use std::process::{Command, ExitStatus}; fn main() { // check if the repository is dirty (if there is any) let is_dirty = if let Ok(status) = Command::new("git") .args(["diff-index", "--quiet", "HEAD", "--"]) .status() { !status.success() } else { false }; // use environment variable for the git commit rev if set let git_rev = std::env::var("NTPD_RS_GIT_REV").ok(); // allow usage of the GITHUB_SHA environment variable during CI let git_rev = if let Some(gr) = git_rev { Some(gr) } else { std::env::var("GITHUB_SHA").ok() }; // determine the git commit (if there is any) let git_rev = if let Some(gr) = git_rev { Some(gr) } else { run_command_out("git", &["rev-parse", "HEAD"]) .ok() .map(|rev| { if is_dirty { format!("{}-dirty", rev) } else { rev } }) }; // use environment variable for the git commit date if set let git_date = std::env::var("NTPD_RS_GIT_DATE").ok(); // determine the date of the git commit (if there is any) let git_date = if let Some(gd) = git_date { Some(gd) } else if let Some(hash) = &git_rev { if is_dirty { run_command_out("date", &["-u", "+%Y-%m-%d"]).ok() } else { run_command_out( "git", &[ "show", "-s", "--date=format:%Y-%m-%d", "--format=%cd", hash, "--", ], ) .ok() } } else { None }; println!( "cargo:rustc-env=NTPD_RS_GIT_REV={}", git_rev.unwrap_or("-".to_owned()) ); println!( "cargo:rustc-env=NTPD_RS_GIT_DATE={}", git_date.unwrap_or("-".to_owned()) ); println!("cargo:rustc-rerun-if-changed=.git/HEAD"); } fn run_command(cmd: &str, args: &[&str]) -> std::io::Result<(String, ExitStatus)> { let res = Command::new(cmd).args(args).output()?; match String::from_utf8(res.stdout) { Ok(data) => Ok((data.trim().to_owned(), res.status)), Err(e) => Err(std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, e)), } } fn run_command_out(cmd: &str, args: &[&str]) -> std::io::Result { run_command(cmd, args).map(|(out, _)| out) }