# NAME `ntp-ctl` - management client for the ntpd-rs ntp-daemon process # SYNOPSIS `ntp-ctl` validate [`-c` *path*] \ `ntp-ctl` status [`-f` *format*] [`-c` *path*] \ `ntp-ctl` `-h` \ `ntp-ctl` `-v` # DESCRIPTION The `ntp-ctl` management client allows management of some aspects of the ntpd-rs daemon. Currently the management client only allows displaying the current status of the daemon and validating a configuration file for usage with the daemon. # OPTIONS `-c` *path*, `--config`=*path* : Path to the configuration file from which the observation socket address will be retrieved. If not specified this defaults to `/etc/ntpd-rs/ntp.toml`. `-f` *format*, `--format`=*format* : The output format for the status command. If not specified this defaults to *plain*. Alternatively the format *prometheus* is available to display the output in an OpenMetrics/Prometheus compatible format. `-h`, `--help` : Display usage instructions. `-v`, `--version` : Display version information. # COMMANDS `validate` : Checks if the configuration specified (or `/etc/ntpd-rs/ntp.toml` by default) is valid. `status` : Returns status information about the current state of the ntp-daemon that the client connects to. # SEE ALSO [ntp-daemon(8)](ntp-daemon.8.md), [ntp-metrics-exporter(8)](ntp-metrics-exporter.8.md), [ntp.toml(5)](ntp.toml.5.md)