# Security Policy

## Supported Versions

Security updates will be provided for the following versions:

| Version | Supported          |
| ------- | ------------------ |
| 0.2.x   | :white_check_mark: |
| 0.1.x   | :x:                |

## Reporting a Vulnerability

If you discover a security vulnerability in `num-quaternion`, please do not
open an issue. Instead, send a detailed report to the following:

**Email:** [num.quaternion@gmail.com](mailto:num.quaternion@gmail.com)

Please include the following information in your report:

- A detailed description of the vulnerability.
- Steps to reproduce the vulnerability.
- Any potential impacts or exploits.

We take security vulnerabilities seriously and will address them as quickly as possible.

We appreciate your help in maintaining the security of `num-quaternion`.