use core::scalar @name("Identity function") @description("Return the input value.") @example("id(8 kg)") fn id(x: A) -> A = x @name("Absolute value") @description("Return the absolute value $|x|$ of the input. This works for quantities, too: `abs(-5 m) = 5 m`.") @url("") @example("abs(-22.2 m)") fn abs(x: T) -> T @name("Square root") @description("Return the square root $\\sqrt\{x\}$ of the input: `sqrt(121 m^2) = 11 m`.") @url("") @example("sqrt(4 are) -> m") fn sqrt(x: D^2) -> D = x^(1/2) @name("Cube root") @description("Return the cube root $\\sqrt[3]\{x\}$ of the input: `cbrt(8 m^3) = 2 m`.") @url("") @example("cbrt(8 L) -> cm") fn cbrt(x: D^3) -> D = x^(1/3) @name("Square function") @description("Return the square of the input, $x^2$: `sqr(5 m) = 25 m^2`.") @example("sqr(7)") fn sqr(x: D) -> D^2 = x^2 @name("Rounding") @description("Round to the nearest integer. If the value is half-way between two integers, round away from $0$. See also: `round_in`.") @url("") @example("round(5.5)") @example("round(-5.5)") fn round(x: Scalar) -> Scalar @name("Rounding") @description("Round to the nearest multiple of `base`.") @example("round_in(m, 5.3 m)", "Round in meters.") @example("round_in(cm, 5.3 m)", "Round in centimeters.") fn round_in(base: D, value: D) -> D = round(value / base) × base @name("Floor function") @description("Returns the largest integer less than or equal to $x$. See also: `floor_in`.") @url("") @example("floor(5.5)") fn floor(x: Scalar) -> Scalar @name("Floor function") @description("Returns the largest integer multiple of `base` less than or equal to `value`.") @example("floor_in(m, 5.7 m)", "Floor in meters.") @example("floor_in(cm, 5.7 m)", "Floor in centimeters.") fn floor_in(base: D, value: D) -> D = floor(value / base) × base @name("Ceil function") @description("Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to $x$. See also: `ceil_in`.") @url("") @example("ceil(5.5)") fn ceil(x: Scalar) -> Scalar @name("Ceil function") @description("Returns the smallest integer multiple of `base` greater than or equal to `value`.") @example("ceil_in(m, 5.3 m)", "Ceil in meters.") @example("ceil_in(cm, 5.3 m)", "Ceil in centimeters.") fn ceil_in(base: D, value: D) -> D = ceil(value / base) × base @name("Truncation") @description("Returns the integer part of $x$. Non-integer numbers are always truncated towards zero. See also: `trunc_in`.") @url("") @example("trunc(5.5)") @example("trunc(-5.5)") fn trunc(x: Scalar) -> Scalar @name("Truncation") @description("Truncates to an integer multiple of `base` (towards zero).") @example("trunc_in(m, 5.7 m)", "Truncate in meters.") @example("trunc_in(cm, 5.7 m)", "Truncate in centimeters.") fn trunc_in(base: D, value: D) -> D = trunc(value / base) × base @name("Modulo") @description("Calculates the least nonnegative remainder of $a (\\mod b)$.") @url("") @example("mod(27, 5)") fn mod(a: T, b: T) -> T