# NAME `ntp-daemon` - ntpd-rs Network Time Protocol service daemon # SYNOPSIS `ntp-daemon` [`-c` *path*] [`-l` *loglevel*] \ `ntp-daemon` `-h` \ `ntp-daemon` `-v` # DESCRIPTION `ntp-daemon` is the Network Time Protocol (NTP) service daemon for ntpd-rs, an NTP implementation with a focus on security and stability. The `ntp-deamon` can be configured as both an NTP client and an NTP server. The daemon also works with the Network Time Security (NTS) protocol. Details of the configuration of the daemon and implementation details can be found in ntp.toml(5), where several concepts of the ntp-daemon are also explained. # OPTIONS `-c` *path*, `--config`=*path* : The configuration file path for the ntp-daemon where settings for the configuration of ntpd-rs are stored. If not specified the default configuration file is `/etc/ntpd-rs/ntp.toml`. `-h`, `--help` : Display usage instructions. `-l` *loglevel*, `--log-level`=*loglevel* : Change which log messages are logged to stdout. Available log levels are *trace*, *debug*, *info*, *warn* and *error* (from lower to higher priority). Only messages with the given priority and higher will be displayed. The default log level is *info*. `-v`, `--version` : Display version information. # SEE ALSO [ntp-ctl(8)](ntp-ctl.8.md), [ntp-metrics-exporter(8)](ntp-metrics-exporter.8.md), [ntp.toml(5)](ntp.toml.5.md)