", rustix::fs::MountFlags::BIND, "").unwrap(); let mut file = File::create(_TMP_DIR2.to_owned() + "/foo.txt").unwrap(); std::io::Write::write_all(&mut file, b"Hello, world!").unwrap(); return 0; }; let mut wrap = Wrap::new(); wrap.callback(cb).unshare(config::NamespaceType::User); wrap.spawn().unwrap().wait().unwrap(); // Check Result let mut file = File::open(_TMP_DIR1.to_owned() + "/foo.txt").unwrap(); let mut contents = String::new(); file.read_to_string(&mut contents).unwrap(); assert_eq!(contents, "Hello, world!"); } #[test] fn callback_return_value() { let cb = || { return 16; }; let mut wrap = Wrap::new(); wrap.callback(cb).unshare(config::NamespaceType::User); let ret = wrap.spawn().unwrap().wait().unwrap().code().unwrap(); assert_eq!(16, ret); } #[test] fn callback_return_value_in_thread() { use std::thread; let thread_join_handle = thread::spawn(move || { let cb = || { return 16; }; let mut wrap = Wrap::new(); wrap.callback(cb).unshare(config::NamespaceType::User); let ret = wrap.spawn().unwrap().wait().unwrap().code().unwrap(); ret }); assert_eq!(thread_join_handle.join().unwrap(), 16); } /// #[test] #[should_panic] fn panic_in_thread() { use std::thread; let thread_join_handle = thread::spawn(move || { let cb = || panic!(); let mut wrap = Wrap::new(); wrap.callback(cb).unshare(config::NamespaceType::User); let ret = wrap.status().unwrap(); ret // println!("{:?}", ret.wait_status) }); assert_eq!(thread_join_handle.join().unwrap().success(), true) } #[test] fn tmpfs_root_sandbox_mnt() { let cb = || { use std::path::Path; let p = Path::new("/bin/sh"); match p.exists() { true => return 16, false => return 32, }; }; let mut binding = Wrap::new(); let wrap = binding .callback(cb) .unshare(config::NamespaceType::User) .unshare(config::NamespaceType::Mount) .sandbox_mnt(true) .id_map_preset(config::IdMapPreset::Current); let ret = wrap.spawn().unwrap().wait().unwrap().code().unwrap(); assert_eq!(32, ret); } #[test] fn raw_child_pipe() { let (read_end, write_end) = rustix::pipe::pipe().unwrap(); let cb = move || { let mut newfd = unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(16) }; rustix::io::dup2(write_end, &mut newfd).unwrap(); // Old fd will be dropped! rustix::io::write(newfd, b"16").unwrap(); return 42; }; let mut binding = Wrap::new(); let wrap = binding .callback(cb) .unshare(config::NamespaceType::User) .unshare(config::NamespaceType::Mount) .sandbox_mnt(true) .id_map_preset(config::IdMapPreset::Current); let ret = wrap.spawn(); let ret = ret.unwrap().wait().unwrap().code().unwrap(); assert_eq!(ret, 42); let mut buf: [u8; 2] = *b"00"; rustix::io::read(read_end, &mut buf).unwrap(); assert_eq!(buf, *b"16"); }