# num-parse Generic, JavaScript-like parseInt() functions for Rust. This crate is intended to provide a fast and generic `parseInt()`-like implementation for Rust, which mostly follows the specification described in the [MDN parseInt() documentation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/parseInt). Likewise in JavaScript, a `parseFloat()`-like implementation for float-types is planned as well, therefore the crate has been named `num-parse` already, althought it currently provides `parse_int()` and variative functions only. ## parse_int(), parse_uint() `parse_int()` and `parse_uint()` are generic interfaces to parse integers from string. Whitespace in front of the parsed number is being ignored, same as anything beyond a valid number. ```rust use num_parse::*; assert_eq!(parse_uint::("+123 as i32 "), Some(123i32)); assert_eq!(parse_int::(" -123 as i32 "), Some(-123i32)); assert_eq!(parse_uint::("+123 as i64 "), Some(123i64)); assert_eq!(parse_int::(" -123 as i64 "), Some(-123i64)); assert_eq!(parse_int::(" - 1 is invalid "), None); assert_eq!( parse_uint::(" -123 as u64, parse_int() not available for this type "), None ); assert_eq!( parse_uint::(" 0xcafebabe triggers hex-mode parsing "), Some(3405691582usize) ); ```