# Release 0.4.6 (2024-06-27) - [Fixed compilation on `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnux32`.][312] **Contributors**: @cuviper, @ralphtandetzky, @yhx-12243 [312]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/312 # Release 0.4.5 (2024-05-06) - [Upgrade to 2021 edition, **MSRV 1.60**][292] - [Add `const ZERO` and implement `num_traits::ConstZero`][298] - [Add `modinv` methods for the modular inverse][288] - [Optimize multiplication with imbalanced operands][295] - [Optimize scalar division on x86 and x86-64][236] **Contributors**: @cuviper, @joelonsql, @waywardmonkeys [236]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/236 [288]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/288 [292]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/292 [295]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/295 [298]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/298 # Release 0.4.4 (2023-08-22) - [Implemented `From` for `BigInt` and `BigUint`.][239] - [Implemented `num_traits::Euclid` and `CheckedEuclid` for `BigInt` and `BigUint`.][245] - [Implemented ties-to-even for `BigInt` and `BigUint::to_f32` and `to_f64`.][271] - [Implemented `num_traits::FromBytes` and `ToBytes` for `BigInt` and `BigUint`.][276] - Limited pre-allocation from serde size hints against potential OOM. - Miscellaneous other code cleanups and maintenance tasks. **Contributors**: @AaronKutch, @archseer, @cuviper, @dramforever, @icecream17, @icedrocket, @janmarthedal, @jaybosamiya, @OliveIsAWord, @PatrickNorton, @smoelius, @waywardmonkeys [239]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/239 [245]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/245 [271]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/271 [276]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/276 # Release 0.4.3 (2021-11-02) - [GHSA-v935-pqmr-g8v9]: [Fix unexpected panics in multiplication.][228] **Contributors**: @arvidn, @cuviper, @guidovranken [228]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/228 [GHSA-v935-pqmr-g8v9]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/security/advisories/GHSA-v935-pqmr-g8v9 # Release 0.4.2 (2021-09-03) - [Use explicit `Integer::div_ceil` to avoid the new unstable method.][219] **Contributors**: @catenacyber, @cuviper [219]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/219 # Release 0.4.1 (2021-08-27) - [Fixed scalar divide-by-zero panics.][200] - [Implemented `DoubleEndedIterator` for `U32Digits` and `U64Digits`.][208] - [Optimized multiplication to avoid unnecessary allocations.][199] - [Optimized string formatting for very large values.][216] **Contributors**: @cuviper, @PatrickNorton [199]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/199 [200]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/200 [208]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/208 [216]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/216 # Release 0.4.0 (2021-03-05) ### Breaking Changes - Updated public dependences on [arbitrary, quickcheck][194], and [rand][185]: - `arbitrary` support has been updated to 1.0, requiring Rust 1.40. - `quickcheck` support has been updated to 1.0, requiring Rust 1.46. - `rand` support has been updated to 0.8, requiring Rust 1.36. - [`Debug` now shows plain numeric values for `BigInt` and `BigUint`][195], rather than the raw list of internal digits. **Contributors**: @cuviper, @Gelbpunkt [185]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/185 [194]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/194 [195]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/195 # Release 0.3.3 (2021-09-03) - [Use explicit `Integer::div_ceil` to avoid the new unstable method.][219] **Contributors**: @catenacyber, @cuviper # Release 0.3.2 (2021-03-04) - [The new `BigUint` methods `count_ones` and `trailing_ones`][175] return the number of `1` bits in the entire value or just its least-significant tail, respectively. - [The new `BigInt` and `BigUint` methods `bit` and `set_bit`][183] will read and write individual bits of the value. For negative `BigInt`, bits are determined as if they were in the two's complement representation. - [The `from_radix_le` and `from_radix_be` methods][187] now accept empty buffers to represent zero. - [`BigInt` and `BigUint` can now iterate digits as `u32` or `u64`][192], regardless of the actual internal digit size. **Contributors**: @BartMassey, @cuviper, @janmarthedal, @sebastianv89, @Speedy37 [175]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/175 [183]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/183 [187]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/187 [192]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/192 # Release 0.3.1 (2020-11-03) - [Addition and subtraction now uses intrinsics][141] for performance on `x86` and `x86_64` when built with Rust 1.33 or later. - [Conversions `to_f32` and `to_f64` now return infinity][163] for very large numbers, rather than `None`. This does preserve the sign too, so a large negative `BigInt` will convert to negative infinity. - [The optional `arbitrary` feature implements `arbitrary::Arbitrary`][166], distinct from `quickcheck::Arbitrary`. - [The division algorithm has been optimized][170] to reduce the number of temporary allocations and improve the internal guesses at each step. - [`BigInt` and `BigUint` will opportunistically shrink capacity][171] if the internal vector is much larger than needed. **Contributors**: @cuviper, @e00E, @ejmahler, @notoria, @tczajka [141]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/141 [163]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/163 [166]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/166 [170]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/170 [171]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/171 # Release 0.3.0 (2020-06-12) ### Enhancements - [The internal `BigDigit` may now be either `u32` or `u64`][62], although that implementation detail is not exposed in the API. For now, this is chosen to match the target pointer size, but may change in the future. - [No-`std` is now supported with the `alloc` crate on Rust 1.36][101]. - [`Pow` is now implemented for bigint values][137], not just references. - [`TryFrom` is now implemented on Rust 1.34 and later][123], converting signed integers to unsigned, and narrowing big integers to primitives. - [`Shl` and `Shr` are now implemented for a variety of shift types][142]. - A new `trailing_zeros()` returns the number of consecutive zeros from the least significant bit. - The new `BigInt::magnitude` and `into_parts` methods give access to its `BigUint` part as the magnitude. ### Breaking Changes - `num-bigint` now requires Rust 1.31 or greater. - The "i128" opt-in feature was removed, now always available. - [Updated public dependences][110]: - `rand` support has been updated to 0.7, requiring Rust 1.32. - `quickcheck` support has been updated to 0.9, requiring Rust 1.34. - [Removed `impl Neg for BigUint`][145], which only ever panicked. - [Bit counts are now `u64` instead of `usize`][143]. **Contributors**: @cuviper, @dignifiedquire, @hansihe, @kpcyrd, @milesand, @tech6hutch [62]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/62 [101]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/101 [110]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/110 [123]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/123 [137]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/137 [142]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/142 [143]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/143 [145]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/145 # Release 0.2.6 (2020-01-27) - [Fix the promotion of negative `isize` in `BigInt` assign-ops][133]. **Contributors**: @cuviper, @HactarCE [133]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/133 # Release 0.2.5 (2020-01-09) - [Updated the `autocfg` build dependency to 1.0][126]. **Contributors**: @cuviper, @tspiteri [126]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/126 # Release 0.2.4 (2020-01-01) - [The new `BigUint::to_u32_digits` method][104] returns the number as a little-endian vector of base-232 digits. The same method on `BigInt` also returns the sign. - [`BigUint::modpow` now applies a modulus even for exponent 1][113], which also affects `BigInt::modpow`. - [`BigInt::modpow` now returns the correct sign for negative bases with even exponents][114]. [104]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/104 [113]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/113 [114]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/114 **Contributors**: @alex-ozdemir, @cuviper, @dingelish, @Speedy37, @youknowone # Release 0.2.3 (2019-09-03) - [`Pow` is now implemented for `BigUint` exponents][77]. - [The optional `quickcheck` feature enables implementations of `Arbitrary`][99]. - See the [full comparison][compare-0.2.3] for performance enhancements and more! [77]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/77 [99]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/99 [compare-0.2.3]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/compare/num-bigint-0.2.2...num-bigint-0.2.3 **Contributors**: @cuviper, @lcnr, @maxbla, @mikelodder7, @mikong, @TheLetterTheta, @tspiteri, @XAMPPRocky, @youknowone # Release 0.2.2 (2018-12-14) - [The `Roots` implementations now use better initial guesses][71]. - [Fixed `to_signed_bytes_*` for some positive numbers][72], where the most-significant byte is `0x80` and the rest are `0`. [71]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/71 [72]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/72 **Contributors**: @cuviper, @leodasvacas # Release 0.2.1 (2018-11-02) - [`RandBigInt` now uses `Rng::fill_bytes`][53] to improve performance, instead of repeated `gen::` calls. The also affects the implementations of the other `rand` traits. This may potentially change the values produced by some seeded RNGs on previous versions, but the values were tested to be stable with `ChaChaRng`, `IsaacRng`, and `XorShiftRng`. - [`BigInt` and `BigUint` now implement `num_integer::Roots`][56]. - [`BigInt` and `BigUint` now implement `num_traits::Pow`][54]. - [`BigInt` and `BigUint` now implement operators with 128-bit integers][64]. **Contributors**: @cuviper, @dignifiedquire, @mancabizjak, @Robbepop, @TheIronBorn, @thomwiggers [53]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/53 [54]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/54 [56]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/56 [64]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/64 # Release 0.2.0 (2018-05-25) ### Enhancements - [`BigInt` and `BigUint` now implement `Product` and `Sum`][22] for iterators of any item that we can `Mul` and `Add`, respectively. For example, a factorial can now be simply: `let f: BigUint = (1u32..1000).product();` - [`BigInt` now supports two's-complement logic operations][26], namely `BitAnd`, `BitOr`, `BitXor`, and `Not`. These act conceptually as if each number had an infinite prefix of `0` or `1` bits for positive or negative. - [`BigInt` now supports assignment operators][41] like `AddAssign`. - [`BigInt` and `BigUint` now support conversions with `i128` and `u128`][44], if sufficient compiler support is detected. - [`BigInt` and `BigUint` now implement rand's `SampleUniform` trait][48], and [a custom `RandomBits` distribution samples by bit size][49]. - The release also includes other miscellaneous improvements to performance. ### Breaking Changes - [`num-bigint` now requires rustc 1.15 or greater][23]. - [The crate now has a `std` feature, and won't build without it][46]. This is in preparation for someday supporting `#![no_std]` with `alloc`. - [The `serde` dependency has been updated to 1.0][24], still disabled by default. The `rustc-serialize` crate is no longer supported by `num-bigint`. - [The `rand` dependency has been updated to 0.5][48], now disabled by default. This requires rustc 1.22 or greater for `rand`'s own requirement. - [`Shr for BigInt` now rounds down][8] rather than toward zero, matching the behavior of the primitive integers for negative values. - [`ParseBigIntError` is now an opaque type][37]. - [The `big_digit` module is no longer public][38], nor are the `BigDigit` and `DoubleBigDigit` types and `ZERO_BIG_DIGIT` constant that were re-exported in the crate root. Public APIs which deal in digits, like `BigUint::from_slice`, will now always be base-`u32`. **Contributors**: @clarcharr, @cuviper, @dodomorandi, @tiehuis, @tspiteri [8]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/8 [22]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/22 [23]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/23 [24]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/24 [26]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/26 [37]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/37 [38]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/38 [41]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/41 [44]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/44 [46]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/46 [48]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/48 [49]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/49 # Release 0.1.44 (2018-05-14) - [Division with single-digit divisors is now much faster.][42] - The README now compares [`ramp`, `rug`, `rust-gmp`][20], and [`apint`][21]. **Contributors**: @cuviper, @Robbepop [20]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/20 [21]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/21 [42]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/42 # Release 0.1.43 (2018-02-08) - [The new `BigInt::modpow`][18] performs signed modular exponentiation, using the existing `BigUint::modpow` and rounding negatives similar to `mod_floor`. **Contributors**: @cuviper [18]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/18 # Release 0.1.42 (2018-02-07) - [num-bigint now has its own source repository][num-356] at [rust-num/num-bigint][home]. - [`lcm` now avoids creating a large intermediate product][num-350]. - [`gcd` now uses Stein's algorithm][15] with faster shifts instead of division. - [`rand` support is now extended to 0.4][11] (while still allowing 0.3). **Contributors**: @cuviper, @Emerentius, @ignatenkobrain, @mhogrefe [home]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint [num-350]: https://github.com/rust-num/num/pull/350 [num-356]: https://github.com/rust-num/num/pull/356 [11]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/11 [15]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/15 # Prior releases No prior release notes were kept. Thanks all the same to the many contributors that have made this crate what it is!