use core::functions use core::strings use units::si use units::time use datetime::functions fn _human_join(a: String, b: String) -> String = if a == "" then b else if b == "" then a else "{a} + {b}" fn _prettier(str: String) -> String = if str_slice(clean_str, 0, 2) == "0 " then "" else if str_slice(clean_str, 0, 2) == "1 " then str_slice(clean_str, 0, str_length(clean_str) - 1) else clean_str where clean_str = str_replace(str, ".0 ", " ") fn _human_years(time: Time) -> String = "{(time -> years) / year |> floor} years" -> _prettier fn _human_months(time: Time) -> String = "{(time -> months) / month |> round} months" -> _prettier fn _human_days(time: Time) -> String = "{(time -> days) / day |> floor} days" -> _prettier fn _human_hours(time: Time) -> String = "{(time -> hours) / hour |> floor} hours" -> _prettier fn _human_minutes(time: Time) -> String = "{(time -> minutes) / minute |> floor} minutes" -> _prettier fn _precise_human_months(time: Time) -> String = "{(time -> months) / month } months" -> _prettier fn _precise_human_days(time: Time) -> String = "{(time -> days) / day } days" -> _prettier fn _precise_human_seconds(time: Time) -> String = "{(time -> seconds) / second} seconds" -> _prettier fn _human_recurse(t: Time, result: String, time_unit: String) -> String = if time_unit == "day" then _human_recurse((t -> day) - (t |> floor_in(day)), _human_join(result, t -> _human_days), "hour") else if time_unit == "hour" then _human_recurse((t -> hour) - (t |> floor_in(hour)), _human_join(result, t -> _human_hours), "minute") else if time_unit == "minute" then _human_recurse((t -> min) - (t |> floor_in(min)), _human_join(result, t -> _human_minutes), "second") else _human_join(result, (t |> round_in(ms)) -> _precise_human_seconds) fn _year_month_approx(t: Time) -> String = _human_join(the_years -> _human_years, t - the_years -> _human_months) where the_years = t |> floor_in(year) fn _human_manage_past(str: String, time: Time) = str_append(str, if time < 0 s then " ago" else "") fn _human_for_long_duration(human_days: String, human_years: String) -> String = "{human_days} (approx. {human_years})" fn _abs_human(time: Time) -> String = if time == 0 s then "0 seconds" else if time < 60 seconds then time -> _precise_human_seconds else if time < 2 months then _human_recurse(time, "", "day") else if time < 1 year then _human_for_long_duration(time -> _precise_human_days, (time |> round_in(month/10)) -> _precise_human_months) else if time < 100 years then _human_for_long_duration(time -> _precise_human_days, _year_month_approx(time)) else _human_for_long_duration(time -> _precise_human_days, time -> _human_years) @name("Human-readable time duration") @url("") @description("Converts a time duration to a human-readable string in days, hours, minutes and seconds.") @example("century/1e6 -> human", "How long is a microcentury?") fn human(time: Time) -> String = _human_manage_past(abs(time) -> _abs_human, time)